Tinder, Bumble, And Other Dating Sites.

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I think what's most pathetic nowadays is that you never hear anyone on this forum actually meeting women doing normal every day activities.

I know you guys want to believe most people are dating through Tinder, but I can assure you they are not.

Almost every I know, and met in real life has met there partner in real life. Most the homo sexuals, and trannies meet there partners online

In fort mcmurray, I can swipe every tinder women in under five minutes. There is less then 200 women who use it in a city of 60-80,000

On POF it was always the same women. Every time I would re-activate my profiles I would swipe, and search around. There would be new women, but a large core amount were the same women every month. kept seeing the same faces all the time. it's easy to believe when you live in a city with millions of people this is where they meet everyone, but its just a small tool in comparison.

I would stop focusing on these numbers, and go meet someone in real life. it's far easier..... all though it takes something called a personality which a lot of people struggle with nowadays. Easier to hide behind your computer, and phone.


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I think what's most pathetic nowadays is that you never hear anyone on this forum actually meeting women doing normal every day activities.

I know you guys want to believe most people are dating through Tinder, but I can assure you they are not.

Almost every I know, and met in real life has met there partner in real life. Most the homo sexuals, and trannies meet there partners online

In fort mcmurray, I can swipe every tinder women in under five minutes. There is less then 200 women who use it in a city of 60-80,000

On POF it was always the same women. Every time I would re-activate my profiles I would swipe, and search around. There would be new women, but a large core amount were the same women every month. kept seeing the same faces all the time. it's easy to believe when you live in a city with millions of people this is where they meet everyone, but its just a small tool in comparison.

I would stop focusing on these numbers, and go meet someone in real life. it's far easier..... all though it takes something called a personality which a lot of people struggle with nowadays. Easier to hide behind your computer, and phone.


I'm trying to set up a life but it will take time.

I'm new here for one, I'm starting from scratch. Most of the people at work are from different backgrounds and different stages in their lives, though we get along.

This week I have a cooking class (where I don't expect to meet people), and three meetups planned involving a happy hour, a jewish mixer, and a speed dating event. I'll see how it goes but my expectations are low.

By the way in case it's not clear, I'm not normal. I'm on the asperger's spectrum, and I'm working in a white collar field but am from a working-class background, which makes me stick out.


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I'm trying to set up a life but it will take time.

I'm new here for one, I'm starting from scratch. Most of the people at work are from different backgrounds and different stages in their lives, though we get along.

This week I have a cooking class (where I don't expect to meet people), and three meetups planned involving a happy hour, a jewish mixer, and a speed dating event. I'll see how it goes but my expectations are low.

By the way in case it's not clear, I'm not normal. I'm on the asperger's spectrum, and I'm working in a white collar field but am from a working-class background, which makes me stick out.

Nobody would know you had it, to be honest.

I wouldn't say it. It's not like women tell you all of their secrets, and what turns them on.

They don't.


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Nobody would know you had it, to be honest.

I wouldn't say it. It's not like women tell you all of their secrets, and what turns them on.

They don't.

Most who meet me in real life can tell I'm on the asperger's spectrum very quickly. It's something that manifests in voice patterns, body language, speech, social behaviour, et cetera.


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David, I admire your determination. Don't give up like I did so many times. Unfortunately, my low self esteem influenced my determination and made dating seem like a chore for me.

I do agree with Shook. I would rather meet a "person of interest" at a great lecture or activity of something I am totally interested in. I would be open for someone who knows me well enough to match me up. However, online dating was not a great experience for me. The games women used to play were not my style.

The only thing that I learned from online dating is there were alot of people who had experienced unhappy marriages in their 20's or even 30's. Not only that but there were good number of people who had never been married and they were 40 years or older. I also found that divorced women looked "down upon" men who were 35 years or older and never been married.


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Who the hell is?


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And I actually just thought of something. David, I have read that you have experienced some problems with ED, which definitely sucks. Don't let that keep you from having fun and pleasing women. From the pics you have posted, I can see that you still do have a mouth.


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And I actually just thought of something. David, I have read that you have experienced some problems with ED, which definitely sucks. Don't let that keep you from having fun and pleasing women. From the pics you have posted, I can see that you still do have a mouth.
Are you implying David should "put his money where his mouth is"?


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I'm sorry if I'm being depressed guys and thus spreading misery. It's been a difficult few months for me. I'll try and be better, but it's a process.


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And I actually just thought of something. David, I have read that you have experienced some problems with ED, which definitely sucks. Don't let that keep you from having fun and pleasing women. From the pics you have posted, I can see that you still do have a mouth.

So true. Women like the tounge much better than the dick, at least a lot do.

That's why vibrators vibrate.


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This. To be honest, I used to be pretty forgiving when it came to women. They turned their noses up at me? Flaked a few dates? I'd write it all off as part of some sh*t test.

Nowadays, I don't even bother. The endless rejections, humiliations, all of it - I just can't take it anymore. I hate women. Especially the young 8+ ones. They treat men like servants. It makes me angry that there are still so many men out there that will happily put up with it. Snuffling at their feet like dogs.

Its f*****g pathetic. Feminism can f*** off. Good looking young girls have been queen of the world since the dawn of time, even chads sit below them in the hierarchy.

I'm done. Plodding along for a few more years then suiciding. Life's a f*****g joke.

P.s. @Dante92 I'm sorry for ranting at you the other day. You were right, women are f*****g terrible and life is f*****g sh*t. And I also agree with you about the surgeries and stuff. Dropping $10K to crawl up to a 5/10 is pointless: your life won't really improve. These days its 7/8+ out of 10, with god-level social skills or nothing.
at least you tried dude. i never even tried but then again i was norwood 6 at 20 lol. although suicide is sorta extreme wouldn't you say? im pretty much an escapist and putting minimal effort in. as long as i'm away from society and its bullshit i'm happy.


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No need to apologise. I suspect the feeling isn't mutual, but you're genuinely one of my favourite posters on the forum. You've every right to be depressed. None of what you're saying is unreasonable. Life's just sh*t. 1% of people live like kings while the other 99% in various degrees of suffering. It's a joke.

I like you man.

In general this is a friendly, supportive website. I like all the posters who speak about life and their experiences and explain what they say.

The people I don't like are the losers flooding the Italian lotion thread with hundreds of dislikes, anyone promoting pseudoscience about biotin, etc.


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I think what's most pathetic nowadays is that you never hear anyone on this forum actually meeting women doing normal every day activities.

I know you guys want to believe most people are dating through Tinder, but I can assure you they are not.

Almost every I know, and met in real life has met there partner in real life. Most the homo sexuals, and trannies meet there partners online

In fort mcmurray, I can swipe every tinder women in under five minutes. There is less then 200 women who use it in a city of 60-80,000

On POF it was always the same women. Every time I would re-activate my profiles I would swipe, and search around. There would be new women, but a large core amount were the same women every month. kept seeing the same faces all the time. it's easy to believe when you live in a city with millions of people this is where they meet everyone, but its just a small tool in comparison.

I would stop focusing on these numbers, and go meet someone in real life. it's far easier..... all though it takes something called a personality which a lot of people struggle with nowadays. Easier to hide behind your computer, and phone.

Spot on. Exactly mirrors my own experience. I know very few people who met their spouses/girl friends online.


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I'll share some miscellaneous life experiences prior to going to bed.

1) I mentioned my situation to three women friends (mid-30s) I had in Canberra, while discussing other things. They're friends, halfway across the world. We can talk about other things like food or current events or whatever as long as there are no gender politics.

One of them gave me the advice -- I kid you not -- to get in touch with the women who are not interested n follow-up dates and to ask for feedback as to why they're not interested. For those of you not aware, it's virtually impossible in life to get feedback from people who reject you (women, employers, etc). I was just flabbergasted. She said one of her female friends had asked men who rejected her for feedback, and the (more honest, nicer) guys had told her that they're intimidated by her career, that she's very busy and not sure if she's available for a relationship. Ergo, this proves asking for feedback can work.

Let's leave aside the fact I cannot get in touch with the thousands of women who left swipe me.

They're not being mean/cruel or anything, they just genuinely have no idea.

2) There was a discussion on an access and equity facebook group I'm on where people discuss discrimination in the workplace.

One man posted that was happy to learn about discrimination because he believed it would make him a better person. He asked if it were possible, that as someone extremely tall (6'9) and obese, that he might be the victim of discrimination himself. I, and a couple other people wrote the same thing as responses, that fat-shaming is a thing.

The moderator went absolutely berserk on him. She said that the purpose of the group was to discuss discrimination based on race, gender, and intersectionality thereof, that it wasn't for "white people" to complain about the discrimination they face. She mentioned her PhD in sociology. She said real discrimination, for example based on race and gender, is reflected in social norms and rooted in history, which isn't true of fat-shaming.

I didn't bother engaging with her. There is no point in engaging with these people. I am absolutely f*****g disgusted though, in the real world people might face discrimination for any number of reasons (being ugly, being poor, mental illness, etc) not just due to race/gender/intersectionality. Those who are committed to making the world a better place, rather than just accumulating power for themselves, will recognize these other forces. However, the lack of sincerity of people claiming to fight for social justice really grates me.

3) Was out with a girl last night (no prospect there) and she went on a tangent about her friend's awful relationship. It's fine it's on her mind so we ended up discussing it.

Her friend is finished medical school, an attending at a hospital (salary ... ~$150,000/year?) in a major US city, she showed me a picture and the woman is modestly attractive, slim white woman in her early 30s. She's got her sh*t together.

Her husband? Unemployed. No job prospects and not interested in jobs where they expect him to fill in an application because he's too good for that and just wants to hand in a CV (seriously). He doesn't have friends or family that he's close to. She visited her friend a few months, and on two of the four nights he was black-out drunk when they got home with the music blaring incredibly loud. Two of the four nights.

I asked for his photo. He's an average-looking guy in my opinion, maybe slightly above-average has a full head of hair though, and the same or nearly the same skin and hair tones as his wife, so they look alike.

She's putting up with an incredible amount of garbage for a man who satisfies her looks criteria and is available to her.


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I think it''s because he was shaving his head even when he was a full-head, because he didn't need hair lol.

I mean look here:

Wrinkles are not bad for a 46 year-old.

those wrinkles ARE pretty damn bad for 46.

he looks 56 in this pic to me.
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