The Frequent "official" Origin Of My Recent Failures With Women

ahmed wolf

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The refugee crisis in Libya is quite massive. Ghadaffi was both policing the border and providing jobs for Black Africans in Libya, there was a nice economy and social safety net there, @ahmed wolf who lives in Libya can confirm to you that the country went to sh*t after the western intervention, which was led by France, Britain, and Hillary Clinton. There was opposition from Germany and Robert Gates, but they lost the internal debate among the NATO leadership.

The Syrian civil war would be over if the west had sided with Assad/Russia who are the only side capable of restoring order. Instead they keep intervening on the side of the rebels (ISIS). Note that some of these rebels are Libya veterans.

Western policy in the middle east is damaging the west, no doubt about it. But at least a few people (defense contractors, oil companies, london financial sector, etc) are getting rich, so who cares about the human cost? Certainly nobody in power.

"Needing help" is irrelevant. Right now, Western ally Saudi Arabia is committing far worse war crimes in Yemen, and it's drawing near-zero criticism.
I guess by saying "restoring order" you are actually using a euphemism for the unspeakable reprisals to be meted out by the Assad regime if your scenario actually eventuated?
Another refugee crises in the making.

Also, the opposition and rebellion were already underway in Libya months before western intervention.
You know this, I'm sure.

I also don't have to describe to you what would have happened in Libya if Ghadaffi's army and air force were left to rule.

Civilians and ad hoc militias, in any country, obviously don't have the weaponry to match the state.

Hence, in these two cases, the need for more western assistance.
loooool plz just plz id u don't know wtf ur talking about then dont
if gaddafi still rules i will still getting paid 2000 ly dinnars a month and 5-7k when i spend a a month or 2 in one of the oils field that isis destroyed sick ppl will still getting free meds from the government hungry ppl will still get food supplies from the government safety of the country would still be intact we will still take our monthly paycheck on time food will still be dirt chep foreign currency would still be cheap when we travel out side of libya ppl would still respect us cuz of gaddafi so go do ur god damn homework before talk sh*t u in bangazi they f*****g attacked a military base what did u expected from the soldiers to do u expect them to open the base and let the rebls/terrorist to take the guns ??
f*** if that happens in us or uk i bet they will kill them all
plz @David_MPN showed them truth cuz i dont want to be in these fourms lol


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Damn, I had hoped you were just imagining your heart troubles.

I know I'm prying, but could you give a short description of your hear condition? Will you need surgery?

I've known a couple of people with heart surgery. They've been living full lives for years.

I'd rather not discuss it, especially since the doctors are still unsure exactly what's going on. I was given a diagnose but that was resolved, but there is still an issue we have no answers to.


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No, it's done to better western interests, such as in international finance, weapons sales, and oil production. Almost all foreign policy worldwide, by all countries, in all of human history, is due to the pursuit of self-interest, or rather perceived national self-interest.

Compassion is just a supporting argument to sway people.

So true. People have this innate belief that the 'West' are the good guys. That it is us, the saviours of the planet, going around trying to improve the lives of others. It is an extremely narrow minded view of the world. Everything has and always will be a battle for resources. We live in the soccer mom era, where every single event and action perpetrated by the West is dressed up in some way to appeal to the good-will of the masses.


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That's not true for everyone, physical exercise always made me more anxious, bitter and frustrated. I haven't done any for so long I'd probably have a stroke if I tried anything anyway.

Those psychological issues will get in the way of you enjoying the other benefits.

Exercise becomes more and more beneficial as you get older. I hope you can eventually find something that works for you.

How's your balance, flexibility, coordination, and reaction time?


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How's your balance, flexibility, coordination, and reaction time?
Nobody cares about that sh*t anyway. Nobody cares about anything tbh its all about looks,money,status everything else is irrelevant.

I did it nobody cared and became depressed.

Only reason he should do it is to optimize brain chemistry, because finasteride fucks up mine aswell.


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Nobody cares about that sh*t anyway. Nobody cares about anything tbh its all about looks,money,status everything else is irrelevant.

I did it nobody cared and became depressed.

Only reason he should do it is to optimize brain chemistry, because finasteride fucks up mine aswell.

I was asking from a physical health standpoint, not an "attracting women" standpoint.

That stuff is good for you and can be helpful to enjoy life.

Try and go skiing with poor balance.

And skiing should be for you, not to attract women.


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That stuff is good for you and can be helpful to enjoy life.
Your post is cope. I feel as if my life never begun. Skiing is for you LUL. I did competitive sports although I liked it I still realize it was just cope.


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Your post is cope. I feel as if my life never begun. Skiing is for you LUL. I did competitive sports although I liked it I still realize it was just cope.
Men really do need good balance and coordination to do a lot of things in life. Even sex!
The ladies on this site can attest to this, I'm sure.


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Men really do need good balance and coordination to do a lot of things in life. Even sex!
The ladies on this site can attest to this, I'm sure.
The ladies consider all of us invisible. They only occasionally go to an ltr because they were rejected by chad and or to find beta cuck provider. It's over.