Tinder, Bumble, And Other Dating Sites.

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Unreal the amount of smiles, and locked eyes I had in the gym today with my black cap, shaved face and tight black t shirt.

The type of look whwre a Womens eyes are constantly following toy and trying to meet up. Had a great nap before hand which tends to make you look more aesthetics after hand.

Absolutely Unreal of happy I am right now. Money is nothing compared to having that aesthetic halo effect on others

Lol at people saying aesthetics don't matter. All you need to be happy in 2017.

Feel good when you have legit 7+ hbb /10 babes trying to lock eyes. Some smile,others hold hoping for n exchange.

Arm day + black cap and a jacked physique is all that matters in 2017.


Feels good when heavenly blessed beauty likes your look despite balding being considered a sexual death sentence.

Will not meet up with her. She will see right through my anxiety. No thank you.


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makes it more believable doctor house. if blackg was the player in them i would be more prone to thinking he is lying as i would think it is a brag
There are certain forum members whom would fit into that thought process, but not blackg. He is an "officer and a gentleman". He would have nothing to gain by lying. As they say, "always consider the source". He is "greatness" in my eyes.


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Feels good when heavenly blessed beauty likes your look despite balding being considered a sexual death sentence.

Will not meet up with her. She will see right through my anxiety. No thank you.
You're pretty much fucked unless toy adopt the @WhitePolarBear principles - sucking it up, and going through the motions . Eventually your situation will get better, but you have to push passed your comfort zone.

I suffer from the same problem. I initially can attract lots of women and have the whole Casanova experience. But eventualy I crash to my old insecure self because of my low self esteem and image issues. Riddled with anxiety and a lack of desire almost tends to make me become a recluse and live I'm my own mind.

Only solution is to buck up, get a transplant, and start facing those situations that you fear. Need to hit your feats and inaeuricities head on. It will only get worse.

What's pisses me off the most. I wear a hair transplant and I am god. Without I am insecure, riddled with anxiety and fidgety.

Need 3000 grafts in my front to give me density that matches the rest. Right now it's see through under the right lighting...
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Feels good when heavenly blessed beauty likes your look despite balding being considered a sexual death sentence.

Will not meet up with her. She will see right through my anxiety. No thank you.

I've never had comments like that from a woman in my life.

You need to work on your anxiety so that you can enjoy your aesthetic gift.


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You're pretty much fucked unless toy adopt the @WhitePolarBear principles - sucking it up, and going through the mtuons. Eventually your situation will get bytes but you have to push passed your comfort zone.

I suffer from the same problem. I initially can attract lots of women and have the whole Casanova experience. But eventualy I crash to my old insecure self because of my low self esteem and image issues. Riddled with anxiety and a lack of desire almost tends to make me become a recluse and live I'm my own mind.

Only solution is to buck up, get a transplant, and start facing those situations that you fear. Need to hit your feats and inaeuricities head on. It will only get worse.

What's pisses me off the most. I wear a hair transplant and I am god. Without I am insecure, riddled with anxiety and fidgety.

Need 3000 grafts in my front to give me density that matches the rest. Right now it's see through under the right lighting...


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It doesn't matter. It makes us feel good which is most important.

I have already stated numerous times it's all face. Body becomes a halo effect once your face is taken in consideration. Either for the worse or better.

You are constantly changing your mind on whether or not an athletic body matters to ladies.


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About meeting people in real life, here's an anecdote.

I went to a cooking class tonight. There were 9 people other than myself including the male instructor. When we were introduced ourselves at the start of the class, I noticed the youngest woman there was ~40 years old, and with a NW3 hairline to boot.

Pop culture exaggerates it. In movies, men meet women because they are ready to have a woman in their life. It just happens.


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I hate typing on a phone with auto correct.


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Feels good when heavenly blessed beauty likes your look despite balding being considered a sexual death sentence.

Will not meet up with her. She will see right through my anxiety. No thank you.
What I don't understand about you is you spend countless times talking to women on dating apps but are a complete wimp.

What are you attempting to achieve? Obviously your aesthetics don't seem to bother you as mxh you think if you are throwing photos up snd arranging potential meet ups.

When I am at my low I deactivate everything and don't even bother trying to meet women, which is what I am going through at the moment.

I seriously think you ate an.aspie. do you get off on potentially meeting women but never falling through? I understand how you feel though. She thi KS you're attractive but after some time together she might lose right Intrest? I have had this happen to me many times.

Are you a boring guy? Just bring dates back to your house, don't do much aside from drinking


My Regimen
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What I don't understand about you is you spend countless times talking to women on dating apps but are a complete wimp.

What are you attempting to achieve? Obviously your aesthetics don't seem to bother you as mxh you think if you are throwing photos up snd arranging potential meet ups.

When I am at my low I deactivate everything and don't even bother trying to meet women, which is what I am going through at the moment.

I seriously think you ate an.aspie. do you get off on potentially meeting women but never falling through? I understand how you feel though. She thi KS you're attractive but after some time together she might lose right Intrest? I have had this happen to me many times.

Are you a boring guy? Just bring dates back to your house, don't do much aside from drinking

That was back in early December. I don't have those apps installed on my phone anymore. I don't go on dates because I feel very shy/nervous/anxeity. When I drink some jack straight up I feel like I'm on god mode personality wise, but sober I think I'm boring/ intense and it's hard to be laid back.

Once I get my career going again maybe I will be more comfortable in my own skin and able to communicate better.


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Feels good when heavenly blessed beauty likes your look despite balding being considered a sexual death sentence.

Will not meet up with her. She will see right through my anxiety. No thank you.
You should definitely meet up with her, even if she sees through your anxiety you will be halo'd hard by the fact that she likes how you look. You'll be shooting your balding DNA on her forehead in no time, trust me.


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That was back in early December. I don't have those apps installed on my phone anymore. I don't go on dates because I feel very shy/nervous/anxeity. When I drink some jack straight up I feel like I'm on god mode personality wise, but sober I think I'm boring/ intense and it's hard to be laid back.

Once I get my career going again maybe I will be more comfortable in my own skin and able to communicate better.
Are feeling kind of insecure because you are not too experienced with women? Or is just because you are balding?


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That was back in early December. I don't have those apps installed on my phone anymore. I don't go on dates because I feel very shy/nervous/anxeity. When I drink some jack straight up I feel like I'm on god mode personality wise, but sober I think I'm boring/ intense and it's hard to be laid back.

Once I get my career going again maybe I will be more comfortable in my own skin and able to communicate better.
Seriously need to get a transplant and potentialy going through a cycle of anxiety.medication. I am planning on seeing a doctor, about to taking low dose anxiety medication.

Why are you not gerring a hair transplant?

Out situation is very similar, hence why I understand what you are going through.

Only solution is hair restoration and gradually taking small steps towards being comfortable around others again.

I cannot speak on behalf of the medications, perhaps some of the walking phrmacies around here can chime in. I do believe that hair restoration, anxiety medication and taking small steps is the only solution to.eventually getting over yur situation.

This is my approach.

Essentially we ate rebooting and starting all over. Stuck in a early teenager mind set around women because we never bad the core experience as a teenager.

Teen and early child hood is everything for proper development mentally. People under estimate the importance of these crucial years. Almost entirely shape your experiences today.
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