The Frequent "official" Origin Of My Recent Failures With Women


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It is pretty complicated. I was harassed by an erotomaniac Guy I rejected. He threatened me in many ways. Bikers Friends helped me... So the guy linked things to my boss regarding political jokes I made with Friends on Fb. I work with far left people so...

So many questions.


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It is pretty complicated. I was harassed by an erotomaniac Guy I rejected. He threatened me in many ways. Bikers Friends helped me... So the guy linked things to my boss regarding political jokes I made with Friends on Fb. I work with far left people so...

If it were the USA, I would tell you to get a restraining order, and call a civil litigation lawyer.


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I was harassed by an erotomaniac Guy I rejected. He threatened me in many ways. Bikers Friends helped me.

i hope it looked something like this



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No love for GoT in here?

I love GOT. My top shows in no particular order are:

The Flash
Breaking Bad
House of Cards
Daredevil (only season 1)

Those of you who haven't tried Lucifer, give it a shot. Fantastic show. Very addictive. I tried watching The Wire and Sopranos but couldn't get past the first episode. Just got bored. May be if I watched a couple of episodes, I would start to get into them. However, they were definitely not like my other favorite shows like GOT or Lucifer that got me hooked in the very first episode.


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I love GOT. My top shows in no particular order are:

The Flash
Breaking Bad
House of Cards
Daredevil (only season 1)

Those of you who haven't tried Lucifer, give it a shot. Fantastic show. Very addictive. I tried watching The Wire and Sopranos but couldn't get past the first episode. Just got bored. May be if I watched a couple of episodes, I would start to get into them. However, they were definitely not like my other favorite shows like GOT or Lucifer that got me hooked in the very first episode.

The Wire takes a few episodes in my opinion.


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It was only jokes and it is private life! I don't have to justify myself and I made it clear. I could sew my employer if he fired me for that. He actually proposed me to renew m'y contract. But I keep being careful until it is really done. Such a democratic free speech country !

This is why I don't like to add people on Facebook who are even remotely linked to my workplace. I have added a couple of my co-workers but they are more like my friends who know all about my political views and also my personal life.

Welcome back btw.


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It is pretty complicated. I was harassed by an erotomaniac Guy I rejected. He threatened me in many ways. Bikers Friends helped me... So the guy linked things to my boss regarding political jokes I made with Friends on Fb. I work with far left people so...

I am so sorry that happened to you that is awful.

something like this happened in a private, professional group I am in on Facebook to one of the moderators. It is 95% union artisans from film and theater and a few young up and comers not in the union yet...You can't join without permission of moderators. It's a private group. And some of these young people are really, really stupid and lost their minds and probably fucked themselves with rabbit reactions to things that in the big picture don't matter. They attacked a moderator who posted a rape joke--to highlight how it was offensive--and he was attacked for posting the offensive thing he commented that was offensive...I mean that is illogical. It went on for days this post and the rapid fire comments of people.

I struggle calling these people 'left' personally because if you are left of Bernie Sanders--are you even still 'left' anymore? I honestly don't know.
IATSE for most part is pretty left minded people some center, (mostly speaking), so its hard for me to view these young anarchists as 'left' even though they are considered to be so--it's not my definition of left which I guess is changing as feminism seems to be changing/morphing.

They are hyper offended and they don't just attack in a 'debate' or argument (most people i know can handle a debate or argument, they don't mind that) they start to post sh*t on the man's personal wall purposely misrepresenting him for some kind of spite and it was crazy.

He booted them out of the group and then was criticized for booting them out of the group by a few early 20 something..He explained why he booted them out because they went on to his personal wall and said nasty sh*t to his friends and family--reasonable but they still criticized him as suppressing free speech (I mean LOL) It is just dumb.
They fucked themselves to be honest in my opinion.

I can go into more nuanced detail of what happened but its probably too long to read.
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Sopranos is fantastic, it's very authentic in many ways.
What I like about The Soprano's is that it is obviously shot in the New Jersey area.
This, to me, is one of the major factors in its authenticity.

The produce didn't go the cheaper rout and shoot it out West where even the look of the clear California sky is so much different then Jersey.