Tinder, Bumble, And Other Dating Sites.

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btw lol at standards in 2017 where david's chin is weak

it is average jokes aside


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holy sh*t that was sad as f*** to read

i hope you got rid of that 'friend'. id f*****g kill anyone who tried setting me up with a 4/10 fat acne ridden girl. thats no friend of mine.
holy sh*t that was sad as f*** to read

i hope you got rid of that 'friend'. id f*****g kill anyone who tried setting me up with a 4/10 fat acne ridden girl. thats no friend of mine.
lol i'm neutral towards it. i could have stopped them but i honestly just wanted to be able to say that i had a girlfriend

once we were semi sorta "dating" i was like "ehhhh f*** this not only am i too scared to call, i am embarassed to even tell people". her friend found out about it and rightly said "how come you don't want anyone to know? you are scared what *popular guy in class* will think eh?". she was right i just didn't want to admit it lol

having a trophy wife/gf is a huge ego boost, and the opposite is a huge ego killer 0_0


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holy f*** dude you touch on something very important and widespread nowadays. SELF AGGRANDIZEMENT. fancy word for making yourself more than you really are, especially in a fake superficial way. rappers do it with the endless bragging, social media incorporates it heavily, and lots of stories involve someone special with an amazing ability and everyone else far less important

probably something to do with today's spiritual emptiness. people float around knowing god and fairness is a giant cope so they revert back to the primal rat race, become the best, etc. this modern atmosphere that makes having baldness today so much suckier than other times

lol @CopeForLife thats so true NT people are narcissistic. i used to think i am but really i just want a basic level of dignity and respect as a bald man. i feel i'm nowhere near as bad as these instagram hoez who need a million likes.

also you must be at least fairly attractive if those girls were giving you attention. i take it that you were basically too socially anxious or unskilled to take things further?

I wasn't interested in it at all I played in Lineage II and Dota. I wasn't ugly by all means. I wasn't even thinking about looks AT ALL. Miss that days.

First time I wanted to date it was 22 or so and I wasn't even awared that I am severe bald LOL I cringe a lot on that tries nowadays when reflexing.


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I wasn't interested in it at all I played in Lineage II and Dota. I wasn't ugly by all means. I wasn't even thinking about looks AT ALL. Miss that days.

First time I wanted to date it was 22 or so and I wasn't even awared that I am severe bald LOL I cringe a lot on that tries nowadays when reflexing.
EXACTLY dude. i was same way. i wore f*****g random *** sh*t and nerdy shirts only and could give less of a care about my looks, other than looking at least okay and normal and young. the main thing i liked about the way i looked before was LOOKING MY AGE AND MY EXTERIOR BEING AN EXPRESSION OF THE INTERIOR. baldness is an ego destroying identity obliterating beast first and foremost. thats the part that really kills happiness for bald men.

however i did want a girlfriend very much back then, a lot more than now. i had way higher self esteem back then tho so i was happy still.


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some reading before sleep for nightmares guys




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EXACTLY dude. i was same way. i wore f*****g random *** sh*t and nerdy shirts only and could give less of a care about my looks, other than looking at least okay and normal and young. the main thing i liked about the way i looked before was LOOKING MY AGE AND MY EXTERIOR BEING AN EXPRESSION OF THE INTERIOR. baldness is an ego destroying identity obliterating beast first and foremost. thats the part that really kills happiness for bald men.

however i did want a girlfriend very much back then, a lot more than now. i had way higher self esteem back then tho so i was happy still.

I didn't want gf as I recall... I mean if u get some validation (self esteem) you're OK with knowledge you can get it every time you want to.

And yes, you just look as 18yo in 18yo and do what teenagers do – playing games and/or dating.

When in 23 you look like 35 ex prisoner... You know what I mean.


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I didn't want gf as I recall... I mean if u get some validation (self esteem) you're OK with knowledge you can get it every time you want to.

And yes, you just look as 18yo in 18yo and do what teenagers do – playing games and/or dating.

When in 23 you look like 35 ex prisoner... You know what I mean.

I get impression from your posts you literally cant or don't want to get it up for a woman who falls below a 6--is that what you feel?

( no judgment when i ask this just curious from your postings...some people really just 'cant' with people they are not attracted to)


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I get impression from your posts you literally cant or don't want to get it up for a woman who falls below a 6--is that what you feel?

( no judgment when i ask this just curious from your postings...some people really just 'cant' with people they are not attracted to)

I don't think I can.

I remember I had sex with a 4/10 civil from a club (I was drunk) I didn't enjoyed it at all (almost forgot).

On other side I had 8.75/10 asian escort from another club with who I was the whole night – I remember every f*****g minute. She was perfect in every aspect – body, face, voice, hair and attitude. Good taste in clothes. Longest sex ever.

Also as a bonus that glances of men when you going with her... priceless.

Looks DO matter for me.


Some girls rated here as 4 I can rate as 6-7 and vice versa so it is subjective in some extent.



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OMG i feel like i am traumatized by this where is everyone??? LOL

Its funny when you guys talk about ugly girls who are fat getting laid by men...I though you were really exaggerating because you are so picky with pics on here but Holy sh*t!!! .

THAT is insane....i mean its terrible he put her pics up online---but besides that.

i cant believe he drove 2 HOURS to f*** her!!!!!


Whats wrong with him?

Even if his face is not good or he is balding--THAT women is not only ugly, shes HUGe with cellulite and horrible hair, and she kind of looks slow to me....why would he do that...why are men doing this????

She looks like a crazy drug addict who wondered into Walmart and lost her pants...Like homeless woman.


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I mean he may as well have fucked a demented homeless woman thats how i see that..

Holy cripes...how does she send photos of herself like that?

I feel bad for her and I am repulsed at same time.

Its like a bloody bloody car accident you cant help but look.


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OMG i feel like i am traumatized by this where is everyone??? LOL

Its funny when you guys talk about ugly girls who are fat getting laid by men...I though you were really exaggerating because you are so picky with pics on here but Holy sh*t!!! .

THAT is insane....i mean its terrible he put her pics up online---but besides that.

i cant believe he drove 2 HOURS to f*** her!!!!!


Whats wrong with him?

Even if his face is not good or he is balding--THAT women is not only ugly, shes HUGe with cellulite and horrible hair, and she kind of looks slow to me....why would he do that...why are men doing this????

She looks like a crazy drug addict who wondered into Walmart and lost her pants...Like homeless woman.

That's how depressing the situation is for many men. Some of them go years without so much as even touching a women. Personally, I will just stick to masturbation if things ever got that bad for me.


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OMG i feel like i am traumatized by this where is everyone??? LOL

Its funny when you guys talk about ugly girls who are fat getting laid by men...I though you were really exaggerating because you are so picky with pics on here but Holy sh*t!!! .

THAT is insane....i mean its terrible he put her pics up online---but besides that.

i cant believe he drove 2 HOURS to f*** her!!!!!


Whats wrong with him?

Even if his face is not good or he is balding--THAT women is not only ugly, shes HUGe with cellulite and horrible hair, and she kind of looks slow to me....why would he do that...why are men doing this????

She looks like a crazy drug addict who wondered into Walmart and lost her pants...Like homeless woman.
Wow, that was harsh. Blackg, approved.


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That's how depressing the situation is for many men. Some of them go years without so much as even touching a women. Personally, I will just stick to masturbation if things ever got that bad for me.

When i was in Jr High my friends older brother was bragging about a girl in the park who sucked off him and his friends. They were all good looking popular guys. they made it sound like they were these studs.

I later found out it was a slow girl who was in special Ed. Not pretty--but also not all there.

This woman reminds me of her.

I look at that woman and i wonder if shes slow because why would she do that to herself---send photos of herself like that.

Its sad and pathetic and now shes on a male body building site being mocked by everyone.

And this guy why would he want to go 2 hours to f*** a woman he would only later 'mock' online for her ugliness and weight.

I honestly don't understand.


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I look at that woman and i wonder if shes slow because why would she do that to herself---send photos of herself like that.

Its sad and pathetic and now shes on a male body building site being mocked by everyone.

And this guy why would he want to go 2 hours to f*** a woman he would only later 'mock' online for her ugliness and weight.

I honestly don't understand.

The women probably trusted the guy to not post her pics on the internet. The guy honestly is a big idiot. People have committed suicide over their private pics/videos posted on the internet by some jerk like him. What an insensitive a**h**.


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The women probably trusted the guy to not post her pics on the internet. The guy honestly is a big idiot. People have committed suicide over their private pics/videos posted on the internet by some jerk like him. What an insensitive a**h**.

That is horrible but again this is what makes me think shes slow--thats really trusting with an absolute stranger.


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Jealous of you guys who are having sex on a regular basis. Haven't touched a woman in years.

you trolling for sure

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