The Frequent "official" Origin Of My Recent Failures With Women


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Ah okay, I sincerely apologize to you. I though you were older.

Yeah, he comes across as being older.
The only thing which gives him away is his childish refusal to use capitalization.


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I Honestly Feel Like A 15 Year Old Still Lol.

Here's a secret: most of us (men) do.

I still watch cartoons. Still love pizza and chocolate. Still like to watch naked ladies.


My Regimen
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You Think I Come Across As An Older Guy? That Is A Compliment. I Honestly Feel Like A 15 Year Old Still Lol.


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At 23 I was hot and also poor (still not very rich! haha).

I was poor around that age too but my life was significantly better. I was in college, in my physical prime, surrounded by beautiful women and friends, partying every day. All those women were broke too as they were also students. In short, I was in heaven back then.


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My Regimen
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I can't even imagine how that must have felt like. I can't even remember what it feels like to be truly, really happy.

Unfortunately, no matter what society says, you can't feel truly content and happy unless you are content with yourself. And how can you be content with yourself unless you like what you see in a mirror? When I looked at mirror in my physical prime, I liked what I saw, hence I was always in a very high confidence, hopeful and happy mental state. It's not even about getting women or impressing others. It's about being content with your very being. I am sorry Dante.


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Unfortunately, no matter what society says, you can't feel truly content and happy unless you are content with yourself. And how can you be content with yourself unless you like what you see in a mirror?

Very good point. Explains why I've been unhappy my whole life.


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What about when you were a full head?

At my lowest points i cope by reminiscing haha

I started losing hair when I was 12, so I was never really an adult full head.
Also, my teeth were messed up, missing teeth in *front*, the rest crooked.
Always been a deformed freak.