This Whole Thing Reminds Me Of Racism And Discrimination


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When you're ugly, it makes no difference,. You can only stand by and watch you youth, the best years of your life passing by knowing you can't do anything to changge it.
Don't answer if you don't want but I am curios to know how ugly you are. I know you wont post a picture which is fine but are you uglier than these men:




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Don't answer if you don't want but I am curios to know how ugly you are. I know you wont post a picture which is fine but are you uglier than these men:

View attachment 51678

View attachment 51679

lol where u getting these pics from man?

dont worry about dante, he is full of sh*t

he aint no brad pitt, but he isnt a freak either. could easily improve himself if he wanted to but decides to just wallow in self pity.

narrow shoulders and small wrists. LMFAO

excuses excuses excuses


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lol where u getting these pics from man?

dont worry about dante, he is full of sh*t

he aint no brad pitt, but he isnt a freak either. could easily improve himself if he wanted to but decides to just wallow in self pity.

narrow shoulders and small wrists. LMFAO

excuses excuses excuses
Haha I just googled ugly young man.


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Obama's nobel peace prizes is one of the most ridiculous jokes I've ever seen.

I have a decent sense of humour in real life, I'm sure you do too. But in our entire lives, we will likely never make a joke as funny as Obama's Nobel Peace Prize.

only thing funnier is the 'lesser' of two evil' BS.
OR better yet there being only two equally bad choices in 2016 election between a man who inherited his Fathers business contacts and start up money wrongly being touted as 'self made' business man vs the most internationally politically experienced candidate since probably Richard Nixon or Bush Sr...

that and people thinking Trump would be an anti war Nationalist and better option over HRC because she would have taken us to WW3 with Russia--LOL now to me thats funny. I wonder if that was Russian propaganda BS that got circulated even to very intelligent and otherwise savy people in various political chat rooms.


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only thing funnier is the 'lesser' of two evil' BS.
OR better yet there being only two equally bad choices in 2016 election between a man who inherited his Fathers business contacts and start up money wrongly being touted as 'self made' business man vs the most internationally politically experienced candidate since probably Richard Nixon or Bush Sr...

that and people thinking Trump would be an anti war Nationalist and better option over HRC because she would have taken us to WW3 with Russia--LOL now to me thats funny. I wonder if that was Russian propaganda BS that got circulated even to very intelligent and otherwise savy people in various political chat rooms.

HRC has a lot of experience -- a lot of experience failing. Her tenure as secretary of state is one of failure, most notably in Libya, but also the Arab spring in general.

We have a poster on this forum who lives in Libya, you can ask him what he thinks. He speaks English as a second (or third) language, but he speaks well enough.


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dont worry about dante, he is full of sh*t

How dare you Sir!

Dante is super ugly just like he claims.

Just like his claim of being "so f*****g old" at 25, and his claim that he has a "quite poor knowledge of the English language".


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HRC has a lot of experience -- a lot of experience failing. Her tenure as secretary of state is one of failure, most notably in Libya, but also the Arab spring in general.

We have a poster on this forum who lives in Libya, you can ask him what he thinks. He speaks English as a second (or third) language, but he speaks well enough.

No offense to people of Libya but it's not my main priority when picking the leader of the free world or someone to over see the domestic policies that effect my country directly and also the lives of people I love.
Or even worse the supreme court.

She does have a lot of failure under another sitting President.

You still are not making a valid point in the 'there are no good choices argument' justification that so many use which is just bullshit to me.

Or the there is no 'lesser of two evils so therefore I will protest vote or not vote or hold my nose and vote for the big man-child bullshit artist with no actual policy just someone who is good at basic marketing techniques.

Show me a USA President or secretary of state for that matter and I will show you some failures that people hang there hate on to condemn.
You can name the most successful Presidents who have made many mistakes that make some people unhappy. Does not mean a 'man-child' would be the better choice.


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It definitely matters to me if they go around destroying a lot of innocent lives in the rest of the world.

Name a president in past 40 years who has not done that.

Carter maybe? I mean come on.


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Name a president in past 40 years who has not done that.

Carter maybe? I mean come on.

A searing indictment of establishment US politics.

There's no escaping committing war crimes.

2 million dead in Vietnam. Pinochet installed in Chile. 2 million dead in Iraq. Libya destroyed on a whim. They can't help themselves,

There's not a lot of hope. Young people today have fewer opportunities than their parents' did, and the next generation will have it worse. Mortality rates are skyrocketing, household debt is skyrocketing,

I'm cuddling my niece a lot this week and I worry for her future. She may not be able to attend college. It's sad.

Trump won't fix it, and HRC would not have either.


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You cannot look to politicians to fix a broken political system. My advice to people is pay your debts, stay healthy, stockpile a variety of assets (cash, stocks, gold, real estate, food reserves, etc), stay educated, and limit your liability. American civilization is in terminal decline as Rome was, and expecting anybody to fix thingg is as foolish as thinking that Rome could be fixed in 380 AD. You can only protect yourself and your loved ones.

Personally I long ago gave up hope on expecting change. I did shed a tear when Obama got elected in 2008 because it seemed historic, but ultimately he's a president that nobody will remember in 100 years. History is stronger than any one man. At this point I don't expect change and I certainly don't hope for change, I only think about politics in as much as it interests me to be a student of history.


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Trump won't fix it, and HRC would not have either.

She would not have made it worse and she would have done some things to definitely aid it. Decorates want to put in free tuition for some colleges so there is one problem that could have helped your niece...they also want to do a public option of health care--another thing that could have aided your niece. they wanted to put a non-originalist judge on supreme court that definitely would have aided working class people of your nieces generation since they dont tend to see corporations as 'people' as originalists mostly do.
Not to mention that Science is real and so is climate change and so are policies to help aid the progression. Mostly democratic.Democratic views on bankruptcy laws and credit card companies another democratic policy. small changes that make a big difference in peoples daily lives.

You are very intelligent intellectual guy but your view on politics in my opinion gets bogged down in idealism and not practicality.

All US presidents do fucked up sh*t because all leaders of the world in their times did fucked up sh*t.

Great Britain, Roman Empite etc.

I mean you are conflating the nature of men in power vs idealistic view points of what utopian society should be.

Cant make one person happy without making someone else unhappy.

Chain of events of life and decisions.


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You cannot look to politicians to fix a broken political system. My advice to people is pay your debts, stay healthy, stockpile a variety of assets (cash, stocks, gold, real estate, food reserves, etc), stay educated, and limit your liability. American civilization is in terminal decline as Rome was, and expecting anybody to fix thingg is as foolish as thinking that Rome could be fixed in 380 AD. You can only protect yourself and your loved ones.

Personally I long ago gave up hope on expecting change. I did shed a tear when Obama got elected in 2008 because it seemed historic, but ultimately he's a president that nobody will remember in 100 years. History is stronger than any one man. At this point I don't expect change and I certainly don't hope for change, I only think about politics in as much as it interests me to be a student of history.

I think you are wrong.

It's not a broken system it's an imperfect system in an imperfect time period when technology is changing very quickly both for information (false and true) and robotics engineering that 'we' politically or socially cant keep up.
The system is going to the top tier benefit (i don't mean a dr making $300, 000 a year i mean someone who is making over $20 million a year)...this is what is killing the country and it has been killing the country slowly going back to Regan days.

I think this new fascination by people of 'democracy' ending is silly notion for most part.

It makes people feel that they dont have to 'settle' for making choices they don't like to make.

No one ideal so i will not vote or i will vote for the 'ideal' person in my opinion who i KNOW does not have a chance to win (3rd party) so i can say i stuck to my ideals.

Life is about shitty choices and making the best choice of options presented.

anything else is almost childish.

You think there were not people who saw Carter vs Regan and rolled there eyes--Really this is my choice? yuck and sat out.
Or Clinton vs Perot vs Bush Sr? You think of those 3 choices everyone felt enthused?
I mean its always been this way.

Now its just radio magnified on social media and political websites and chat rooms. The flaws magnified and exposed over and over and over and over again like a f*****g mantra.

That is what is killing society and democracy.


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This idea of doing what is best for 'yourself' vs what is best for the 'country' is where the problem is where my Grandparents generation were the exact opposite.
No one wants to do what is best for the country vs themselves.

We are becoming more and more selfish and self involved every single year and every election cycle.
People in this country killed unions in exchange to own like 20 cheaply made $7 dollar T shirts they purchased at Walmart.
I remember the commercials "Look for the Union label" to buy American. No one wanted to because it was just cheaper to buy cheap sh*t and have more of it that is useless. We have become hoarders. Suffocating on useless 'stuff'.
And then b**ch 'where are the jobs' ? LOL really? You have no clue where the good jobs went?
You sold them off long ago for cheap sh*t.

When people stop believe in America..America will stop believe in the people.
It will cease to work since its an idea that will only work if people put it before themselves.

Putting someone in office like Trump who has only ever served himself is not a good sign.

It's like electing an ignorant version of the Gordon Gecko character from Wall Street.
"Greed is good".


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No one ideal so i will not vote or i will vote for the 'ideal' person in my opinion who i KNOW does not have a chance to win (3rd party) so i can say i stuck to my ideals.

I will never understand Americans logic on not voting third party. It makes no sense. Of course you will be 'throwing away your vote' if you continue to purport that idea. It's backwards logic. The only reason third party is mostly a waste of a vote is because of this attitude. The idea of picking between two people to represent over 300 million people is utterly ridiculous.


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I will never understand Americans logic on not voting third party. It makes no sense. Of course you will be 'throwing away your vote' if you continue to purport that idea. It's backwards logic. The only reason third party is mostly a waste of a vote is because of this attitude. The idea of picking between two people to represent over 300 million people is utterly ridiculous.

its unrealistic so far. if logic is unrealistic by definition it becomes illogical. (You really need to watch some old school Star Trek)

maybe one day it won't be unrealistic maybe next election cycle who knows

but if you are going towards an election day and you have 4 choices (keep in mind we have electoral process NOT majority popular votes) and you literally can see the numbers will NOT add's not logical to throw away a vote for an ideal the maybe in a few years it will make a difference.
To make the world worse for 4 years (some of the more anarchistic people both on left and right did this when choosing 3rd party) by allowing someone to get into white house who will be surrounded by people whose ideology is to dismantle the administrative state (Bannon quote) is not helping anyone--only making it worse.
If we cant have what we want exactly lets blow the place up? thats anarchy.
And it's stupid.
whose life is suffering that much that anarchy is the answer?
we have been through much worse in USA to not become anarchists.
The great depression makes our modern day USA sh*t look like Disny Land.
Read John Updike Grapes of Wraths
Our bank robbers of the 20s (other than 9/11) makes our terrorist problem look like a joke
(Bonnie and Cyle, John Dillinger, Al Capone)
even our gang violence is nothing compared to 80s and 90s.


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its funny this is just a random thought that popped into my head

this forum believes women are too picky about men...choosing mates they want it 'all' the perfect guy.

I can honestly say that it seems like voters are also way too picky about their politicians and world policies.

maybe it is generational thing--this idea that you have to have as perfect people as possible or you don't want them.


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its unrealistic so far. if logic is unrealistic by definition it becomes illogical. (You really need to watch some old school Star Trek)

maybe one day it won't be unrealistic maybe next election cycle who knows

but if you are going towards an election day and you have 4 choices (keep in mind we have electoral process NOT majority popular votes) and you literally can see the numbers will NOT add's not logical to throw away a vote for an ideal the maybe in a few years it will make a difference.
To make the world worse for 4 years (some of the more anarchistic people both on left and right did this when choosing 3rd party) by allowing someone to get into white house who will be surrounded by people whose ideology is to dismantle the administrative state (Bannon quote) is not helping anyone--only making it worse.

No offense but from my perspective this is ridiculous logic. I think it comes from a misunderstanding of what voting is about.

Your singular vote is never likely to make a difference, but the fact that you decided to vote that way likely means other like-minded people will have also decided to vote that way.

It's completely logical for everyone to vote for the candidate that they most support, this is how voting should work. At least you should be able to admit that the voting process in the US is sh*t compared to many other countries? What amazes me is that it doesn't have to be, but because of your attitude to voting third party it continues to be.

If we cant have what we want exactly lets blow the place up? thats anarchy.

Yeah that's stupid, who is supporting anarchy? Anarchy never lasts long and nearly always leads to a more authoritarian government.

The great depression makes our modern day USA sh*t look like Disny Land.

Yeah people are living much better lives than in a lot of history, and compared to a lot of the world. Completely irrelevant to wanting thing to improve though.

maybe it is generational thing--this idea that you have to have as perfect people as possible or you don't want them.

haha there has never been a candidate that I even think comes close to "perfect". In fact, I have never voted for someone who wouldn't have me behind bars because I like to smoke weed/take drugs etc. I highly doubt I will ever even respect the person I vote for, not to mind a "perfect person".


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No offense but from my perspective this is ridiculous logic. I think it comes from a misunderstanding of what voting is about.

Your singular vote is never likely to make a difference, but the fact that you decided to vote that way likely means other like-minded people will have also decided to vote that way.

It's completely logical for everyone to vote for the candidate that they most support, this is how voting should work. At least you should be able to admit that the voting process in the US is sh*t compared to many other countries? What amazes me is that it doesn't have to be, but because of your attitude to voting third party it continues to be.

Im not offended because simply put you are wrong :)

You have written often about 'logic' and people viewing things from a 'logical' idealism mostly based around Librteriansim--which is completely illogical and impractical view point for governing since it is the absence of governing. You use the idea of 'hypocrisy' to form your opinions about almost every topic when it comes to Governing which makes it impossible to Govern since you have to be a hypocrite from someones perspective in order to actuallly 'do' anything so it becomes a policy of 'do nothing" or to obstruct things from happening if does not suit your ideal (a very Rand Paul political policy)

I will teach you something and you can look it up to make sure i am telling you the truth about the the 2016 election

We are a republic. We have an electoral system.

The election came down to Trump flipping what were always considered to be 'blue' states going back i think to 1980.
Trump flipped them "red'
When you look at the break down of the key states that won him the election--what were here call the "Rust Belt States' he won those states by a a very small margin--the margin was much smaller than the votes that went to both of the 3rd party IF those people had voted for HRC--which most of them would have--He would have lost by a landslide..In each of these states it came down to about 10,000 votes per state (i had posted a break down of the states here at the time on another thread when iw as debating this with someone)

How the vote should be is irrelevant to how it actually is right now--again an other illogical stand point.
The country has been around for hundreds of years based on electoral process---do you not think that we have not in that time debated greatly getting ride of electoral process? we want to its written into our constitution so to do so it would have to be changed...and the states that are benefiting greatly from the electoral process fight that so its impossible.

SO your woulds and should are impractical and illogical to these debates about really.

Should we ideally be more open to 3rd party candidates?
Of course we had Ross Perot get into the debates before in 90s its not impossible that it can happen again.

But i also think its nothing more then 'symbolism' when you are on the day.

Also keep in mind a thing the President does is pick supreme court judges--THIS is more important for most domestic issues then who is actually President for 4 years.
So you will be casting a mostly 'symbolic' vote to prove a point you are not a hypocrite or what you believe is logical that will set precedence and have consequences much larger and more effective to your daily life and life of your kids.
That does not sound rational or logical to me.

If a 3rd party has a chance? and the other 2 are really very close in policy generally speaking? yeah sure cast and support a 3rd party..but not to take into account the specifics of WHO is running and WHAt they want to do or not do who they want to nominate--the cases coming before the supreme court over next few years? That is like sticking head in sand to stand by an 'ideal' of how you 'think' things should be as opposed to the reality of how they actually are.

Yeah that's stupid, who is supporting anarchy? Anarchy never lasts long and nearly always leads to a more authoritarian government.


Some people who supported Stein and Johnson and even some people who voted for Trump wanted to see things get worse and give a big 'f*** you' to Govt. They wanted things to implode---not all or even most but they are definitely out there disrupting sh*t and enjoying it.


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Yeah people are living much better lives than in a lot of history, and compared to a lot of the world. Completely irrelevant to wanting thing to improve though.

you are saying same thing i am saying then.

Improving things does not mean making it worse first just to prove a point that you are not a 'hypocrite' or you are being 'logical' when its not realistic in that time frame with variable circumstances that point out its better to make the 'lesser of two evil' choice instead.