Tinder, Bumble, And Other Dating Sites.

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Adrian Brody and Adam Driver are two guys who can slay with huge noses.



They have other things going for them, mainly height, frame, hair, skin, low body fat, and probably teeth if I looked at more photos. I've heard both of these men described as ugly, but I my honest suspicion is that there's a long line of women waiting to sleep with them.

[I'm aware that I have neither their height, their frame, nor their hair.]

There was a stupid woman at my old job who described Brody as "ugly hot" (or some dumb term like that), she had this really nonsensical explanation of why Adrian Brody was both ugly and hot at the same time. It's bullshit of course. He's not ugly and hot at the same time. He is above average in looks, that is all.

What would you ladies and gents assign Brody and Driver out of 10?
They can slay cause they are famous also the second guy looks like sh*t atleast thats my opinion.


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Adrian Brody and Adam Driver are two guys who can slay with huge noses.



They have other things going for them, mainly height, frame, hair, skin, low body fat, and probably teeth if I looked at more photos. I've heard both of these men described as ugly, but I my honest suspicion is that there's a long line of women waiting to sleep with them.

[I'm aware that I have neither their height, their frame, nor their hair.]

There was a stupid woman at my old job who described Brody as "ugly hot" (or some dumb term like that), she had this really nonsensical explanation of why Adrian Brody was both ugly and hot at the same time. It's bullshit of course. He's not ugly and hot at the same time. He is above average in looks, that is all.

What would you ladies and gents assign Brody and Driver out of 10?
Well, its hard when we use famous people as an example as their success positively distorts our perception of them. I've even heard a few people say they think Ed Sheeran is cute. Just look at him:

But just to play ball - I will say that both Brody and Driver float around the 6 category. I also doubt young women would find them attractive, but perhaps over 25s would see them as a suitable mate.

As for Sheeran: Without his fame there is a high chance he would be an incel.


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My hair is perhaps "adequate" right now, but I'm in danger of catastrophe if my hair loss progresses. Here's a picture of myself prior to starting treatments, I was also 15 lbs heavier and had not yet gotten around to buying new clothes.


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My hair is perhaps "adequate" right now, but I'm in danger of catastrophe if my hair loss progresses. Here's a picture of myself prior to starting treatments, I was also 15 lbs heavier and had not yet gotten around to buying new clothes.
There is a lot here that can be worked on. Have you ever considered a stronger frame for your glasses. A more bold style will help you stand out because in that picture you look a little bland (in terms of fashion).


Also, can you grow a full beard? Have you ever tried? Might be worth an 8 week experiment.


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I think you're overrating the effect of those beards.

Only one of those four guys had an improved appearance, the second one. In all cases the difference is small.

The first three of those guys are all approximately a 4/10. The fourth guy is a 6/10, in my opinion, and he looks better without the beard. To paraphrase @CopeForLife , they are beardcels.

I think this beard trend is part of men waking up to the reality that looks matter, but trying to hold on to the illusion of control. I'm seeing very minor differences in aesthetic advertises as a gamechanger, which I doubt it to be. Stubble however can be a plus to a man who is already otherwise good looking:

My advice: Experiment. Try both stubble and a beard and aim to get as much objective feedback as you can.

Also you rating is far too severe - the first two are natural 5s. The next guy is a 6. The last guy is a 7. All of them have enhanced their look with better hair and beard. Having said this: I am curious to hear what everyone else thinks.


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Decided to download bumble again and see if I can get some dates to get more practice. After an hour on the app here are the current matches. No convos yet (they have to message first) here are the current matches:

I will update convos and more matches as they come in.

I've been on bumble for a month and my best-looking match is less attractive than the least hot of these.

You're a very blessed man, and I hope you find the will to learn to enjoy it.


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Decided to download bumble again and see if I can get some dates to get more practice. After an hour on the app here are the current matches. No convos yet (they have to message first) here are the current matches:

I will update convos and more matches as they come in.
Very nice. All solid 6's and 7's.

The first woman looks like a good wholesome type and the third woman is really quite beautiful.


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Very nice. All solid 6's and 7's.

The first woman looks like a good wholesome type and the third woman is really quite beautiful.

I think your scale is off, honestly. You're calling those women 6's and 7's, whereas you referred to the 4 bearded guys above as being in the 5-7 range. If those ratings were correct, they would be looks-matched with those women -- I doubt it.


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I think your scale is off, honestly. You're calling those women 6's and 7's, whereas you referred to the 4 bearded guys above as being in the 5-7 range. If those ratings were correct, they would be looks-matched with those women -- I doubt it.

Maybe because of my low self esteem I felt maybe I was lucky to get these matches and or they would be my looksmatch.


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I think your scale is off, honestly. You're calling those women 6's and 7's, whereas you referred to the 4 bearded guys above as being in the 5-7 range. If those ratings were correct, they would be looks-matched with those women -- I doubt it.
The last three men could all date at least two of those women.


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that second blonde is hurtin for a squirtin

put it in her

g.i joey

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Decided to download bumble again and see if I can get some dates to get more practice. After an hour on the app here are the current matches. No convos yet (they have to message first) here are the current matches:

I will update convos and more matches as they come in.

Would smash first and second to last as well, solidnprospects


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I get the same feeling than when I was looking up those blepharoplasty surgeries.

They looked fine before surgery and the result doesn't make a big difference.

A lot of money and quite a risk for not much.


Ans lol at him having a darker skin tone in the after picture.

The usual tricks.

Rhino surgeries you have to look at PROFILES not head on in pics.


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Hollywood director Bryan Singer has a really awful botox:



When he's not busy getting awful plastic surgery, he spends his time being very well-paid to make awful films.

Wow, that is BAD. I don't care if that's his hair or not, his Botox makes him look like Debra Tate!

She's one UGLY MF!!!



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I agree, he should focus on his hair and losing more weight.

You'd never stop if you start correcting what your perceive as flaws.

It would be like me having surgery to remove the bags under my eyes.

Woud I look better? Slightly. It wouldn't be worth it and it could always fail and leave you worse off.

Surgery is always a last resort. Unless you have a deformed nose that sticks out like a sore thumb, you should not touch it.

David's nose looks fine to me.

Davids nose from front is fine

his profile is not good..i"m sorry to say this

i feel bad now i don't want to seem like i am picking him apart.

Maybe one of you guys Skype with him and look at him from different angles?

I can definitely be wrong what is important on hierarchy but i am not saying it for any other reason than its what I 'see'.

Maybe you and him can Skype and talk so you can get a sense of what is going on.

because he IS getting dates--even if not many.


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To me, these guys could have saved their money. The only benefit would be psychological, women who said no before their surgery will still say no, and people will treat them the same.

But David has some nice features.

I have a sense its his social skills on the dates...because he's getting date--albeit not a lot but he's been pretty busy with dates this month for someone whose been out of practice with it.


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I think you're overrating the effect of those beards.

Only one of those four guys had an improved appearance, the second one. In all cases the difference is small.

The first three of those guys are all approximately a 4/10. The fourth guy is a 6/10, in my opinion, and he looks better without the beard. To paraphrase @CopeForLife , they are beardcels.

I think this beard trend is part of men waking up to the reality that looks matter, but trying to hold on to the illusion of control. I'm seeing very minor differences in aesthetic advertises as a gamechanger, which I doubt it to be. Stubble however can be a plus to a man who is already otherwise good looking:


this is where it gets crazy because chin implants do wonders also

need to be rich though i am sure.

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