Tinder, Bumble, And Other Dating Sites.

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Even if they give you there number it doesn't guarantee anything.

I have so many numbers from online dating, and I would say less then half actually meet up.

They are giving there number to a lot of other men also.

She thinks you're attractive, but I wouldn't take it personal. The other guys were more attractive and fun to talk and text with.

Which is why I always talk and have a conversation with any girl I am gaming. My success rates were close to 90% after I had a good conversation. texting? Maybe half if not less would meet up.

The call is important, but can also be a deal breaker if you come off weird. Asking interview questions, and talking about stupid sh*t like work, & boring crap no one cares about.

Ultimately though, it all falls down to your aesthetics. If the other guy is better looking, and is u per laid back and fun while chatting over the phone. She will probaly forget about you

A lady on Tinder offered me her phone number after exchanging just one or two messages on Tinder. If they find you attractive enough, there is never a bad time to ask for phone numbers short of the very first message.


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A lady on Tinder offered me her phone number after exchanging just one or two messages on Tinder. If they find you attractive enough, there is never a bad time to ask for phone numbers short of the very first message.
What does this have to do with what I posted? :rolleyes:

I have had lots of women message me there number without even asking.

I have posted stupid sh*t like 'lets drink tomorrow' as a first message

and got messaged back right away with a number..


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What does this have to do with what I posted? :rolleyes:

I have had lots of women message me there number without even asking.

I have posted stupid sh*t like 'lets drink tomorrow' as a first message

and got messaged back right away with a number..

That was more for @doubleindemnity. The point I was trying to make is he shouldn't overthink things like "when should I ask for phone number". If a women finds him attractive, any time is good time.


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People seem to think this text sh*t is about providing your life story. I have had retarded chicks message me sh*t like 'i need to get to know you more'

I immediately stop talking to them.

How the f*** do you get to know someone through texting? you dont. and if you try to... you're a moron.

Last time I checked if you wanted to get to know someone you met up in person or talked over the phone.

Texting is simply a means of exchanging basic information. These people that want life stories are retarded.


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People seem to think this text sh*t is about providing your life story. I have had retarded chicks message me sh*t like 'i need to get to know you more'

I immediately stop talking to them.

How the f*** do you get to know someone through texting? you dont. and if you try to... you're a moron.

Last time I checked if you wanted to get to know someone you met up in person or talked over the phone.

Texting is simply a means of exchanging basic information. These people that want life stories are retarded.

But that's like 95% of girls I talked to on Tinder, no joke.


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People seem to think this text sh*t is about providing your life story. I have had retarded chicks message me sh*t like 'i need to get to know you more'

I immediately stop talking to them.

How the f*** do you get to know someone through texting? you dont. and if you try to... you're a moron.

Last time I checked if you wanted to get to know someone you met up in person or talked over the phone.

Texting is simply a means of exchanging basic information. These people that want life stories are retarded.

I am not sure about others but I find texting to be the most frustrating form of communication. I don't even like to text my close friends and call them instead if I want to talk to them. Forget about strangers. But a lot of women simply love texting and can barely take their hands off their phone.


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My success at Tinder has been abysmal at best. I get very few matches. I signed up at Bumble recently and I got around 5 matches the first night but none of that led anywhere. After the first night, I didn't get any matches. Online dating has been a failure for me. I much prefer the club scene where I have had decent success in the past.


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How many times do we have to go over this. Matches mean NOTHING

Tell us about how many dates you went on after matching, and acquiring a number.

Even a number doesn't mean anything. She was interested, that is all.

@WhitePolarBear doesn't even bother mentioning his matches, because it doesn't mean anything.

Dates, and successful encounters are all that matter for real world data.


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How many times do we have to go over this. Matches mean NOTHING

Tell us about how many dates you went on after matching, and acquiring a number.

Even a number doesn't mean anything. She was interested, that is all.

Was that for me Shook? If yes, then I have already conceded that online dating has been an abysmal failure for me.


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Was that for me Shook? If yes, then I have already conceded that online dating has been an abysmal failure for me.
Its for everyone who keeps talking about matches as if they mean anything.

A lot of women will message, and talk to people on a dating application, even text after they give you there number.

A lot of them flake, and decide to meet up with other guys.

Dates, and encounters are all that matter. I keep reading about people having 30 matches, and so fourth. Concluding to the fact that they have only been on a couple dates, and rarely made it passed a make out.

For all these numbers we seen thrown around here, I must be surrounded by slayers.


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How many times do we have to go over this. Matches mean NOTHING

Tell us about how many dates you went on after matching, and acquiring a number.

Even a number doesn't mean anything. She was interested, that is all.

@WhitePolarBear doesn't even bother mentioning his matches, because it doesn't mean anything.

Dates, and successful encounters are all that matter for real world data.

Quoting for truth. I have a lot of matches on Tinder (500+) but I'm still not really that successful dating wise. I might get a date from there every few months, which ends in us going on a date, hooking up, then never hearing from her again OR go on a date with the girl then never hear from her again. Having solid looks with a horrible personality sucks some times man.


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Quoting for truth. I have a lot of matches on Tinder (500+) but I'm still not really that successful dating wise. I might get a date from there every few months, which ends in us going on a date, hooking up, then never hearing from her again OR go on a date with the girl then never hear from her again. Having solid looks with a horrible personality sucks some times man.

500 matches? You are doing substantially better than I ever did.


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only slays of 6+ girls matters


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I don't know why but I can easily spot homosexuals by face usually.

Spotted this actor from Arrow, for example:

You may not know but I think we have an idea on why you can spot them.


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Just lol at that forced smile in the first pic with Agassi.

The pain on her face about being papped out in public with that bald manlet is undeniable.

Just reeks of embarrassment, awkwardness and a general regret/humiliation.


In the pics with the fullheads, she looks much more comfortable and contented.
You are showing your own cognitive bias.


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@David_MPN , do you ask these ladies out directly on the app or do you try to get the phone number first? I've gotten about 5 numbers that have gone cold. Should I have just asked on the app instead?

I ask if they'd like to meet up.

If the answer is yes, a phone number will be included with the response.

I agree with @shookwun 's advice: move forward. Be a man. These girls get a ton of stimulation so be forward and progress. If you take your time they are going to get bored of you.

Within the business world, there is a school of thought that a company cannot be stable, it needs to offer new services all the time, and new products, in order to maintain its clientele.
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The girls who have told me that they'd like to chat more and get to know me more prior to meeting me?

I don't think I've ever met any of them.

The thing with those girls is either they are stuck up and uncomfortable with online dating, or they don't like my appearance.

If it's the former there's nothing I can do, if it's the latter there's nothing I can do.

I suspect that if she finds me unattractive but I'm borderline to her (almost good enough) she'll be waiting for me to say something stupid or boring so she gets an opening to ghost me and thus be allowed to pretend she isn't shallow.

There's also something deeply pretentious about the idea that I should have to woo her via text for months for the honour of having a drink with her.
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Quoting for truth. I have a lot of matches on Tinder (500+) but I'm still not really that successful dating wise. I might get a date from there every few months, which ends in us going on a date, hooking up, then never hearing from her again OR go on a date with the girl then never hear from her again. Having solid looks with a horrible personality sucks some times man.

My theory is that the 500+ matches are the reason you're not getting any dates.

How can you even know who to talk to? Too many choices, too much stimulation, might lead to lethargy.

I would go over the matches now and see what's going on, try and gauge what your looks level is.

Then, delete your tinder account and start over. You'll still have all the same data, but your swipes will be reset, and other people's swipes of you will be reset.

Once you get to 15 or 20 matches, stop. You don't need the increased validation of more swipes. You cannot possibly go on a date with 100 women fast enough for it to be matter. Once you're at a dozen or so women, talk to a few of them, and after a couple comments just say "Sara, would you like to meet for a drink later this week?"



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I never said you it would happen by you showing it to them. If they google your photo it might link you to this forum. Had a friend who googled everything she could about guys she dated. And she even found their accounts to different sites and such. But maybe the girls you are meeting are not like that so most likely it won't happen. And I I was not talking about your hair loss situation. Your other "situation".

I have not discussed ED with a romantic prospect in a long time as I have not had sex in a long time due to the ED -- oh that;s circular. It might come up soon though.

I'm worried about it. I don't expect a woman to understand. Men are supposed to want to have sex ten times a day if their partners want it.

I'm hoping my sex drive just turns back on in two weeks as it has the previous times, and then I'll be ok. However the last two times I did no fap I had no access to women.
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