The Frequent "official" Origin Of My Recent Failures With Women


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@hairblues I prefer Thatcher by a wide margin.

I have a thing for elegance. Katrell looks super trashy in that pic


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Yeah, young Thatcher doesn't look all that great (although she does have a mischievous look on her face ... she would be adventurous in bed). I should have said middle aged?



Would never bang, regardless of age


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I'd break my girly wrists if I punched someone, and with my dislocated shoulder I can barely lift and carry a 20 kg luggage with both hands.

That is why Sunchy said kick, and not punch



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LOL I'd probably break my hip with much less effort.

ok ill kick the sh*t out them. you can just watch and laugh

anyone that messes with us dante, anyone that mocks our ugly baldness, anyone that laughs at our pale heads are going down

me and u are gonna start a f*****g bald revolution my friend.

this is a turning point in history. me and you are the gonna change the world. this is our fight club. people will look back and say this is where it all started. in the summer of 2017 when dante came to england and formed an alliance with a fellow balding and handsome englishman called sunchyme.

this is our time


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ok ill kick the sh*t out them. you can just watch and laugh

anyone that messes with us dante, anyone that mocks our ugly baldness, anyone that laughs at our pale heads are going down

me and u are gonna start a f*****g bald revolution my friend.

this is a turning point in history. me and you are the gonna change the world. this is our fight club. people will look back and say this is where it all started. in the summer of 2017 when dante came to england and formed an alliance with a fellow balding and handsome englishman called sunchyme.

this is our time

Wingman him and get him some prime English baes too.


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LOL Here in Italy they actually go get those "migrants" right on the Libyan coast. Thousands upon thousands of people coming to my country every month, with no serious controls. All because of money, damn ONGs, they thrived in a corrupted country such as Italy. A terrorist attack is bound to happen unfortunately, and the poor will pay for such misdeeds.

In addition to terrorist attacks, Islam is a serious threat to the European civilization. There was a time when regions known as Afghanistan and Pakistan were predominantly Hindu/Buddhists. Islam came and eventually exterminated those religions and now these once culturally rich and tolerant countries are terrorist hell holes. I often wonder, do European and American elites not worry about the future of their children? Future generations will spit on the graves of these elites. When it was time to fight barbarians, these elites were colluding with them and bragging to others how "liberal" and "open minded" they are.


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. I often wonder, do European and American elites not worry about the future of their children?

They don't plan on having children (cf. Merkel).


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They're idiots, and I fear European civilization is too corrupt, weak and idle to save itself and properly fight the cancer of islam and the incoming invasion. These elites should pay with their lives for being the architect of our civilization's death. Thousands of years of sacrifice, history, culture, rights, art, politics and war are being thrown away in a matter of decades.

The Roman Empire curiosly began its decline in a quite similar fashion.
In addition to terrorist attacks, Islam is a serious threat to the European civilization. There was a time when regions known as Afghanistan and Pakistan were predominantly Hindu/Buddhists. Islam came and eventually exterminated those religions and now these once culturally rich and tolerant countries are terrorist hell holes. I often wonder, do European and American elites not worry about the future of their children? Future generations will spit on the graves of these elites. When it was time to fight barbarians, these elites were colluding with them and bragging to others how "liberal" and "open minded" they are.

I see white elites as only worried about their money. Their focus appears to be to cripple (liquidate) the white middle class and turn them all into peasants, keeping the change for themselves.

That does strike me as a stupid plan as in the long run it empowers China and Arabia, yet they're still going through with it.


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I see white elites as only worried about their money. Their focus appears to be to cripple (liquidate) the white middle class and turn them all into peasants, keeping the change for themselves.

That does strike me as a stupid plan as in the long run it empowers China and Arabia, yet they're still going through with it.

"That does strike me as a stupid plan as in the long run it empowers China and Arabia, yet they're still going through with it."

The idea of a grand globalist conspiracy to crush the middle class, perpetuate wage slavery and lower purchasing power is a nice idea, but unfortunately our leaders are just out of touch with reality, just like the 9/10 norwood 10 males we know. When you're living in a mansion, collecting millions in donor money and surrounded by armed guards, personal safety and the plight of the middle class aren't exactly at the forefront of your mind.

Same problem with the so called Liberals in New York. REALITY and the world around you doesn't matter a whole lot when you have a norwood 1, you're living in a million dollar condo and your dad is an investment banker.


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"That does strike me as a stupid plan as in the long run it empowers China and Arabia, yet they're still going through with it."

The idea of a grand globalist conspiracy to crush the middle class, perpetuate wage slavery and lower purchasing power is a nice idea, but unfortunately our leaders are just out of touch with reality, just like the 9/10 norwood 10 males we know. When you're living in a mansion, collecting millions in donor money and surrounded by armed guards, personal safety and the plight of the middle class aren't exactly at the forefront of your mind.

Same problem with the so called Liberals in New York. REALITY and the world around you doesn't matter a whole lot when you have a norwood 1, you're living in a million dollar condo and your dad is an investment banker.

It doesn't need to be an efficiently organized conspiracy to be what's happening. It can just emerge from underlying social forces as well as openly-discussed strategies.


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The other day, one of my new colleagues (young attractive girl) said that the Islamic terrorist attacks had nothing to do with hating our values and culture since some Muslims died in a few of the attacks. And therefore, all the other Muslims must be good people since they are targeted too.

"In the metro station Maelbeek, a few Muslims were killed too! So you see that the rest of the Muslims have nothing to do with it!"

"They still chose the station at the heart of European neighborhood, the whitest metro station you could pick in Brussels."

Lol, Muslim terrorists clearly target other Muslims.

I didn't really get her logic. Of course there will almost always be Muslim victims, it's inevitable in a city like Brussels.

She got a little bit upset, like I was saying nonsense.

I'm sorry but my best friend is Muslim and if tomorrow, they told me that he blew himself up, I would only be half-surprised.

I've heard him say that it's OK to slash someone's face if they are racist to you, that Arab people are discriminated against all the time (the guy's an executive in his company for god's sake). I've neer heard him condemn Islamic terrorism, he's always like "That's how it is, it doesn't concern me."

You know that they all quietly agree with these attacks. Remember the times Muslims protested against all these vile crimes done in their names?

Me neither.
Islam is a trash religion filled with extremely shitty inbred people, it just doesn't fit in the west. Saying otherwise is virtue signaling or ignorance. In order to be PC I can say that not absolutely every muslim is a inbred retard, but instead is brainwashed by family and upbringing.


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The other day, one of my new colleagues (attractive young girl) said that the Islamic terrorist attacks had nothing to do with hating our values and culture since some Muslims died in a few of the attacks. And therefore, all the other Muslims must be good people since they are targeted too.

is she aware of the Sunni-Shiite bloodshed?