This is where we disagree. The only reason that third parties don't have success is because of your attitude. Does that make sense to you? You are the reason that there are only two options. It's hilarious to me to see you try and justify this position. I read your post, and as usual, you seem to be arguing things that I never argued against. Electoral process, Trump, judges,libertarian-ism.. this is all completely irrelevant to the point I am arguing.
I really think you should rethink this attitude. You should vote for the candidate you most support. This is not idealism, this is how voting should and could (if it weren't for people like you) work.
Again you are looking at it in absolutes this math like a computer or equation out look that is not practical.
Its political science not Earth science.
You point is a phantom ideal..that you dont take into account all the variables shows your 'logic' is not logical approach to this subject matter.
I never said DON'T support these candidates I was not a pro Hillary person. I though Bernie Sanders should have run as a 3rd party when the Green Party made him the offer to have Jill Stein step aside.
He chose not to and he chose to support HRC out of
I listened to Jill Stein and Gary Johnson. I watched what they had to say obsessively.
And neither was a good candidate and MOST Of the people supporting them were doing it for the idea to protest the two main candidates as both were unpopular.
So no i was not going to waste my vote on either of them--they were jokes.
Now if Bernie had run and it was too close as it was with HRC and Trump--i would have voted on the day for HRC because of this particular election wth Trump being in the mix because it would have been better for my country as a whole.
I am not sure how you put aside so many variables yet you make this bold absolutes...that is NOT logic. That is idealism. And idealism is not practical in all situations.
Why are you constantly implying that I want to make things worse? I'm asking for people to vote for the candidate they most support, not asking people to vote in retards like Trump. If that candidate isn't third party that's fine.
Im not implying 'you' want to make things worse...I am implying the approach to blindly support a 3rd party candidate the day of election when its too close to tell who will win and you may in reality wind up with a Trump---that it would indeed make things worse.
I said if it was Bush vs Clinton for example they are so closely related in policy (other than supreme court pics which is very huge issue in US more important than President) That i can somewhat understand it..but it was Trump.
I am not sure why someone who wants so badly to embrace logic in situations does not want to take into account all the variables to make a well informed logical choice.
Your logic is not realistic in this cycle of 2016. You can't have an absolute logic in all situation when it comes to politics and Govt because it's not 'math' or 'science'.
You are making it deliberately simple for yourself in order NOT to analyze it and come to the conclusion that you may have to actually make a choice you DONT like in order to actually BE logical for that given situation.
ah f*** off, I'm voting for how it affects me personally as well as how it affects everyone else, and I think it's retarded to use the excuse "they are not there for you to respect". No they are not, but I would like a candidate I respect and that doesn't demonize my behaviors and actively try to lock me in a cage for my life choices.
Is it so much to want someone who at least has some similar views to myself?
I'm young, but so far I've only seen things get worse. Completely cynical about the political future.
You just proved what i wrote earlier
We are becoming more and more centered on our own selves when voting and not the country as a whole
And seriously telling me to
'f*** off'--where the f*** did that come from??
what a waste of time to have you say that to me.