Tinder, Bumble, And Other Dating Sites.

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I didn't say it couldn't happen.
I'll have a cute girl smile at me on the train every 10 trips if I'm lucky.

just lol. DELUSIONAL. are you sure there looking at you or your pubes? your not good looking enough man to have 'cute girls' smile at you. average, maybe. weirdos, definately
Well, I happen to believe Fred on this one. For an above average looking guy, which Fred is, I'm sure once in every 10 trains trips or so, he is getting noticed by a girl or two.
Cute or not, to us it doesn't matter as cuteness is subjective to individual taste.
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Honestly don't know why you guys are even on this forum you all have good faces and being bald doesn't look that bad on you.. Me on the other hand I look like sh*t either way.

were on here because we dont want to go bald. im here for the new tech stuff. this impact section is just lol. DEPRESSING AS f***.


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Well, I happen to believe Fred on this one. For an above average looking guy, which Fred is, I'm sure once every 10 trains trips or so he is getting noticed by a girl or two.
Cute or not, to us it doesn't matter it doesn't matter as cuteness is subjective to individual taste.

lol common dude i dont think you really believe that. you said yourself. the guy is full of sh*t. FULL OF sh*t


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Yes, I have said that in the past. But this one I believe. Our overall opinions about someone should be flexible and never too static.

oh no your right. he has varying degrees of bullshit. from just plain deluded to flat out bat sh*t crazy.


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OK, some examples of meeting girls in real life in public and in the workplace.

Example 1.

I was traveling on the train with my brother recently and this cute girl around his age was initiating and maintaining frequent eye contact with him (the bastard).
So after 5 or so minutes of this I convinced him to go and say hello. He does, after some more prodding. He is a very shy and modest guy.
He goes and sits next to her. She smiles, turns and to towards him to speak (a very good sign) and they chat and laugh for the rest of our journey. About 30 minutes.

He gets her number and kisses her on the cheek before he leaves.
She is all smiles and says she will look forward to hearing from him.
He rings her the next day. They end up being an item for the next 6 months or so.

Example 2.

This happened in the workplace.
A guy I know. Lets call him Fred, for arguments sake.
Anyway "Fred" worked as an after hours shelf stacker for some super market chain on a casual basis. The whole staff was casual and ranged from the ages of 18 to early 30 somethings, so the shift had a relaxed, cool vibe to it.

Anyway after "Fred" had been working at this place for about 5 months a rather attractive 23 year old female started working there.
It turns out that this girl was also a part time model.
This woman only took this job because she needed to make some quick money to go towards her trip overseas.

So after a few days of working there she started making eyes at "Fred". It turns out, quite obviously, that she found "Fred" rather appealing.
So, long story short, Fred waltzes over to her during one dinner break, they exchange phone numbers and end up having casual sex on and off until this girl leaves and went on her trip.
No harm done. No sexual harassment case. Just two consenting adults doing what's natural.

Anyway, that will do for now. I can't be fooked writing anymore.

Give it some thought, Freddo.

pua skills


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lol dude im fine

but you guys are NUTS to listen to this clown.


I don't think @WhitePolarBear is deluded or a liar. I don't agree with him on everything but I think his insight on dating and importance of looks is generally correct and matches with my own real life experiences. I also don't understand why you find his claim about women finding him attractive or smiling at him on train unbelievable. He is a tall, good looking guy. I am not at all surprised it happens to him. I am not at my prime anymore and I still sometimes see women smiling and saying hi to me. What's so unbelievable about it? Also, you called @David_MPN nuts. He is one of the most intelligent, insightful and genuine posters on this forum. He has been pretty honest about his struggles and insecurities and tries to help others as much as he can. Attacking him only puts you in bad light.


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I don't think @WhitePolarBear is deluded or a liar. I don't agree with him on everything but I think his insight on dating and importance of looks is generally correct and matches with my own real life experiences. I also don't understand why you find his claim about women finding him attractive or smiling at him on train unbelievable. He is a tall, good looking guy. I am not at all surprised it happens to him. I am not at my prime anymore and I still sometimes see women smiling and saying hi to me. What's so unbelievable about it? Also, you called @David_MPN nuts. He is one of the most intelligent, insightful and genuine posters on this forum. He has been pretty honest about his struggles and insecurities and tries to help others as much as he can. Attacking him only puts you in bad light.

lol read my post moron, i didnt say david was nuts. i was talking about pubeman. i actually really like david. and i hope he starts getting more dates with hotties. i really do.

fred on the other hand is a deluded clown.


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lol read my post moron, i didnt say david was nuts. i was talking about pubeman. i actually really like david. and i hope he starts getting more dates with hotties. i really do.

fred on the other hand is a deluded clown.

Read your own post. You quoted David and proceeded to say the following:

lol dude im fine

but you guys are NUTS to listen to this clown.


Also, it appears that as soon as people say something you don't like, you immediately resort to insults and start calling them "moron", "deluded", "nuts" . You are really thin skinned and very intolerant of opposing views.


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lol dude im fine..........to david

but you guys are NUTS to listen to this clown...........speaking about pubeman

DELUDED.........again speaking about pubeman

can you see it now my blind friend?

anyway this is boring me, and i like david, so get back to your tinder stuff...


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lol dude im fine..........to david

but you guys are NUTS to listen to this clown...........speaking about pubeman

DELUDED.........again speaking about pubeman

can you see it now my blind friend?

anyway this is boring me, and i like david, so get back to your tinder stuff...

You could have explained this in the your first response to me without using words like "moron", "blind", etc. My assessment that you are really thin skinned and intolerant of opposing views still stands.


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You could have explained this in the your first response to me without using words like "moron", "blind", etc. My assessment that you are really thin skinned and intolerant of opposing views still stands.

lol i couldn't care less what 'your assessment' of me is.

fred doesn't have opposing views. the guy is a f*****g nut job


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Unreal the amount of smiles, and locked eyes I had in the gym today with my black cap, shaved face and tight black t shirt.

The type of look whwre a Womens eyes are constantly following toy and trying to meet up. Had a great nap before hand which tends to make you look more aesthetics after hand.

Absolutely Unreal of happy I am right now. Money is nothing compared to having that aesthetic halo effect on others

Lol at people saying aesthetics don't matter. All you need to be happy in 2017.

Feel good when you have legit 7+ hbb /10 babes trying to lock eyes. Some smile,others hold hoping for n exchange.

Arm day + black cap and a jacked physique is all that matters in 2017.
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