The Frequent "official" Origin Of My Recent Failures With Women


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a woman's value is still more tied to her looks than it is for male though the divide has got much smaller recently

i would be a 10/10 male over 10/10 female any day



and apart from looks male's life is 100 times easier and satisfying than female's one


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But we're cool (seriously I was scared in the US, people take themselvew way too seriously) and we have cheap FUE's.

Socialism is getting abused by lazy leeches though. In the US, it's the other extreme: one small mistake and your life becomes hell.

Here you can do f*** all and still have the State take care of you.

How many years have you lived and worked in the US?

In my experience living and working in both places, people don't take themselves more seriously in the US. In fact a whole lot of people there don't take much at all seriously. Same may be true for Europe. In areas as diverse as Europe and the US, mass generalizations and stereotypes like this don't work.


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A few interesting videos on social justice, socialism

I would love to have done Margaret Thatcher in her youth. She was hot!


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I'm still sitting here in awe of this life @Wolf Pack leads

Expendable 9/10's

What he has has been my deepest desire since I hit puberty. And still, a year and half away from 30, I yearn for it. But alas, it is not available to me. It would require a miraculous transformation of aesthetics, or for every man above me in looks to disappear from the face of the earth.

I like you @Wolf Pack . I really do think you're a good guy. But I also don't think you fully grasp the gravity of what you have. It's an astounding thing, and totally incomprehensible and unrelatable for 99.99% of men. Even Chad is cucked by the gravitational pull you have on women
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I'm still sitting here in awe of this life @Wolf Pack leads

What he has has been my deepest desire since I hit puberty. And still, a year and half away from 30, I yearn for it. But alas, it is not available to me. It would require a miraculous transformation of aesthetics, or for every man above me in looks to disappear from the face of the earth.

I like you @Wolf Pack . I really do think you're a good guy. But I also don't think you fully grasp the gravity of what you have. It's an astounding thing, and totally incomprehensible and unrelatable for 99.99% of men. Even Chad is cucked by the gravitational pull you have on women

I don't think what wolf pack has everything to do with looks. I have a cousin back in India who has similar impact on women. He is good looking but I wouldn't call him a chad. In fact, I was considered significantly better looking than him. I don't know what is it about him but it's like he is attuned to some frequency that women are very receptive to. His social intelligence is off the charts and women and men both become immediately comfortable around him. It may be his body language or the thing he says, I am not really sure. He is only 5'7 and gf's of 6'2 model tier guys were cheating on them with him. Even newly married women were eager to f*** him.

I usually don't give my cousins example on this forum because people here are extremely looks focused.


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I don't think what wolf pack has everything to do with looks. I have a cousin back in India who has similar impact on women. He is good looking but I wouldn't call him a chad. In fact, I was considered significantly better looking than him. I don't know what is it about him but it's like he is attuned to some frequency that women are very receptive to. His social intelligence is off the charts and women and men both become immediately comfortable around him. It may be his body language or the thing he says, I am not really sure. He is only 5'7 and gf's of 6'2 model tier guys were cheating on them with him. Even newly married women were eager to f*** him.

I usually don't give my cousins example on this forum because people here are extremely looks focused.
The last 5 years the standards have gone up 20%-30% due to online dating. Whatever outliers are now gone. RIP.


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I am not seeing it.....

I guess he realy likes conservative values and an English Accent?

View attachment 53473

Yeah, young Thatcher doesn't look all that great (although she does have a mischievous look on her face ... she would be adventurous in bed). I should have said middle aged?



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