Tinder, Bumble, And Other Dating Sites.

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Guys. I think we all need to band together and encourage eachother. I admit, reading some of the posts in this thread are depressing, and some of my posts have been depressing as well. We are all mostly in the same boat with what we are dealing with. Life doesn't suck and it's not sh*t. Want to know what's sh*t? Take a stroll through your local cancer ward and see young kids and all sorts of people dieing from a terminal disease.

Most of us are healthy besides dealing with hair loss. Yes it's a major blow. I get it. I'm sure people on this board are capable of great things if they put their mind to it. Stop worrying about pussy. Honestly, who the f*** cares. There is so much more to life than women. I also get we all want the validation that comes from being with a woman and a relationship and sex, but there is so much to do and accomplish out there. Life is what you make of it.

Last night I went out to play hockey. The rink was empty and just flying down the ice skating like I was 17 playing junior hockey was an amazing feeling. Shooting the puck and just being on the ice was the greatest feeling ever and all my problems just left for that 45 mins.

Just hit a back and chest workout and feeling like a million bucks. Ill be the first to admit, I can't get girls, but it's really not the end of the world. We should all encourage eachother to do better and strive for self improvement.
I wouldn't give a sh*t if I ever had a girl, but now due to hair loss I'm afraid that I will never have that and I feel like I missed out on alot of opportunities...


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When I was 20 and almost NW4, I used to fantasize about tying up every person who dared to advise me to visit a cancer ward.

In my fantasies, I'd tie them up, shave their head off and pour melted asphalt on their scalp to make sure that nothing would ever grow again on their heads.

Then I'd tell them to visit a cancer.

It's only hair after all.

Iv personally never wished harm on anyone but... different strokes.


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just cancer ward it bro


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tbh anyone who isn't a 10/10 asian girl on instagram should just burn their family alive and then hang themselves


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Reading girls questions answered on OkCupid :
Would you reject someone because of hes appearance ?
she answered: "Yes but only if he was obese".
Yea right.. Just messaged her and no answer lel..


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Reading girls questions answered on OkCupid :
Would you reject someone because of hes appearance ?
she answered: "Yes but only if he was obese".
Yea right.. Just messaged her and no answer lel..

She forgot to add bald, wrinkly and not 8+.


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Hollywood director Bryan Singer has a really awful botox:



When he's not busy getting awful plastic surgery, he spends his time being very well-paid to make awful films.

Days of Future Past was a fantastic movie. So were X-men 1 and 2. I also enjoyed Usual Suspects.


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tbh anyone who isn't a 10/10 asian girl on instagram should just burn their family alive and then hang themselves

6/10 petite asian is enough.


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Guys. I think we all need to band together and encourage eachother. I admit, reading some of the posts in this thread are depressing, and some of my posts have been depressing as well. We are all mostly in the same boat with what we are dealing with. Life doesn't suck and it's not sh*t. Want to know what's sh*t? Take a stroll through your local cancer ward and see young kids and all sorts of people dieing from a terminal disease.

Most of us are healthy besides dealing with hair loss. Yes it's a major blow. I get it. I'm sure people on this board are capable of great things if they put their mind to it. Stop worrying about pussy. Honestly, who the f*** cares. There is so much more to life than women. I also get we all want the validation that comes from being with a woman and a relationship and sex, but there is so much to do and accomplish out there. Life is what you make of it.

Last night I went out to play hockey. The rink was empty and just flying down the ice skating like I was 17 playing junior hockey was an amazing feeling. Shooting the puck and just being on the ice was the greatest feeling ever and all my problems just left for that 45 mins.

Just hit a back and chest workout and feeling like a million bucks. Ill be the first to admit, I can't get girls, but it's really not the end of the world. We should all encourage eachother to do better and strive for self improvement.

Lol you just got a dopamine strike.

Please reread this in week or two and you will realise how you were delusional.

I agree on cancer part tho. They are in different dimensions.


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I'll have a cute girl smile at me on the train every 10 trips if I'm lucky.

just lol. DELUSIONAL. are you sure there looking at you or your pubes? your not good looking enough man to have 'cute girls' smile at you. average, maybe. weirdos, definately

Ill be the first to admit, I can't get girls

dude you cant girls because your socially fucked up. you got no confidence. the sh*t you went through when you younger has fucked you up. this happens to EVERYONE for one reason or another. all you gotta do is get it back and youll slaying in no time

with smp you are 8/9. guys on this website would kill for your looks. dont let all their bullshit you read here get you down. you got no reason to be man

I meant it as, if you were terminally sick with a very small chance of recovery, life would definetely be bad. God bless everyone who does have cancer and I hope they recover.

its abit fucked up do this, but its a great idea to get perspective on your own bullshit. your losing your hair....try being a 10 year old kid with terminal illness. there REAL PROBLEMS


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Days of Future Past was a fantastic movie. So were X-men 1 and 2. I also enjoyed Usual Suspects.

I don't feel like elaborating, but among fans of the source material (which I am not), Deadpool and First Class are regarded as the best, or rather only good, films in the series. I don't know the source material, I only know film, and I'd say those two are the only worthwhile films. Some like Wolverine though, I have not seen it. Logan might be a good film.

X1, X2, and DoFP are average and not ageing well, they're the sort of films somebody might like in the theatre but not be able to discuss six months later because they've forgotten the plot. When DoFP came out people loved it, it was briefly among the top-10 movies of all time on IMDB. Now it's the 499th ranked film and falling (in spite of the fact comic books are overrated on IMDB), and has fallen out of the conversation, unlike other good blockbusters that came out that year that people still discuss: Guardians of the Galaxy, Interstellar, etc.

The Usual Suspects is over 20 years old.


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You're disciplined with working out but in your pictures you also have good skin which is genetic. I remember you saying your grandma was a sun worshipper and smoker but still retained good skin. It's a blessing. That combined with good face and hair, you look like you've been stuck in your mid - late 30s for a while!
Good hair (not that it was ever better than average) is a thing of the past for me. Pictures can be very deceiving. Trust me, in real life I look every bit my age. But thanks! :)


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I like your "story telling style". I was disappointed because I was hoping to hear a story where you get the girl.
Well, I could relay one of them but I'm pretty modest, myself.
And thanks for your compliments.


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Honestly don't know why you guys are even on this forum you all have good faces and being bald doesn't look that bad on you.. Me on the other hand I look like sh*t either way.

Doubt it, and I can gaurentee it's mostly in your head. Believe in yourself bro.
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