Tinder, Bumble, And Other Dating Sites.

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Here is a great explanation of everything I've just said.


Good read. It seems half and half for me; sometimes I'll get all "less attractive" girls and sometimes I'll get really attractive girls.

tfw I want to post my Tinder profile to get advice from you guys but I've talked so much sh*t about people I know IRL on here that I don't want pictures of myself on here.


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Good read. It seems half and half for me; sometimes I'll get all "less attractive" girls and sometimes I'll get really attractive girls.

tfw I want to post my Tinder profile to get advice from you guys but I've talked so much sh*t about people I know IRL on here that I don't want pictures of myself on here.

You have 500 matches. You don't need any help. If anything you should be helping less fortunate guys like me.


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@Joan is definitely the patron saint of this forum, I think we all adore her :)

I definitely adore her.

She's my Joan of Ark!

Yes we do ☺️ I actually look up to her.
You guys/girls deserve all the praise. Somehow, all of you here manage to attend college, work, date, etc. in spite of just how deeply hair loss is affecting you. You're young in a world that seems far more narcissistic and with higher standards than in my younger days. Had hair loss happened to me at your ages, I couldn't hold a candle to how you are coping with the hands you've been dealt. I actually look up to many of you.


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Your success on Tinder is determined by your facial attractiveness and the state of your hair.

My NW1 friends who are of similar attractiveness as me get a lot more matches. Shocker, I know.

If you're tall, definitely mention your height in your profile. I got a bit more matches after I started doing that.

Girls often tell me that my description is clever and that it made them laugh, but I don't think it plays a major role.

After that, if you're not fat or acne-ridden on your pictures, there's not much you can do.

Maybe get a tan (with carotenoids and/or self-tanners). Yeah I just remembered you were Indian so that doesn't apply to you.

Make sure your teeth are not yellow.

Use pictures taken by your friends on holiday or at the bar. No professional pictures as girls will often feel they've been deceived.

I have no idea if gymcelling helps. @shookwun ? Did you show off your body on your online dating profiles? Do you think it contributed to your success?

And this.

I am in good shape but I am not muscular as I have exclusively focused on cardiovascular exercises. Gaining more muscle may be one thing that I can do to improve. I may need some help with pictures. I just randomly picked some pics and put them on my profile without giving them much thought. Beyond that, I really don't have anything to improve on.


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I am in good shape but I am not muscular as I have exclusively focused on cardiovascular exercises. Gaining more muscle may be one thing that I can do to improve. I may need some help with pictures. I just randomly picked some pics and put them on my profile without giving them much thought. Beyond that, I really don't have anything to improve on.

It's too bad that hotoronot has been transformed into something stupid.


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Your success on Tinder is determined by your facial attractiveness and the state of your hair.

My NW1 friends who are of similar attractiveness as me get a lot more matches. Shocker, I know.

If you're tall, definitely mention your height in your profile. I got a bit more matches after I started doing that.

Girls often tell me that my description is clever and that it made them laugh, but I don't think it plays a major role.

After that, if you're not fat or acne-ridden on your pictures, there's not much you can do.

Maybe get a tan (with carotenoids and/or self-tanners). Yeah I just remembered you were Indian so that doesn't apply to you.

Make sure your teeth are not yellow.

Use pictures taken by your friends on holiday or at the bar. No professional pictures as girls will often feel they've been deceived.

This. Success with social networks and online dating all depends on the combination good hair + good facial features.

That's it. If you're not good-looking and/or past Norwood 2, you can give up on them.


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Your success on Tinder is determined by your facial attractiveness and the state of your hair.

My NW1 friends who are of similar attractiveness as me get a lot more matches. Shocker, I know.

If you're tall, definitely mention your height in your profile. I got a bit more matches after I started doing that.

Girls often tell me that my description is clever and that it made them laugh, but I don't think it plays a major role.

After that, if you're not fat or acne-ridden on your pictures, there's not much you can do.

Maybe get a tan (with carotenoids and/or self-tanners). Yeah I just remembered you were Indian so that doesn't apply to you.

Make sure your teeth are not yellow.

Use pictures taken by your friends on holiday or at the bar. No professional pictures as girls will often feel they've been deceived.

I have no idea if gymcelling helps. @shookwun ? Did you show off your body on your online dating profiles? Do you think it contributed to your success?

And this.
I dont think it makes a difference.
When I look at everyone at my gym, all the handsome face men whether jacked, skinny or chubby have hot chicks by there side. unattractive men who are jacked were with plain janes, and otherwise women I don't even consider approach worthy.

Even when I was skinny, I pulled the same numbers. The biggest draw back was how i felt about myself, which inhibited, and held me back from meeting a lot of women. I was to insecure about having my clothes off, which made me want to lift weights and put me in an area of comfort,

It's all face. Physique helps, but most women don't care.

Building a physique is more about being comfortable with yourself. I was always insecure, and had low self-esteem around other men, and women being bigger then me. Getting jacked never changing my numbers, just made me more secure with myself which made my numbers go up in encounters.

Face, and hair. If you are looking to get laid more then investing time, and money in your hair is a better option.


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We all feed off one an another in different ways in this community. I look up to you in ageing well and life outlook. Totally agree about looks mattering even more now.
I would say I'm aging well in the sense that I work out faithfully and try to stay as fit as possible. That's very true about feeding off each other here. I admire your honesty with others and also with yourself.


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I am in good shape but I am not muscular as I have exclusively focused on cardiovascular exercises. Gaining more muscle may be one thing that I can do to improve. I may need some help with pictures. I just randomly picked some pics and put them on my profile without giving them much thought. Beyond that, I really don't have anything to improve on.

If you need help on building a better physique and want some advice you can pm me. I'm natural and at 6'3" I was skinnier than a beanpole. Two years of very dedicated hard work I completely transformed my physique. In the summer I was shredded at 9% BF and 210 pounds. I'm not a trainer or nutritionist but I can give some advice and help if needed.


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If you need help on building a better physique and want some advice you can pm me. I'm natural and at 6'3" I was skinnier than a beanpole. Two years of very dedicated hard work I completely transformed my physique. In the summer I was shredded at 9% BF and 210 pounds. I'm not a trainer or nutritionist but I can give some advice and help if needed.

Thanks for the offer. I will pm you for tips once I commit to working out.


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My date for tonight messaged me to let me know that she's sorry, that she has personal stuff going on, that we'll need to reschedule.

I said that's cool, looking forward to talking later.


I'm 80% sure I'll never hear from her again. As a test of my restraint, and good behaviour, and maturity, I wonder if I'm capable of just not being in touch if she doesn't get in touch first.

Of the 5 women I met in the first 15 days of 2017, there were two that I wanted to see a second time. One never got back in touch, the other said yes then said let's reschedule (as discussed above in this post).


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My date for tonight messaged me to let me know that she's sorry, that she has personal stuff going on, that we'll need to reschedule.

I said that's cool, looking forward to talking later.


I'm 80% sure I'll never hear from her again. As a test of my restraint, and good behaviour, and maturity, I wonder if I'm capable of just not being in touch if she doesn't get in touch first.

Of the 5 women I met in the first 15 days of 2017, there were two that I wanted to see a second time. One never got back in touch, the other said yes then said let's reschedule (as discussed above in this post).

5 first dates in 15 days is good David. If you can maintain this rate for some time, chances are good that you will find a women with potential for long term relationship.


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5 first dates in 15 days is good David. If you can maintain this rate for some time, chances are good that you will find a women with potential for long term relationship.

It's good, but part of it reflects a bump from just making a username and logging on.


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Another test you can do; If you "follow" a random (attractive) girl on Instagram and/or Twitter and she "follows" you back, she probably think's you're attractive.


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Another test you can do; If you "follow" a random (attractive) girl on Instagram and/or Twitter and she "follows" you back, she probably think's you're attractive.

I can't be bothered to set up an Instagram account.

I do have a twitter account, on which I post once a month.


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I can't be bothered to set up an Instagram account.

I do have a twitter account, on which I post once a month.

It's not a full proof method by anymeans, but I know when a girl I consider attractive randomly follows me on a social media outlet, I'll usually follow her back. I feel like the same logic goes on with girls to guys.
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