it is in my opinion and my observations that women are naive, and deluded when it comes to the whole male companion, and friend ship part.
We ended up discussing relationships then has discussion about friends, seeing as we are both in the same neck of the woods. This women has over a handful of male work colleagues on her phone that are constantly asking her to hang out, sending photos, and genuinely seeming like a true friend, but as a man I know that's not the case, and in her defense she understands what men wants as she told me. In her own words 'I know what men want'. That night we were together she had a few men messaging her, asking to hangout, and she would kindly reply, 'and, do what?' followed by the whole if you think we are going to have sex it's not going to happen. Some of the men laugh it off, the ones who have good self-esteem, and the others disappear as she recall. Waiting in line, and being wishful that one day she might change her mind when she already made it up from the moment they met. When she lays the terms out, over half them disappear, because they were never true friends to begin with. The orbiters stick around hopping to get a piece, and a lot of these men are married, and she knows this. hence why she doesn't go through. That, and as she would say their wasn't much chemistry between us.
it boggles my mind how attractive women think males want to be their platonic friends. They are largely in that position because the women wants them to be there. Most men would throw their hot dog down any hall way given the chance. Women understand this yet play men like puppets on a string. In my position I ended up having sex with her the second day we were together. I fealt like a stud knowing she had so many guys after her yet I'm the one fixing the plumbing.
I give her credit for laying the terms out right away, and being straight up with other men. But that doesn't take away from the fact that most are naive in the whole male friend.
As for the texts, English isn't her native language. it wans't a matter of me reading her phone like a novel just as quick glance, and me helping with translation. it was by no means bragging.