Tinder, Bumble, And Other Dating Sites.

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Empty post, no serious reply, no real life examples.

What did I expect?
OK... But I'm flat our working late down here in this damn summer heat.

Give me about an hour and I should get back to you with some real life examples of meeting girls in public places and in the workplace.

I may even stretch the truth on a couple of them, just to make you feel at home.

Will get back soon.
Love ya, Fred!


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i WOULD tell men though keep your eyes open when in public don't assume you won't meet someone...because if someone catches your eye and you have good eye contact exchange a smile--then you have an opening and should try.
That doesnt mean anything I live in denmark and everybody smiles at you here lel.


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That doesnt mean anything I live in denmark and everybody smiles at you here lel.



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OK, some examples of meeting girls in real life in public and in the workplace.

Example 1.

I was traveling on the train with my brother recently and this cute girl around his age was initiating and maintaining frequent eye contact with him (the bastard).
So after 5 or so minutes of this I convinced him to go and say hello. He does, after some more prodding. He is a very shy and modest guy.
He goes and sits next to her. She smiles, turns and to towards him to speak (a very good sign) and they chat and laugh for the rest of our journey. About 30 minutes.

He gets her number and kisses her on the cheek before he leaves.
She is all smiles and says she will look forward to hearing from him.
He rings her the next day. They end up being an item for the next 6 months or so.

Example 2.

This happened in the workplace.
A guy I know. Lets call him Fred, for arguments sake.
Anyway "Fred" worked as an after hours shelf stacker for some super market chain on a casual basis. The whole staff was casual and ranged from the ages of 18 to early 30 somethings, so the shift had a relaxed, cool vibe to it.

Anyway after "Fred" had been working at this place for about 5 months a rather attractive 23 year old female started working there.
It turns out that this girl was also a part time model.
This woman only took this job because she needed to make some quick money to go towards her trip overseas.

So after a few days of working there she started making eyes at "Fred". It turns out, quite obviously, that she found "Fred" rather appealing.
So, long story short, Fred waltzes over to her during one dinner break, they exchange phone numbers and end up having casual sex on and off until this girl leaves and went on her trip.
No harm done. No sexual harassment case. Just two consenting adults doing what's natural.

Anyway, that will do for now. I can't be fooked writing anymore.

Give it some thought, Freddo.


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I still don't see how it should be easier to meet women in real life, if anything, it will be way harder than online.

The point is, for some reason, women are a lot more receptive to you when you meet in real life through college/friends/work compared to online. So if a women is available, it's substantially easier to date her. However, once you are out of college and not in a profession with frequent contact with women, it's not easy to meet single women in real life. You have been quite successful in online dating. However, look back at your relationships/hookups that you had with women in real life. I will be surprised if your success rate wasn't higher compared to online.


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OK, some examples of meeting girls in real life in public and in the workplace.

Example 1.

I was traveling on the train with my brother recently and this cute girl around his age was initiating and maintaining frequent eye contact with him (the bastard).
So after 5 or so minutes of this I convinced him to go and say hello. He does, after some more prodding. He is a very shy and modest guy.
He goes and sits next to her. She smiles, turns and to towards him to speak (a very good sign) and they chat and laugh for the rest of our journey. About 30 minutes.

He gets her number and kisses her on the cheek before he leaves.
She is all smiles and says she will look forward to hearing from him.
He rings her the next day. They end up being an item for the next 6 months or so.

Example 2.

This happened in the workplace.
A guy I know. Lets call him Fred, for arguments sake.
Anyway "Fred" worked as an after hours shelf stacker for some super market chain on a casual basis. The whole staff was casual and ranged from the ages of 18 to early 30 somethings, so the shift had a relaxed, cool vibe to it.

Anyway after "Fred" had been working at this place for about 5 months a rather attractive 23 year old female started working there.
It turns out that this girl was also a part time model.
This woman only took this job because she needed to make some quick money to go towards her trip overseas.

So after a few days of working there she started making eyes at "Fred". It turns out, quite obviously, that she found "Fred" rather appealing.
So, long story short, Fred waltzes over to her during one dinner break, they exchange phone numbers and end up having casual sex on and off until this girl leaves and went on her trip.
No harm done. No sexual harassment case. Just two consenting adults doing what's natural.

Anyway, that will do for now. I can't be fooked writing anymore.

Give it some thought, Freddo.
I like your "story telling style". I was disappointed because I was hoping to hear a story where you get the girl.


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I have a huge social circle and I can tell you I have a few friends, who never had luck in clubs or on tinder, who have hooked up with friends or friends of friends, for one night sex in some cases, and for relationship in others.

I have friends who've lost their virginity with other friends.

Even I had the chance to f*** one of my really hot friends, easily a 7, but was too much of a virgin pussy at the time :(

Still though guys who have mastered tinder and clubs get the most pussy obviously.


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I have a huge social circle and I can tell you I have a few friends, who never had luck in clubs or on tinder, who have hooked up with friends or friends of friends, for one night sex in some cases, and for relationship in others.

I have friends who've lost their virginity with other friends.

Even I had the chance to f*** one of my really hot friends, easily a 7, but was too much of a virgin pussy at the time :(

Still though guys who have mastered tinder and clubs get the most pussy obviously.

Golden age of tinder was early 2014-2015. Now it's infested with ugly/chubby/single moms who won't even give you the time of day unless you show off your new Mercedes, flying in a private jet, you climbing Everest, pictures at festivals.

Obviously there are guys who have success, but average/below average women feel entitled to chad because so many beta, pencil neck geeks are orbiting and telling these women how drop dead gorgeous they are.


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This. To be honest, I used to be pretty forgiving when it came to women. They turned their noses up at me? Flaked a few dates? I'd write it all off as part of some sh*t test.

Nowadays, I don't even bother. The endless rejections, humiliations, all of it - I just can't take it anymore. I hate women. Especially the young 8+ ones. They treat men like servants. It makes me angry that there are still so many men out there that will happily put up with it. Snuffling at their feet like dogs.

Its f*****g pathetic. Feminism can f*** off. Good looking young girls have been queen of the world since the dawn of time, even chads sit below them in the hierarchy.

I'm done. Plodding along for a few more years then suiciding. Life's a f*****g joke.

P.s. @Dante92 I'm sorry for ranting at you the other day. You were right, women are f*****g terrible and life is f*****g sh*t. And I also agree with you about the surgeries and stuff. Dropping $10K to crawl up to a 5/10 is pointless: your life won't really improve. These days its 7/8+ out of 10, with god-level social skills or nothing.

Even 10/10 males do not live same live as 8+/10 instagram w****s nowadays.

LDAR/ER/drugs are the only options to cope with life if you bear XY chromosome set.


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Smiles do wrinkles.

There is East coast botox and West Coast botox style.

East coast--face still moves looks very natural
West Coast--frozen face by the time you are 28--can't move the face.

I have not done botox yet but i have many friends who have it 'East coast' style.

they have a wrinkle get a little botox the wrinkle relaxes and they look smooth. Sometimes the brow even lifts slightly.

West coast style--they have no emotion on face and the brows are in the hair line or arched.

Good work you cant tell..only bad work can you tell.

its like hair transplant got to go to someone with an artistic eye.


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Guys. I think we all need to band together and encourage eachother. I admit, reading some of the posts in this thread are depressing, and some of my posts have been depressing as well. We are all mostly in the same boat with what we are dealing with. Life doesn't suck and it's not sh*t. Want to know what's sh*t? Take a stroll through your local cancer ward and see young kids and all sorts of people dieing from a terminal disease.

Most of us are healthy besides dealing with hair loss. Yes it's a major blow. I get it. I'm sure people on this board are capable of great things if they put their mind to it. Stop worrying about pussy. Honestly, who the f*** cares. There is so much more to life than women. I also get we all want the validation that comes from being with a woman and a relationship and sex, but there is so much to do and accomplish out there. Life is what you make of it.

Last night I went out to play hockey. The rink was empty and just flying down the ice skating like I was 17 playing junior hockey was an amazing feeling. Shooting the puck and just being on the ice was the greatest feeling ever and all my problems just left for that 45 mins.

Just hit a back and chest workout and feeling like a million bucks. Ill be the first to admit, I can't get girls, but it's really not the end of the world. We should all encourage eachother to do better and strive for self improvement.


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Want to know what's sh*t? Take a stroll through your local cancer ward and see young kids and all sorts of people dieing from a terminal disease.

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