Tinder, Bumble, And Other Dating Sites.

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This thread is depressing to read. Genuinely planning on exiting soon - on the verge of ordering the drugs from china. Just lol at life when you're young, bald and sub 8 facially. Brb 0 matches on tinder ever brb incel brb joining bobster
Just "be right back."


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This. To be honest, I used to be pretty forgiving when it came to women. They turned their noses up at me? Flaked a few dates? I'd write it all off as part of some sh*t test.

Nowadays, I don't even bother. The endless rejections, humiliations, all of it - I just can't take it anymore. I hate women. Especially the young 8+ ones. They treat men like servants. It makes me angry that there are still so many men out there that will happily put up with it. Snuffling at their feet like dogs.

Its f*****g pathetic. Feminism can f*** off. Good looking young girls have been queen of the world since the dawn of time, even chads sit below them in the hierarchy.

I'm done. Plodding along for a few more years then suiciding. Life's a f*****g joke.

P.s. @Dante92 I'm sorry for ranting at you the other day. You were right, women are f*****g terrible and life is f*****g sh*t. And I also agree with you about the surgeries and stuff. Dropping $10K to crawl up to a 5/10 is pointless: your life won't really improve. These days its 7/8+ out of 10, with god-level social skills or nothing.
Wow, you've turned 180!


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those wrinkles ARE pretty damn bad for 46.

he looks 56 in this pic to me.
Hmmmmm.. I actually think that this guys wrinkles are fairly appropriate for his age.
Don't tell me Hollywood standards of how middle age men should look have gotten to you too, hairblues.


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As I've said before, people have less time than they think they do when it comes to starting a family.

Women are increasingly guilty of waiting too long, only to realize around the age of 35 that they've missed the boat.

I'm aware of this, which is why I'm thinking about having kids with my current girlfriend. You often won't get many chances. Studies have shown that it takes couples 3 years on average before considering having their first child.

Finding someone you're compatible with is extremely hard. But many people these days act like they could find someone better around the corner.


poor girl

im honestly surprised u have a gf at all.



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@David_MPN has also gone over this before: "Just meet women in real life!" is empty and inapplicable advice.


But I guess we must be stupid. When you have a full time job, it just doesn't happen anymore.

Meetups are the only places I see it happening (happened to me before) but beside that?


At the gym? You just don't do that. Clubbing with friends? Surely better prospects than online! At work? You don't sh*t where you eat.

"Just meet women in real life!"

Yeah, just.

Meet ups and clubs are not very helpful. Although my success rate in clubs was substantially better than online dating, I don't consider it a good way to potentially meet a long term partner. The best way to meet people in real life is in college, through work or friends of friends who you meet in house parties or other social gatherings. VAST majority of people who I know are married or are in relationships have met their mates through one of these channels. Also, when I say meeting through work, I don't always mean dating co-workers. You can have a job role where you are just meeting a lot of women not necessarily your co-workers. For example, one of my friend used to be a car salesman. He met his ex-girl friend when she came to his dealership looking to buy a car. Unfortunately we are not always in job roles where we are just exposed to a lot of women. I have had friends who who worked in restaurants or hotels and met their girl friends/wives there either as a customer or a co-worker. Also, you make it sound like dating co-workers should be off limits. I would say that depends on the situation. I have known quite a few happy couples that met at work. It depends on various factors including the size of the organization, do they work in the same department, are they under the same manager etc.


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@David_MPN has also gone over this before: "Just meet women in real life!" is empty and inapplicable advice.


But I guess we must be stupid. When you have a full time job, it just doesn't happen anymore.

Meetups are the only places I see it happening (happened to me before) but beside that?


At the gym? You just don't do that. Clubbing with friends? Surely better prospects than online! At work? You don't sh*t where you eat.

"Just meet women in real life!"

Yeah, just.

you guys really should not listen to this guy

he is a moron

you can meet women wherever the f*** you want ffs as long as your not a social retard. gym, bars wherever

guys like fred cant because he is a retard.

lol to 'you dont sh*t where you eat'. f*** ME. at work is probably the most common place to meet your future gfs/wives because thats the place you spend the most of your time in. JESUS


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@David_MPN has also gone over this before: "Just meet women in real life!" is empty and inapplicable advice.


But I guess we must be stupid. When you have a full time job, it just doesn't happen anymore.

Meetups are the only places I see it happening (happened to me before) but beside that?


At the gym? You just don't do that. Clubbing with friends? Surely better prospects than online! At work? You don't sh*t where you eat.

"Just meet women in real life!"

Yeah, just.

Also, there is data to indicate that most people meet their significant others in real life. Look at this chart found in the following link. I was correct when I said that meeting women through friends, work and other social settings is a great way to meet people. That has been precisely my experience in real life as well. All the women that I have dated including my ex-wife, I met in real life.


The survey was done in March 2015 and 2,373 people were surveyed. Following is a link to the chart.

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@David_MPN has also gone over this before: "Just meet women in real life!" is empty and inapplicable advice.


But I guess we must be stupid. When you have a full time job, it just doesn't happen anymore.

Meetups are the only places I see it happening (happened to me before) but beside that?


At the gym? You just don't do that. Clubbing with friends? Surely better prospects than online! At work? You don't sh*t where you eat.

"Just meet women in real life!"

Yeah, just.
I bet you're meeting a lot of girls at your gym.


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..you can meet women wherever the f*** you want ffs as long as your not a social retard. gym, bars wherever

guys like fred cant because he is a retard.

lol to 'you dont sh*t where you eat'. f*** ME. at work is probably the most common place to meet your future gfs/wives because thats the place you spend the most of your time in. JESUS
This has a lot of truth.
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you can meet women wherever the f*** you want ffs as long as your not a social retard. gym, bars wherever

lol to 'you dont sh*t where you eat'. f*** ME. at work is probably the most common place to meet your future gfs/wives because thats the place you spend the most of your time in. JESUS

It's interesting how the guys that get little to no action with women, always think they know the most about them.


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In my culture, you don't talk to people you don't know.

Everyone minds his own business in my gyms.

i was going to say its not like people 'cant' meet in public--they can

but its so much rejection.

if someone is very thick skinned about rejection then they should go for it.

but i think most of the people here are sensitive about looks or they would not be on forums..so thats not easy to do repeatedly..girl in cafe, girl on bus, girl in book store, girl in dentist waiting room

especially now everyone puts nose in tablets or phones--so you are actually 'disturbing' someone to get them to chat. And can be mortifying i am sure.


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i was going to say its not like people 'cant' meet in public--they can

but its so much rejection.

if someone is very thick skinned about rejection then they should go for it.

but i think most of the people here are sensitive about looks or they would not be on forums..so thats not easy to do repeatedly..girl in cafe, girl on bus, girl in book store, girl in dentist waiting room

especially now everyone puts nose in tablets or phones--so you are actually 'disturbing' someone to get them to chat. And can be mortifying i am sure.
It's different meeting people in public in different culture. I think Norway is the country in the world where it's the most difficult meeting new people.
You have to be introduced by friends or going to the same class/work, approaching someone you don't know is seen as creepy or weird here.


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In my culture, you don't talk to people you don't know.

Everyone minds his own business in my gyms.

And f*****g women you work with? I don't see how that could end badly.

My friends have had a lot of problems dating women from work.

Some of them almost had to quit their job because of it.

Even through mutual friends it's usually a bad idea.

The girl would tell their friend that he was a creep and *gasp* tried to kiss her!

Some people I know have had their reputation ruined with these methods.

Some people talk a lot here but give no real life examples.

They just say "it can be done! Well I've never done it but I'm sure of it! Moron!"

All hypothetical.

@blackg @sunchyme1 , have you met women through mutual friends or at work? How many? What was the result? How did it affect your work or your friendships?

That's what I'm interested in.

@pjhair Have you met women at work or through mutual friends?
Severely triggered!


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@pjhair Have you met women at work or through mutual friends?

Yes, I have. It didn't have any impact on my work at all. But we worked in different departments so that may have something to do with it. Also, three really good friends of mine met their girl friend/spouse at work. But one of them is pretty recent so I am not sure what impact the relationship will have at his work. But given that he was sleeping with two other women from his work with no issues prior to meeting his current gf, it should be alright.
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And f*****g women you work with? I don't see how that could end badly.

My friends have had a lot of problems dating women from work.

Some of them almost had to quit their job because of it.

All joking aside this is the truth. Sure things are all fine and great when things are going good, but if/when they turn bad it turns into a nightmare. A good rule is to just never do it. No piece of *** is worth the money you will potentially lose by getting fired. There is nothing wrong with befriending women at your job and dating their friends, but dating at work is more trouble than it is worth.
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