The Frequent "official" Origin Of My Recent Failures With Women


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I dont think a safe space is for people over seems to be college aged kids both male and female..I never heard it referred to as female vs male.
It's a place they go on campus when they are 'upset' to color and pet service dogs.
Oh, I guess I did not know there was such a place as I have been out of college along time. Actually, I was curious to what Exo meant by a safe space.


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Oh, I guess I did not know there was such a place as I have been out of college along time. Actually, I was curious to what Exo meant by a safe space.

Safe space I think has been co opted to now fit anything people want to refer as someone having it easy or in need or protective bubble from reality.


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Safe space I think has been co opted to now fit anything people want to refer as someone having it easy or in need or protective bubble from reality.
Is an actually physical space or is it a mental space you create in your mind?


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Is an actually physical space or is it a mental space you create in your mind?

It was an actual space they were making on college campuses for people to go and feel 'safe' from political arguments on campuses etc (I mean ridiculous) Now its been co opted to use to insult people mostly in politics to imply people need an emotional 'safe space' because they cant deal with their feels or cant deal with reality.


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Quite frankly I desagree. I don't feel cuddled for instance. I have to do all by myself, work two jobs, live in a super tiny appartment, cut my own hair:(
Only my friends help me if I really need to, and one of them may not be here for long... Life is very hard, and the fact I am a woman (under 30), does not seem to have brought me easy ways.
Think about those biker guys who white knighted you. That wouldnt have happened if you were a guy

Also you have no issues in dating.

About money you could always get a beta provider or do looks related work like cam modelling and stuff. Men have no such options. Its suceed or starve in a f*****g hole

Even in hair loss youre privileged. You have the wig option


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I knew you were going to talk about the bikers. Let me remind you the guy sent me death threatenings and send stuff to my employer who almost started an investigation on me! He almost killed m'y professionnal life. It was very violent and I am still paranoid I am going to lose my job. It was real troubles and I Lost 5 kg in less than a week. Seing me like that, friends of mine (who happen to be bikers - but it is not like Hells Angels, this crew is labelled "family"!) helped me, like brothers would have if I had brothers!

To be fair to Pas, if I was receiving death threats, my friends will help me too. Are you guys saying that your friends wouldn't help you in such a scenario? If yes, then you need to find better friends.

Also, Pas, I think what Exodus means is that as you are a good looking women, you can have innumerable white knights who are not even your friend for your rescue hoping you will date them someday as reward. The same white knights wouldn't help you if you were a man.


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Okay I get it now. BUT I am getting uglier and uglier as the hair loss progress, so not sure it applies to me. Plus I would never use men letting them think I am going to reward them. I don't have this kind of power and I could just not do that. I don't date bikers for white knight material. I am friend with a family crew and they offered to help me. Never once I dated on of them and I never will Lol. Some helped a girl who was being bullied at school by escorting her there. It worked! They like to white knight for free.

You are still beautiful enough to get several white knights chasing you. You don't use them but that option is available to you. Men don't even have that option.


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I knew you were going to talk about the bikers. Let me remind you the guy sent me death threatenings and send stuff to my employer who almost started an investigation on me! He almost killed m'y professionnal life. It was very violent and I am still paranoid I am going to lose my job. It was real troubles and I Lost 5 kg in less than a week. Seing me like that, friends of mine (who happen to be bikers - but it is not like Hells Angels, this crew is labelled "family"!) helped me, like brothers would have if I had brothers! I am desappointed you guys use this against me, like I am some kind of priviledge. It did not even occur to you that I had to ask Friends for help because I am alone precisely.

If I had lose my job, I would not have had the option of modelling on cam no (but maybe you were thinking prostitution...such a safe place). You think I look like a model!! Lol.

I can have issues dating, yes. I will certainly when my hair loss become too noticeable... I will wear the wig I can pay for. Wigs are available for men too! Truth is most of them would not put the effort of having to wear it.
You guys very much underestimate the nightmare it is for a girl to be balding... People are not kinder to you for that. At best they pity you. A woman, if she wants to have a paying job, must look good, present well !
as long as you aren't deformed men will white knight you and pay for your looks. its not an issue of being attractive enough.

i agree with you about how fucked up it is that a man who sent you death threats though. there are a lot of completely f*****g pathetic men out there , and even IF i know where they are coming from (ugly , cant get a date, etc) its still disgusting how entitled they are.

and its also true you are far from the average woman with the hair loss, so i'll take that into account. if you went without a wig it would be far more socially unacceptable

i won't deny theres issues with being a woman like not being taken serious and such but honestly i still think men have it worse. being seen as dispensable, having to prove ourselves, and take care of ourselves makes our lives almost inherently more difficult. it's do or die for us men.


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And thanks for the compliment but what I will look like in a year is unsure. My point being: it is a little unfair here to treat me like a normal good looking girl who can get all she wants. First, I had to work hard all my life to get anything, including when I was good looking fullhead. Secondly, I am f*****g balding ! Reminder of what FAGA looks like:
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Guys... C'mon! Tell me "wig" again like what's underneath does not exist anymore !
Is that how your hair looks?

Have you ever seen this clip?

She's pretty bald, but its hard to tell if the response is legit. Either way, she's the one who ends up attractive the good looking guy.


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Great cope material for women.

Seriously though, even if she didn't turn him down, which she might have done only for an ego boost, think about the relationship dynamic that they would have.

The guy is dating a bald girl, and unless he's a complete moron, he would realize sooner or later, no matter how sweet she is, that he's doing her a huge favor and that he holds most of the power in that relationship.

Think about the first difficulties they'll encounter in their relationship, the guy would most likely think at a point, "Gee I'm with her and she has no hair like almost any other woman, what an ungrateful brat!"

That's what I hated the most about the relationships I had before my hair transplant.

Sure I was sweet, funny, tall, I was a nice face but. But. The girl was still dating a bald guy while 99% of the guys my age out there had a full head of hair. I was deficient, and they knew it, any mistake I would make, they'd become bitchy and started hating me because they felt like they had settled for someone who clearly is "less than", no matter how you look at it.

That's how a guy dating a bald girl will feel at a point or another. Yes, it's terrible but it's human, and there's nothing you can do about it.

Besides, no one should take YouTube videos like these too seriously, 9 times out of 10, they're staged and designed to shock and to pretend that reality is not as we think it is.

"Look! That bald woman should be rejected by that man, but the opposite happens!" Come on now, great exception, great actors, but we all know what happens in 99% of cases.
Have you seen this show before? Its called first dates and a lot of Brits go on it. Its just a bunch of blind dates that are filmed over a period of a few months - its hugely popular here.

As for the woman - I genuinely think she's attractive. With hair she'd be about a 7 and without hair I think she'd be around a 6.

Its hard to tell whether most men will date her because if you ask people they will say yes in case they say shallow. But still, I imagine a lot of people would genuinely date her because she's still pretty.


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To be fair to Pas, if I was receiving death threats, my friends will help me too. Are you guys saying that your friends wouldn't help you in such a scenario? If yes, then you need to find better friends.

Also, Pas, I think what Exodus means is that as you are a good looking women, you can have innumerable white knights who are not even your friend for your rescue hoping you will date them someday as reward. The same white knights wouldn't help you if you were a man.

He said IN spite of womens genetics...he did not say 'good looking' women he said ALL women.


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Its worse for a woman. Its seen as taboo, unnatural. A lot of people would associate a young woman losing her hair as an illness. As much as men's hair loss is mocked and belittled, its still considered "normal" by society. The main positive for women is that wigs are considered acceptable for them. Wig on a man is seen as pathetic. The big positive for men is that the vast majority can get transplants - much better than a wig. Female transplants are rare and difficult.

In the eyes of society, men are "supposed" to go bald. Women aren't.


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yes any non deformed woman will have men worshipping her

your logic makes no sense to me

I see a lot of coddled young men. Living at home, rents compensated, etc.

You are only associating this with male female relationships.

there are many women who are average to below average who cant trade looks for money.

this is what you consider to be worshiping monetary it seems.

if a women 4 goes out with a 3 guy shes still going to have to pay her way in life.

and an 8 woman who goes wit a 6 for his 'money'...well he is trading his money for her looks and she has to have sex with someone she does not desire...that sounds like 'work' to me does not sound like being coddled.

we can get nuanced situation by situation, field of work by field of work...but you statement is not accurate across board.


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That's why almost all women will hide their hair loss in any way they can.

And there way more female hair loss sufferers than we think.

But because they choose to hide it, because they feel they have to hide it from society, people will always say:

"But women don't go bald!" Yes they do, and the general public has to be aware of it, because it makes women who go bald feel even more alien and depressed.

It really grinds my gears when people say that, I explain to them that they're wrong, and then a few months later, they'll f*****g say it again! Because their conditioning is so strong that they cannot even imagine women going bald, even after seeing the stats and the numerous testimonies out there.

Fast-forward a few months: "but, women don't go bald!"

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I see it a lot now...I see it in nail salon like crazy...2x now ...its a lot of asian workers and central american and i was noticing many are thinning in front (hair pulled back) then i noticed it a lot in middle aged women who were coming in and out...these women are not particularly attractive so probably invisible to most people.

I am not noticing it yet on a lot of hot young women so this can be part of it...they are not 'noticing' because many of the women getting it(Not all) are not noticeable to them so they dont register.

I would imagine young women getting it either takes a while to become noticeable or they are hiding it like crazy.