Tinder 10/10 Male Experiment


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It does seem to be the case in the United States that the value of most law degrees and business degrees is negative after accounting for time and money invested.

This is true. The US has set it up so the wealthy are the ones staying in control by getting the best positions that control. I would have loved to get a law degree but in the end living on my own young and having to work full time with limited income I ended up in IT. Its a good career but boring as fuq and I am starting to hate every day. Look how often Im on here from 9-5.
I would have also loved to go to medical school but the best I would have hoped to acheive was nursing and lord knows the first doctor who gave me schit and talked down to me would have ended up with his lips behind his teeth and I would never work again.
The best I can hope for is to keep making money in real estate but the way my state (CT) is going thats a pipe dream. Property is worth crap, no one is coming in and the blue dems are destroying the state through over taxing and wiping their friends azzes.


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This is true. The US has set it up so the wealthy are the ones staying in control by getting the best positions that control. I would have loved to get a law degree but in the end living on my own young and having to work full time with limited income I ended up in IT. Its a good career but boring as fuq and I am starting to hate every day. Look how often Im on here from 9-5.
I would have also loved to go to medical school but the best I would have hoped to acheive was nursing and lord knows the first doctor who gave me schit and talked down to me would have ended up with his lips behind his teeth and I would never work again.
The best I can hope for is to keep making money in real estate but the way my state (CT) is going thats a pipe dream. Property is worth crap, no one is coming in and the blue dems are destroying the state through over taxing and wiping their friends azzes.

The working class has been wiped out, the middle class is being wiped out, up next are the upper-middle class.

In the past twenty years we've seen lawyers, school teachers, and those sorts of people take a huge hit.

In the next twenty years it will be college professors and lower-level to mid-level medical workers. Trauma surgeons will still be well paid, but MDs and nurses are going to take a hit. I write this as someone who wants to be a university professor. It will be a step up from my parents (who were not) but a step down from previous generations of university professors.

The only way for the top 0.01% to get richer is to take away money from others, since most of them are not creating anything they have to loot.


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Parisienne, if you've studied law and management, and then get a high paying job, good luck getting a boyfriend.

He will have to make more money than you. Or you will end up resenting him for not being "good enough".

My girlfriend is already way ahead of me in her career and I just know it's poisoning our relationship.

Maybe take some advice from this woman about what you shouldn't do: http://www.forbes.com/sites/larissa...men-unable-to-find-dateable-men/#321e93357801

Of course she got wrecked in the comments. But that's just biology here, you can't be above your boyfriend in any aspect.

I've yet to meet a woman to which this doesn't apply. It is biology here, in fact, that a woman wants a man she feels can provide for her. We have what, a few decades of women earning more than men? Compared to the centuries women have been depending on men, you would think it's common sense that it's ingrained that they will want someone who can bring more to the table.

Regardless of how noble she tries to be she will not find him good enough if he earns less than her. And the man, he will feel emasculated knowing all of her co-workers earn significantly more than him. This is the point where our "social progress" clashes with our biology, and it leaves the gaping hole of 70% of 18-35 men not marrying.


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The working class has been wiped out, the middle class is being wiped out, up next are the upper-middle class.

In the past twenty years we've seen lawyers, school teachers, and those sorts of people take a huge hit.

In the next twenty years it will be college professors and lower-level to mid-level medical workers. Trauma surgeons will still be well paid, but MDs and nurses are going to take a hit. I write this as someone who wants to be a university professor. It will be a step up from my parents (who were not) but a step down from previous generations of university professors.

The only way for the top 0.01% to get richer is to take away money from others, since most of them are not creating anything they have to loot.

Im starting to believe the liberal army is basically communism/socialists. wipe out all classes and heave only wealthy and poor who depend on the wealthy. I can NOT understand why ANY working class person would say they are a liberal.
Personally I consider myself fully independent. I plan on voting trump, I dont see ANYONE as a viable candidate but I like Trumps psuedo balls and hope he really does close these borders and immigration up tight. We need serious reform for those willing to put the work in to themselves either NW1 or NW7 lol.... nevermind race, gender, religion or sexual pref..... it all runs down to NW1 and NW7


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Someone asked me if the same is happening to Australia.

Australia's economy is largely based off the fact it's 20 million people in a huge land area. ~0.3% of the world's population getting ~5% of the world's natural resources, so there's a huge amount of wealth from mining and such. Since it's a white english speaking country it's allowed to keep a lot of the wealth.

So that said, Australia's future is mostly tied to the US, in particular in supplying natural resources to China so that they can sell trinkets to the USA.

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Im starting to believe the liberal army is basically communism/socialists. wipe out all classes and heave only wealthy and poor who depend on the wealthy. I can NOT understand why ANY working class person would say they are a liberal.
Personally I consider myself fully independent. I plan on voting trump, I dont see ANYONE as a viable candidate but I like Trumps psuedo balls and hope he really does close these borders and immigration up tight. We need serious reform for those willing to put the work in to themselves either NW1 or NW7 lol.... nevermind race, gender, religion or sexual pref..... it all runs down to NW1 and NW7

In terms of policies, the differences between Reagan and Clinton, or Clinton and Bush, or Bush and Obama, are not large.

Obama has given speeches making himself sound like a committed communist, but his governance has mostly been about empowering the banks.


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I recently ****ed a 41 year old women that i consider a MILF - in shape, and had a youthful face for her age. Despite her being attracted to me physically, what changed everything and turned the tables in my favor was knowing how to talk, and make her feel sexy. This same women has tons of guys messaging her, but she would let them all know that friends is all she was after. Women are actually very naive on the whole male friends part, but I went along with it. I seen numerous texts stating that she wasn't going to **** them, and her laying down the terms to be precise. I asked her why she laid me, and she replied that she felt something between us, and that their was good chemistry. We spoke for a good five hours straight, drank wine, and eventually ****ed.

To say personality doesn't matter tells me you're most likely sexually deprived, and frustrated. Which I can understand, and sympathize with,.

What do you mean by that, shookwun? Do you think men are only interested in having sex with women and not solely friendship (this is what my husband says)? Also, I'm just wondering why this woman showed you the texts. I feel like she may have been bragging, or maybe you didn't believe her and she simply wanted to show you proof (or maybe it was the wine--lol!). If you are secure in yourself, you don't need to broadcast how many guys want to sleep with you. That's my opinion. The only compliments I share with my husband have to do with my personality, what I've done for someone or my muscularity (which I don't think is all that noticeable)--all things within my control. That's just me, though. And really, I am so down on myself that they just don't make me feel the way they used to.

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I can NOT understand why ANY working class person would say they are a liberal.

Swingline, you have got to be eavesdropping on my conversations. I say this ALL THE TIME. I just can't wrap my head around that.


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I'm actually not sexually frustrated at all phaggot. fukked more women then i can count and had multlpe relationship from short to multiple years.

When youve been with as many women as ive been with, discuss relationships with friends, and read about how humans evolved to be how they are it all makes sense pretty easily.

Women are pretty much parasites. Oh and im actually pretty good looking. Most would rate me around a 7, NW1 hairline because i caught mine early. Now you on the other hand transplant boy lol.

Moderators - why is this boy not banned yet. Repetitive use of the word "phaggot" along with other horrible, intolerable words are starting to dilute this forum. Please ban him now. I think every one else will agree.

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and I think Parisienne just stopped replying here, because she gave an honest opinion and spoke openly about her career and got bombarded by doubt and everyone jumped down her throat. These types of discussions are alienating the people who wish to have a legitimate debate because of all the, "pussy", "phaggot", "sl*t" crap. I am not even a woman and these words just immediately scream out inbred redneck to me.


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Negged phaggot. Snitch *** b**ch. I'm gonna fukk your mom.

hahahaha.... this is hilarious. "snitch *** b**ch". you're a real gangster huh? and sorry, my mom isn't a pig or other type of farm animal, so you might not get turned on.


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funny how I keep reading "women want THIS, women are like THAT" but when an actual woman expresses her opinion it's countered in seconds

Women are NOT bad people anymore than men are bad people when it comes to what women want compared to what men want. Both men and women are attracted to attractive people and they both want attractive people so there is no difference there. But women can't come out and say they aren't interested in unattractive men because that would sound selfish and selfishness is contradictory to society at large's model of femininity. Some men do not understand this.


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What do you mean by that, shookwun? Do you think men are only interested in having sex with women and not solely friendship (this is what my husband says)? Also, I'm just wondering why this woman showed you the texts. I feel like she may have been bragging, or maybe you didn't believe her and she simply wanted to show you proof (or maybe it was the wine--lol!). If you are secure in yourself, you don't need to broadcast how many guys want to sleep with you. That's my opinion. The only compliments I share with my husband have to do with my personality, what I've done for someone or my muscularity (which I don't think is all that noticeable)--all things within my control. That's just me, though. And really, I am so down on myself that they just don't make me feel the way they used to.

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Swingline, you have got to be eavesdropping on my conversations. I say this ALL THE TIME. I just can't wrap my head around that.

it is in my opinion and my observations that women are naive, and deluded when it comes to the whole male companion, and friend ship part.

We ended up discussing relationships then has discussion about friends, seeing as we are both in the same neck of the woods. This women has over a handful of male work colleagues on her phone that are constantly asking her to hang out, sending photos, and genuinely seeming like a true friend, but as a man I know that's not the case, and in her defense she understands what men wants as she told me. In her own words 'I know what men want'. That night we were together she had a few men messaging her, asking to hangout, and she would kindly reply, 'and, do what?' followed by the whole if you think we are going to have sex it's not going to happen. Some of the men laugh it off, the ones who have good self-esteem, and the others disappear as she recall. Waiting in line, and being wishful that one day she might change her mind when she already made it up from the moment they met. When she lays the terms out, over half them disappear, because they were never true friends to begin with. The orbiters stick around hopping to get a piece, and a lot of these men are married, and she knows this. hence why she doesn't go through. That, and as she would say their wasn't much chemistry between us.

it boggles my mind how attractive women think males want to be their platonic friends. They are largely in that position because the women wants them to be there. Most men would throw their hot dog down any hall way given the chance. Women understand this yet play men like puppets on a string. In my position I ended up having sex with her the second day we were together. I fealt like a stud knowing she had so many guys after her yet I'm the one fixing the plumbing.

I give her credit for laying the terms out right away, and being straight up with other men. But that doesn't take away from the fact that most are naive in the whole male friend.

As for the texts, English isn't her native language. it wans't a matter of me reading her phone like a novel just as quick glance, and me helping with translation. it was by no means bragging.


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Im starting to believe the liberal army is basically communism/socialists. wipe out all classes and heave only wealthy and poor who depend on the wealthy. I can NOT understand why ANY working class person would say they are a liberal.
Personally I consider myself fully independent. I plan on voting trump, I dont see ANYONE as a viable candidate but I like Trumps psuedo balls and hope he really does close these borders and immigration up tight. We need serious reform for those willing to put the work in to themselves either NW1 or NW7 lol.... nevermind race, gender, religion or sexual pref..... it all runs down to NW1 and NW7

Most "liberals" that I have encountered pretend to be so based on their perception of universal "peace" as well. This, while Obama continues to drone bomb and murder innocent women and children. Hell, at least he's charming and dances with old ladies and sh*t. Oh, he plays basketball too, look how cute that is, what a good guy. It is all just an illusion. Rand Paul was the candidate I sided most with, and because of the truth he spoke, look how quickly he had to drop out. Trump really needs to watch his words though. It's not productive to alienate an entire race with one sentence.


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it is in my opinion and my observations that women are naive, and deluded when it comes to the whole male companion, and friend ship part.

We ended up discussing relationships then has discussion about friends, seeing as we are both in the same neck of the woods. This women has over a handful of male work colleagues on her phone that are constantly asking her to hang out, sending photos, and genuinely seeming like a true friend, but as a man I know that's not the case, and in her defense she understands what men wants as she told me. In her own words 'I know what men want'. That night we were together she had a few men messaging her, asking to hangout, and she would kindly reply, 'and, do what?' followed by the whole if you think we are going to have sex it's not going to happen. Some of the men laugh it off, the ones who have good self-esteem, and the others disappear as she recall. Waiting in line, and being wishful that one day she might change her mind when she already made it up from the moment they met. When she lays the terms out, over half them disappear, because they were never true friends to begin with. The orbiters stick around hopping to get a piece, and a lot of these men are married, and she knows this. hence why she doesn't go through. That, and as she would say their wasn't much chemistry between us.

it boggles my mind how attractive women think males want to be their platonic friends. They are largely in that position because the women wants them to be there. Most men would throw their hot dog down any hall way given the chance. Women understand this yet play men like puppets on a string. In my position I ended up having sex with her the second day we were together. I fealt like a stud knowing she had so many guys after her yet I'm the one fixing the plumbing.

I give her credit for laying the terms out right away, and being straight up with other men. But that doesn't take away from the fact that most are naive in the whole male friend.

As for the texts, English isn't her native language. it wans't a matter of me reading her phone like a novel just as quick glance, and me helping with translation. it was by no means bragging.

How about unattractive or average-looking females? Do you think men could be platonic friends with them?

Do you think we play them like puppets on a string if we say right off, "Friends and nothing more"?

I don't text while I'm socializing with other people (unless it's important, of course). It's just a bugaboo of mine, but I'm a lot older, so I'm sure I think differently.


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It's important as a women to remind men of their place, and where this is all going. A lot of the time if one of the sexes aren't straight the point, that typically the men in most cases will linger around until something happens.

That whole text of 'friends, and nothing more' 'we aren't going to have sex, just friends' is a game changer.

She didn't text that often, but keep in mind we were with one another for a good five hours lol. I dont mind every hour or so .. getting back at someone.


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It's important as a women to remind men of their place, and where this is all going. A lot of the time if one of the sexes aren't straight the point, that typically the men in most cases will linger around until something happens.

That whole text of 'friends, and nothing more' 'we aren't going to have sex, just friends' is a game changer.

She didn't text that often, but keep in mind we were with one another for a good five hours lol. I dont mind every hour or so .. getting back at someone.

I think it's more possible for men and women to remain friends after they've had a sexual relationship and it was an amicable split. Would you agree?

I'm sure she left with a smile on her face (I remember your comment in the penis thread--lol!).


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Most "liberals" that I have encountered pretend to be so based on their perception of universal "peace" as well. This, while Obama continues to drone bomb and murder innocent women and children. Hell, at least he's charming and dances with old ladies and sh*t. Oh, he plays basketball too, look how cute that is, what a good guy. It is all just an illusion. Rand Paul was the candidate I sided most with, and because of the truth he spoke, look how quickly he had to drop out. Trump really needs to watch his words though. It's not productive to alienate an entire race with one sentence.

Rand is cool, but he's just a bad version of his (great) father Ron Paul.


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Yeah that was a nasty observation and defamation of his character by linking up what he said with an avatar he probably didn't realise would be related to what he was saying at the time.


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Well, I don't understand the reference to my avatar. Just because it's an animal, doesn't mean I like to have sex with animals. Also, Hillarytrump was asking for that. The troll is a certified douche bag. lol.


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I think Norwood One was referring to what a lame attempted insult I made, but I wasn't really insulting or anything.

Ah **** it, it's all mixed up.