Tinder, Bumble, And Other Dating Sites.

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Are feeling kind of insecure because you are not too experienced with women? Or is just because you are balding?

because I defeat myself before I even try. I drill into my brain that I'm no good and that there's not a chance they will be interested.

Quick story: back in October I went out to a 30's bar. I walked into the bar with my buddy and went to order a drink. About 10 mins later a cute little 7/10 gym bunny blonde was tapping me on the shoulder and started talking to me, we were talking for a bit and I noticed she was trying to get close to my face.. basically I went in for a kiss and we had a nice makout right in the bar.

We went outside for a smoke and we talked some more. She wanted me to leave with her.. I wasn't really sure if I wanted to and she kept grabbing at me. Then she told me she was actually married.. just fukkkn lol. Her husband was out of town and there was no way I was going to do that. That's the closest I got to getting laid last year.

I never put myself out there. I'm afraid of being judged by others and I just don't try.

Does my baldness bother me? Yes. It doesn't seem to bother women.. which I don't understand, but I'm really working on my self esteem and confidence. Is a hair transplant really going to fix all this? Or am I just going to find something else about myself that I don't like and cry about that? f*** who knows man!


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That guy looked like he could be you. He's about NW3.5, and he looks like he has mixed Slavic-Asian ancestry.

I am poor balding less angular version of him



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because I defeat myself before I even try. I drill into my brain that I'm no good and that there's not a chance they will be interested.

Quick story: back in October I went out to a 30's bar. I walked into the bar with my buddy and went to order a drink. About 10 mins later a cute little 7/10 gym bunny blonde was tapping me on the shoulder and started talking to me, we were talking for a bit and I noticed she was trying to get close to my face.. basically I went in for a kiss and we had a nice makout right in the bar.

We went outside for a smoke and we talked some more. She wanted me to leave with her.. I wasn't really sure if I wanted to and she kept grabbing at me. Then she told me she was actually married.. just fukkkn lol. Her husband was out of town and there was no way I was going to do that. That's the closest I got to getting laid last year.

I never put myself out there. I'm afraid of being judged by others and I just don't try.

Does my baldness bother me? Yes. It doesn't seem to bother women.. which I don't understand, but I'm really working on my self esteem and confidence. Is a hair transplant really going to fix all this? Or am I just going to find something else about myself that I don't like and cry about that? f*** who knows man!
Others are going to judge you. That's life. When people feel insecure or threatened, judging is a reflex. If they can bring you down to their level or lower and you allow it, they will do it. Its a coping mechanism for society. People love to judge a book by its cover. At this point take advantage of moments like you had at the bar. Cast yourself out there and see what you can catch. You need to only fish in ponds where the fish are more aggressive.


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because I defeat myself before I even try. I drill into my brain that I'm no good and that there's not a chance they will be interested.

Quick story: back in October I went out to a 30's bar. I walked into the bar with my buddy and went to order a drink. About 10 mins later a cute little 7/10 gym bunny blonde was tapping me on the shoulder and started talking to me, we were talking for a bit and I noticed she was trying to get close to my face.. basically I went in for a kiss and we had a nice makout right in the bar.

We went outside for a smoke and we talked some more. She wanted me to leave with her.. I wasn't really sure if I wanted to and she kept grabbing at me. Then she told me she was actually married.. just fukkkn lol. Her husband was out of town and there was no way I was going to do that. That's the closest I got to getting laid last year.

I never put myself out there. I'm afraid of being judged by others and I just don't try.

Does my baldness bother me? Yes. It doesn't seem to bother women.. which I don't understand, but I'm really working on my self esteem and confidence. Is a hair transplant really going to fix all this? Or am I just going to find something else about myself that I don't like and cry about that? f*** who knows man!

Good move. I had a brief fling with a girl once who ended up revealing to me that she was "engaged but in the process of being separated." I don't think I've ever ran so fast in my life.

sh*t like that is making me realize how I don't want to get married down the line, as I feel like something like that would happen to me with my fiancee.


My Regimen
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You should definitely meet up with her, even if she sees through your anxiety you will be halo'd hard by the fact that she likes how you look. You'll be shooting your balding DNA on her forehead in no time, trust me.
Others are going to judge you. That's life. When people feel insecure or threatened, judging is a reflex. If they can bring you down to their level or lower and you allow it, they will do it. Its a coping mechanism for society. People love to judge a book by its cover. At this point take advantage of moments like you had at the bar. Cast yourself out there and see what you can catch. You need to only fish in ponds where the fish are more aggressive.

Yeah man it sucks. Especially in public when I go out to say the mall, or a night out, I get mean mugged by other guys hard and I immediately do the okay.jpg face. My thoughts are these guys are looking at my hairline and thinking I'm genetic trash. When I see a hot woman in public I look down or I'll look away pretending not to notice.. pretty sure this is my social anxiety kicking in? f***.


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Wtf...your being over analytical dude, according to your picture, you have a good jaw structure and can actually pull off the bald look. I can pull off the look to, but be thankful, because there are so many of us that can't pull off having a shaved head and are waiting for side effect free treatments to come out. However, you should go and live life to the fullest, bald or not bald, I don't think it would matter for you, cause you can pull off either look. I used to be over analytical like you and had negative thoughts. The best way to forget about the negative stuff is to wake up every morning at 4am and go to the gym, build up a small/large social circle of people/friends, practice yoga, and follow your goals in life, and go out drinking every other week, so you don't lose too much muscle gains. Also, watch funny *** videos on youtube(start off with the Hodgetwins...they're freaking hillarious). Immerse yourself in uncomfortable situations and don't think twice about doing so. Have the abundance mindset and get as many dates as possible, if one date doesn't go right, say f*** it and talk to another girl. Do this until hopefully the Brotzu lotion, Histogen, or Tsjuii comes out. I feel your pain on the hair loss situation though, I wen't from a 9 to a 7 because of diffuse thinning, so now I buzz my hair to a 1 gaurd. The diffuse thinning doesn't stop me though, and with your face(no homo), hair loss shouldn't stop you either. The cure is near though.


My Regimen
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sh*t like that is making me realize how I don't want to get married down the line, as I feel like something like that would happen to me with my fiancee.

you have to evaluate peoples character when you are with them

i think you guys think your going to be in love and that love is blind...it can be blind...but when you are thinking about someone in a serious relationship aspect you have to judge there character--and often that is not in how they treat you but others and sometimes situations...its hard to give you specific examples..but not cheating is about loyalty not so much love..

is the person a loyal person in other areas of their life--to their friends family their job even..do they have good character? and I don't mean are they giving to charity-because a lot of people doing that are looking for accolades.

its small things that have nothing to do with 'you' and who they are as a person--so look for signs if they are a shitty person. And in beginning they are going to be wonderful to you--so look for how they treat others or talk about others.


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Yeah man it sucks. Especially in public when I go out to say the mall, or a night out, I get mean mugged by other guys hard and I immediately do the okay.jpg face. My thoughts are these guys are looking at my hairline and thinking I'm genetic trash. When I see a hot woman in public I look down or I'll look away pretending not to notice.. pretty sure this is my social anxiety kicking in? f***.
lol jeez thats crazay mayne. probably cuz you look manly as f***. how tall are you? you do look scary lol. but i heard women like it, at least the p**rn stars in the billion + videos i watch moan the loudest with the manly guys and seem most excited then. you are hot imo though mayne, you should pop some xanax and go f*** sum sl*ts!

kinda out there suggestion here, but maybe get a prostitute and gauge how interested she is when you are doing her? might give you confidence sexually


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baldhurts you just need some Valium + alcohol before a date = 0 anxiety


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baldhurts you just need some Valium + alcohol before a date = 0 anxiety

Isn't there a risk of sexual side effects for all anti-anxiety medication? If so I'd never touch the stuff after my experience with finasteride even with a 10/10 first date.
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Isn't there a risk of sexual side effects for all anti-anxiety medication? If so I'd never touch the stuff after my experience with finasteride even with a 10/10 first date.

Just the right amount of drink and I can last as long as I want, to much and I can't c*m though.

Usually try and have 2 drinks before a date.


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Isn't there a risk of sexual side effects for all anti-anxiety medication? If so I'd never touch the stuff after my experience with finasteride even with a 10/10 first date.

probably need to find the right balance, but if you find yourself trying to stick a marshmallow through a keyhole...



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you have to evaluate peoples character when you are with them

i think you guys think your going to be in love and that love is blind...it can be blind...but when you are thinking about someone in a serious relationship aspect you have to judge there character--and often that is not in how they treat you but others and sometimes situations...its hard to give you specific examples..but not cheating is about loyalty not so much love..

is the person a loyal person in other areas of their life--to their friends family their job even..do they have good character? and I don't mean are they giving to charity-because a lot of people doing that are looking for accolades.

its small things that have nothing to do with 'you' and who they are as a person--so look for signs if they are a shitty person. And in beginning they are going to be wonderful to you--so look for how they treat others or talk about others.

When you're in a situation where you're getting lots of first dates with desirable partners, and where you have options, and where you're falling in mutual love, you can have the luxury of asking whether or not these potential partners are viable for long-term relationships. It must be real nice.
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