Tinder, Bumble, And Other Dating Sites.

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My Regimen
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I doubt personality exists at all.

There is a "charisma" (being funny, humour and etc) – fully dependent on looks.

What is personality?

I mean vast majority of people match requirement that people usually attribute to the "personality"– being kind, have an empathy, you name it.
come on guys this is just getting out of hand. theres no such thing as personality?! unelss you are talking about having a "good personality" in a dating context. but seriously you gotta think about it within the realm of 8+s. you ever watched the bachelor? theyre all 10/10 so at that point yes personality does matter. its what differentiates the 10s

but i agree with fred that theres the looksmatch, literally. people who look like each other turn each other on. i just bated furiously to a cutesy jewish girl the other day. muh looksmatch nigga. f*** yea. well thats just racially, she is a lot better looking than me lolz


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Glad Fred is posting again. This subforum has never been busier and I think it's because of the new forum style with likes and alerts.

Maybe we should all, both men and women on this forum, just adopt Donald Trump combovers, maybe that was the cure all along.

Donald has a three part combover, he combs it over from the side from left to right, then he does the same from right to left, and then he combs it from back to front. I think he must have really long hair when it hangs down from his head.

His combover is proof that he really is extremely intelligent and is great at construction, it's a structural masterpiece. If his wall at the mexican border is half as good as his combover it will be a huge success.


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I doubt personality exists at all.

There is a "charisma" (being funny, humour and etc) – fully dependent on looks.

What is personality?

I mean vast majority of people match requirement that people usually attribute to the "personality"– being kind, have an empathy, you name it.

I don't think being funny has anything to do with looks, it's a kind of intelligence. For example the actor Ryan Reynolds is very funny if you have ever sen him interviewed and he is a very stereotypically good looking man, equally Louis ck and Larry David are very good looking and they are stereotypically very unattractive NW6 men.


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My Regimen
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Screen Shot 2017-01-15 at 12.42.59.png

million dollar shot


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She was a straight 10 in her youth by my reckoning, Honesty, those pics you put up; I wasn't even getting a boner, the feeling was actually closer to love (srs). Beautiful. Must have been difficult to lose it all so young. I know she was still a good-looking girl, but when you've been maybe the most beautiful woman in the world, dropping to a 6/7 as early as your 20's is a f*****g nuclear blow to the self-image.

Young Brooke will always be my favourite. It's like she was given too much beauty at an early age, and couldn't carry it into adulthood.


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Young Brooke will always be my favourite. It's like she was given too much beauty at an early age, and couldn't carry it into adulthood.

I'm telling you it's drugs and alcohol, by the times she was 20 she had as many miles on the clock as a 35 year old woman.


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Looks = personality.

I can tell how a person is going to be just by their facial features.

And think about it, you can too.

Funny people tend to look funny in an endearing way, bitter people tend to look bitter, nice people have niceness written all over their faces.

We have an expression in French that says "L'habit ne fait pas le moine" ("Looks can be deceiving") but that's mostly BS wisdom.

Looks often tell you everything you need to know, and if it's not always true for us men, it surely is for women.

As someone said a few days ago, to the core, we are still animals. Looks play an important role in how we will interact with other people.

In the end, strong genetic attraction = nature telling her that the combination of your genes will produce an offspring with a strong immune system. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_odour_and_sexual_attraction

That's it, no need to look into this personality nonsense because it's mostly irrelevant. Her biology will just "command her" to like you no matter what.

Which is why you've heard the sentence "how can she be with him?!" way too many times.

His genes, that's how.
Have you actually ever been with a girl?
Are those photos an accurate depiction of Fred really with a girl?
I swear, If you have, then you've learned absolutely nothing!

You're blinded by your own "Fredology."
No wonder you keep getting pumped and dumped by these girls.
(assuming those photos are authentic)


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My Regimen
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You can't entirely discern somebody's personality from their looks, that's absurd.

What does it say about your personality if you have curly hair? Lol, nothing probably.

If it were the case, there would be no pairings where one person gets bored of the other very quickly.


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I have met gorgeous women with horrible personalities. I do believe you can read people's body language and facial expressions to determine if they are interested in you and seem friendly. Not only that but body language and facial expressions can help determine people's confidence level and mental state.


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Everybody knows curly hair means twisted b**ch.
LOL, and "kinky" hair means they are totally "kinky". Straight hair means they are totally 'straight". Fine hair means they are totally "fine". Thick hair means they are totally "thick". Coarse hair means they are totally "coarse"


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My Regimen
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You can't entirely discern somebody's personality from their looks, that's absurd.

What does it say about your personality if you have curly hair? Lol, nothing probably.

If it were the case, there would be no pairings where one person gets bored of the other very quickly.

I don't know why but I can easily spot homosexuals by face usually.

Spotted this actor from Arrow, for example:



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I don't know why but I can easily spot homosexuals by face usually.

Spotted this actor from Arrow, for example:

He wears a good hair system. Cope, I hope for your sake it's not true when they say "it takes one to know one".:D


My Regimen
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But she was still fine at 33...

yeah i agree she just lost that softness that made her initially famous.

she was a pedophiles wet dream if you google photos.

she already looked 17 when she was 13.

at 15 she looked 25.

even at 10 she was doing naked full make up boudoir naked in sexual poses standing up in a bathtub..i cant post them i thin its technically child p**rn by todays laws..but they come up if you google her...right away they come up which is weird to me.


My Regimen
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this is Brooke Shields as a teenager probably 13-17



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My Regimen
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He wears a good hair system. Cope, I hope for your sake it's not true when they say "it takes one to know one".:D

No, not the case.

I'm totally straight and find anything under a man's neck is repulsive and non-attractive (call out to the gymcels who stare to a men bodies every day).

Yesterday I went to the local bar to have a few beers (it was almost empty) there were a few young guys everyone is fullhead.

After I went to have a snack at some junk food place which gathers tons of young people. Still no f*****g one balding/bald. Where are you, motherfuckers? Spotted only one 50+ NW7 baldcel with hoarseshoe security or something I didn't figure out he looked like a decaying ghoul.

Feels bad, man.


My Regimen
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here is brooke shields in her early 20s-early 30

still beautiful just not same kind of beauty when she was young...

i don't think its the case for most women.

Patrick Swayze, Brooke Shields 1986.jpg
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