Tinder, Bumble, And Other Dating Sites.

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In her early twenties she had probably already on drugs for 10 years like lots of other child stars. Have you seen the guy from Home Alone?


Brooke Shields was notorious for being a 'good' girl and her Mother was ALWAYS with her..she left modeling to go to Yale university

she did age hard even by the time she was in early 20s she lost her softness--i have no idea why i guess just genetics. Her mom had a 'hard' look but her Mother was an alcoholic and smoker so i assumed it was that. I don't know what her Dad looked like.

Brooke Shields was really famous as a child for her beauty--She posed naked as a child i think she was like 8 years old by a famous photographer--now they would be considered pornography but then it was 'art' and she became super famous

she was also in a movie called Pretty Baby--she was i think like 12 years old...and it was I think a Loue Malle movie and it was about a little girl growing up in wh*** house who becomes a prostitute...more child pornogry by todays standards...she was nude in the film.

Basically she was famous for her beauty as a child...then she made Blue Lagoon--another highly sexualized film for a teenager...and she came famous for these provocative Calvin Klien ads...

By the time she hit her 20s she lost that child like beauty for sure.


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She was a straight 10 in her youth by my reckoning, Honesty, those pics you put up; I wasn't even getting a boner, the feeling was actually closer to love (srs). Beautiful. Must have been difficult to lose it all so young. I know she was still a good-looking girl, but when you've been maybe the most beautiful woman in the world, dropping to a 6/7 as early as your 20's is a f*****g nuclear blow to the self-image.

I did not post pics i think EL did.

she was an amazingly beautiful child and teen..i feel bad for her in retrospect HOW sexualized she was at such a young age. I mean back then i don't think people realized...looking at some of the photos now its like holy sh*t--its child p**rn.

She looked like a woman at 14 maybe she just genetically aged quickly i don't know.

i mean we exaggerate a bit here she is in 1999 still a beautiful woman i would guess she is 33 here
just not a model like she was as a teen.

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I would at least try it once to see how you respond. I did it two times and I felt the first time helped better than the second time but you can get the same results with minoxidil.

I'm using minoxidil now for almost 4 months...
i have regrowth and i am happy about that some seem very thick shaft and some seem fine shaft.. i also have a lot of long fine hairs i would love to see come back thicker shaft.

I'm not sure minoxidil does that---or PRP?


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Cindy Crawford does have that man face look.

I prefer my women to look more oval, and have round large almond eyes which are considered feminine traits on a women.


her face is 3/10 even with make up... cringe to thing wake up next to her in the morning


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Looks like crap now so who cares this is the bad thing with women they eventually look like sh*t and they deserve it for being like sh*t in character especially the good looking ones.


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I wonder what my genetic compatible mate would look like dreadful no doubt about that.


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Again, you're overthinking it and you want to believe this. But this is just not how human mating works.

Last night, I was explaining to my girlfriend that I had had some awful relationships where the girl just didn't like me.

And of course she replied: "How is that possible? How can anyone not like you?!"

Why did some girls find me lame and unbearable and others found me amazing? I was the same person with all of them.

Strong genetic attraction and compatibility (I know, I know, Whitepolarbear therory). That's why.

Why does the girl you're with want your c*** and finds you so cool while 90-95% of the girls you interact with in your daily life are like "meh, nothing special, don't want that".

All you can do is be yourself. Your best self if you can, which I'm always trying to be, and despite this, some girls I had dates with just kept rolling their eyes and looking at their watches.

It's not you, it's them. With some girls, you can be at your best, and they'll find you utterly lame, and with some others, you can just be in one of your OK days and they'll find you amazing.

Genetic compatibility, the variable that matters the most.

Since I've realized it's all about genetic attraction and compatibility, I don't even bother talking to girls any longer. It's useless, they already choose and make up their mind the very first seconds they see you. And it all depends on your appearance. Your intelligence, personality don't matter at all. And nothing will make them change their mind.


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Since I've realized it's all about genetic attraction and compatibility, I don't even bother talking to girls any longer. It's useless, they already choose and make up their mind the very first seconds they see you. And it all depends on your appearance. Your intelligence, personality don't matter at all. And nothing will make them change their mind.
That is not all true. Intelligence does not matter at all I agree I was the top math student at my school and nobody gave two shits about that. Personality however does matter to an extent, although to get to know your personality there must be some kind of connection between you. Which is close to impossible if you look like sh*t...


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That is not all true. Intelligence does not matter at all I agree I was the top math student at my school and nobody gave two shits about that. Personality however does matter to an extent, although to get to know your personality there must be some kind of connection between you. Which is close to impossible if you look like sh*t...

Here we go again. Personality plays a role, but it's secondary to physical appearance, and therefore irrelevant in attraction. As a user once said, "girls can't run their fingers through your confidence/personality".


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Looks = personality.

I can tell how a person is going to be just by their facial features.

And think about it, you can too.

Funny people tend to look funny in an endearing way, bitter people tend to look bitter, nice people have niceness written all over their faces.

We have an expression in French that says "L'habit ne fait pas le moine" ("Looks can be deceiving") but that's mostly BS wisdom.

Looks often tell you everything you need to know, and if it's not always true for us men, it surely is for women.

As someone said a few days ago, to the core, we are still animals. Looks play an important role in how we will interact with other people.

I doubt personality exists at all.

There is a "charisma" (being funny, humour and etc) – fully dependent on looks.

What is personality?

I mean vast majority of people match requirement that people usually attribute to the "personality"– being kind, have an empathy, you name it.


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I doubt personality exists at all.

There is a "charisma" (being funny, humour and etc) – fully dependent on looks.

What is personality?

I mean vast majority of people match requirement that people usually attribute to the "personality"– being kind, have an empathy, you name it.

This. Women do the same even when it's about "friendship" (LOL as if it was really possible for heterosexual men to be "friends" with women :D).

Girls never cared about my interests, my intelligence, my personality or whatever. I'm ugly and bald, therefore I must be a bad/dangerous person, too. They all judge people based on their looks, even if they obviously state the contrary.


My Regimen
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Here we go again. Personality plays a role, but it's secondary to physical appearance, and therefore irrelevant in attraction. As a user once said, "girls can't run their fingers through your confidence/personality".
ucman is not just a "user". do i gotta give ya a crash course on HairLossTalk.com hall of famers????!!!!
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