The Frequent "official" Origin Of My Recent Failures With Women


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LOOOOL so just accidentally found my old myspace guys lmao. Dat full head and general demeanour i had back then . . . . :'(

So obviously a happier person
If your 15 year old self saw you know what would he say?


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He has been antagonising first though, can't blame people for eventually saying something back. They tried to reason with him. You're ignoring the fact that Karankaran himself has admitted that he is taking his frustration out on forum members, including me. That in itself means it's a mute point concerning homophobia on the forum.

Yes fair point I've seen him do this but again, I think it's because he's coming from a dark place.


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My mum told me AGAIN I had mental illness ans was putting stories together tout get attention. "Of course you are not going to wear a wig! Your hair are going to grow back, don't you know how bad if is to wear a wig?"

Just kill me now people!

OMG we are so similar! My parents told me the EXACT same thing!! For the first f*****g YEARS of my baldness they told me it was all in my head, and that I was suffering from mental illness. It's like they couldn't believe I was possibly right, they had to be right, of course I was not losing my hair, how could a girl lose her hair?!


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This is just heartbreaking to read.

When I read such nonsense it makes me want to smash things and to yell in these people's face.

"Women don't go bald, stop trying to get attention, your hair will grow back!"

You could drag them to the most reputable dermatologist in the world, have him tell them that they're wrong, and these people would still deny it.

They'd come out of their office and be like "But, women don't go bald!"

Imagine having to deal with this for f*****g years and having numerous DOCTORS tell you you're crazy and won't go bald. One even told me he'd give up his practice if I was right and went bald, well look at me f*****g NOW you lunatic. Who's crazy now? :p


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That is just so true ! People just can not accept it! As a girl, I deal with this tabou quite often. I finally told one if my female coworker that I was losing my hair and probably would have to wear a wig as, like you all know and I am sorry to repeat that again here, meds make me fat.
Her answer : "OMG... No... No it can't be, you have to do something"
Pas : "don't you think I tried everything ! Lol"
Her: "then be fat. Everything but bald"
Pas : "mmm okay I got to go, nice talking to you"

My mum told me AGAIN I had mental illness ans was putting stories together tout get attention. "Of course you are not going to wear a wig! Your hair are going to grow back, don't you know how bad if is to wear a wig?"

Just kill me now people!

blackg will date you regardless of your weight status...


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My father was still telling me I probably had all my hair, just needed to grow it a bit, until I became completely slick bald in the NW5 area.

He just could not process it, his mind has always been telling him that I had hair, mainly because I didn't get a receding hair line and he did. To him no recession = no hair loss.

It's absolutely astounding how the human mind works. If people are convinced of something, you will not be able to snap them out of their willful blindness.

Only yesterday, my best fiend and I were talking about my childhood best friend who recently started losing his hair quite aggressively.

So I tell him: "I know his father, his uncles, and they're all like NW8."

His response? "He's losing it because he's always put a lot of gel in his hair."

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Lol that gif is so on point. Exactly how it feels, you just wanna scream like that in their face and f*****g make them understand. I have yelled at my parents MANY times and yet they STILL didn't want to accept reality. After all, doctors told me I wasn't going bald, how could I possibly be right and they wrong? LOL. At least they understand now. But I can never truly forgive them for not believing me.


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My father was still telling me I probably had all my hair, just needed to grow it a bit, until I became completely slick bald in the NW5 area.

He just could not process it, his mind has always been telling him that I had hair, mainly because I didn't get a receding hair line and he did. To him no recession = no hair loss.

It's absolutely astounding how the human mind works. If people are convinced of something, you will not be able to snap them out of their willful blindness.

Only yesterday, my best fiend and I were talking about my childhood best friend who recently started losing his hair quite aggressively.

So I tell him: "I know his father, his uncles, and they're all like NW8."

His response? "He's losing it because he's always put a lot of gel in his hair."

View attachment 56838

I was told for years i was imagining it by multiple people hair dresser, friends, doctors even my Mother when i showed her...NO ONE could see it because I started (thankfully) with such density that even when i started to lose it--it still looked thicker than a lot of was not until I hit 40 and my part actually started to widen in front people were like 'oh yeah i see it.'
Pissed me off because I did go to doctors and maybe IF they had put me on minoxidil or treatments then it would be better now...its not that bad yet but still its always better to catch it easy treat it early.


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She also tells me I am exagerating other health issues (I told you about).
Again, this could be me. It's infuriating and lonely to not be believed by the people you love. At least we believe you here, Pas :) Just hold your head up and keep doing what you feel is right! My parents wanted me to quit all my hair medications because ''they were just crap that wouldn't do anything'' but I stuck with it until I found out I was definitely not a responder. Do you, and if people don't like it then f*** them, simply! You're not wrong for being worried, it's only human, anyone would do in your situation. That's the thing, they don't understand because they're not in your shoes. If it were them, they'd do exactly what you're doing, trust me...


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Again, this could be me. It's infuriating and lonely to not be believed by the people you love. At least we believe you here, Pas :) Just hold your head up and keep doing what you feel is right! My parents wanted me to quit all my hair medications because ''they were just crap that wouldn't do anything'' but I stuck with it until I found out I was definitely not a responder. Do you, and if people don't like it then f*** them, simply! You're not wrong for being worried, it's only human, anyone would do in your situation. That's the thing, they don't understand because they're not in your shoes. If it were them, they'd do exactly what you're doing, trust me...

That was easier to cope with Chad next to you from the teens... A great number of people here do not have this privelege.


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Lol the doctor who told me he'd give up his practice also told me to use hand soap to wash my hair and my hair would stop falling out 0.o

Did that doctor look like him:



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Again, I am just not sure balding girls get to cope with Chads (if I understood your post correctly)... Not comparing boys and girls here,, but Ithink it is a misconception you have here, and unless a girl really is beautiful, it is very likely she get rejected over her hair loss...
I have said many times that this guy was not a Chad. Yeah I'm not incel like others here but I've had to deal with a lot regardless. So please spare me these comments (CFL)