This Whole Thing Reminds Me Of Racism And Discrimination


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Yes there's no denying that things are never straightforward, or even that it might be more beneficial to vote for your second or third favorite candidate at times. I still would argue that you should vote for who you think will do the job best. Voting works better if everyone does this. It is my ignorant opinion that this is something quite broken in the US elections. Most people here in Ireland would agree with me. Voting isn't some strategic game to me, it's about picking who I think is best suited for the job.

You're not wrong about the U.S. It's an "all or nothing" type deal. You either get ALL of their electoral (U.S. state votes),
or nothing. There's one exception though. I believe it's MA. They actually split it up in 3 out of 4.


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I just want to add one more thing

It is very expensive to run for public office in USA--i have no idea if money is involved in Europes political system but to run for office you have to have huge amounts of money or you dont have a platform where you can get enough exposure.

We had Ross perot reach the threshold but he was a billionaire self financing his campaign.

So this idea that 'you should just embrace 3rd party' its like yes great idea why have we not thought of that? Except we have had 3rd party running almost every election cycle except they have never had enough funding (except Perot) to get the attention they need to make an impact.

This is because our Supreme Court ruled that Corporations--are 'people' with same rights and that campaign financing can be done with super packs...Those rulings are conservative judges perspective. Somthine that is dictated by the picks of President for Supreme court.

So how this goes is people who did NOT want to vote for either HRC or Trump but wanted to be good citizens and not sit out election chose a 3rd party candidate that best resonated with something they believed in...Green party is mostly environment..Liberterian is small Govt to an absurd extreme...Both candidates this cycle were inept people Gary Johnson and DR Jill Stein...
In the 3 states the people who voted for 3rd party tipped the scales for Trump by like 10,000 votes.

Now Trump will stack the Supreme court the next few years as they are all mostly in their 80s.
And he has vowed to the Special Interest groups of his Base ( for example the federalist and heritage foundation) that he wioul pick extreme Right judges.

SO the idea of getting BIG money out of politic campaigning is GONE.
So the idea of getting the playing field a bit more even so 3rd Party candidates CAN actually make an impact in an election by getting on debate stages is made even more difficult.

There is nuances to these things 'bigger' picture for long run what the best move is

Don't you play chess? This is life--what is my best move to get me to the end game. You dont try and get the King on the first try because the principle of the game is to win. You have to make strategic steps to get to the end game.

So, you don't think Trump is an honest man?


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So, you don't think Trump is an honest man?

No one is honest

His dishonesty is not what bothers me.

it's his absolute ineptitude.

And it's the American People who are so easily manipulated by such a rank amateur manipulating wh*** like Trump. as well as the people who equate the choice between him and HRC as equally bad..>Yeah both sucked but thats like saying going to the dentist for a filling sucks JUST as bad as having 4 wisdom teeth removed at same time...both bad--one much, much worse.


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Shameful act done by airline on a passenger.

Our police in general don't know how to talk to people anymore they just physically react.

This is why so many mentally ill people were getting killed.

this is why The Justice Department put in so many Consent Decree s and now Jeff Sessions, the new head of DOJ has put them all under review. Jeff Sessions is an a**h**.

Its just going to get uglier situations like this.


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The guys is not a native speaker and he speaks English better than many Brits and Americans on this forum.

Lol at this attack.

What attack?
He passive aggressively attacked me first because I used the correct "criticise" instead of the American "criticize" and jncorrectly used "is" instead of "are"?

Maybe you guys should go outside more instead of spending your life here criticising people.


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And I have already pointed out before,

The Belgium guy, Dante and Captain will never be on the same page as me so I would appreciate it if you guys could leave me alone instead of hijacking all my threads and criticising everything I said. I do not want fights. I just want to talk to people here who can appreciate and understand what I'm going through. I'm not here to argue with anyone.


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Why do you assume that we have no life?

The vast majority of us here have jobs, girlfriends, hobbies, rich social lives, etc.

Again, poor attempt at shaming.

You're spending time here too you know.

You can have your opinion and I have mine. Please can you guys leave me alone.


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Fine. If you want to spend all your time here criticising people that's your choice. I'm not here to do that, no matter what gender this forum is dedicated to. I'm simply asking you to leave me alone.


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Criticize in the USA and Canada, criticise in the other English-speaking countries, with educated people largely not giving a sh*t anywhere.


I have observed this as well. Apart from me, everyone else in my team is white. But I like the fact that everyone else is white. I like the fact that I am surrounded by white people. I am treated quiet well in my team.
No one wants to be my friend though. But it is better than being bullied in work place - I experienced that in India.

Sorry if this offends anyone. No one wants to be my friend though. During social events, they do not want to even stand next to me. But what can I do about it? Nothing.


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People say it's racism, I believe it's BS, it's mostly looks.

Would people treat you like that if you looked like Amir Kahn?

Do you think good-looking blacks, Arabs, Hispanics are ever ostracized?

It's totally normal that people won't seek your friendship if you're just average.

And if you're below average or ugly, most people subconsciously want to avoid being seen and associated with ugly (read low value) people.


People say it's racism, I believe it's BS, it's mostly looks.

Would people treat you like that if you looked like Amir Kahn?

Do you think good-looking blacks, Arabs, Hispanics are ever ostracized?

It's totally normal that people won't seek your friendship if you're just average.

And if you're below average or ugly, most people subconsciously want to avoid being seen and associated with ugly (read low value) people.

Yeah, I agree.


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People say it's racism, I believe it's BS, it's mostly looks.

Would people treat you like that if you looked like Amir Kahn?

Do you think good-looking blacks, Arabs, Hispanics are ever ostracized?

It's totally normal that people won't seek your friendship if you're just average.

And if you're below average or ugly, most people subconsciously want to avoid being seen and associated with ugly (read low value) people.

I am not sure how much looks have to do with it. I personally always felt welcomed by whites. I think a persons popularity has more to do with his own personality. However, people jump to "racism" as the first explanation for others reluctance to hangout with them instead of doing introspection and carefully weighing all the factors. There is something called "Seattle Freeze" which basically refers to tendency of people in Seattle to stick to their group of friends and be a bit cold towards people outside of the group. So people who move to Seattle from other cities, even whites, have hard time befriending locals. It has nothing to with racism. It's just the local culture. Now the culture in Oklahoma is completely different and people are very warm and friendly to everyone.

@karankaran do you cook at home? What I have noticed with Indians and Nepalis is that their clothes smell of spices and food. This may drive those away who are not accustomed to the smell. You may not notice it because you are used to it but others do. Even I notice it because I pretty much never cook food so I am not accustomed to the smell. Sometimes the smell is so strong that you can sense it even if you are a few feet away from an individual.