Tinder, Bumble, And Other Dating Sites.

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@David_MPN something just occurred to me. All the guys on this forum who have had good success on Tinder have been from outside the US. Your friend lives in Toronto and a friend of mine who does well online also lives Canada. It will be nice to hear from guys who live in the US and have done well. I know a couple of people in real life who have done well but they are around 70 years old. I am yet to meet someone in his twenties and thirties who has had good success . May be @buckthorn can add some perspective as he lives in the US as well.

I would be *very* surprised if Canada were different from the USA in that regard.

I'm from Canada. A lot of Canadians identify as "not American" but that's BS. They're very similar countries.


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I would be *very* surprised if Canada were different from the USA in that regard.

I'm from Canada. A lot of Canadians identify as "not American" but that's BS. They're very similar countries.

Dafuq I thought you were Aussie


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I would be *very* surprised if Canada were different from the USA in that regard.

I'm from Canada. A lot of Canadians identify as "not American" but that's BS. They're very similar countries.

Yes, but even within the US there are variations. You said the other day that online dating is especially hard in San Francisco. I wonder despite being similar, such variations exist between Canada and the US. The fact that your friend does well in online dating while you and many other guys I know don't leads me to think that. However, your friend is just one data point so our sample size is really small hence probably inconsequential.


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Do you think body language matters?

That was a debate here a while back.

Yes body language, swagger it all is very important. But truthfully some women don't care if all about looks...not every one is the same..as you guys debate over women and what is attractive you don't all agree on everything either.

i was watching five minutes of this reality show about Montauk (near the Hamptons) on Bravo..and the two guys are supposed to be 'studs' or Slayers as your generations calls them....And yes good looking--until they open their mouths and they are so goofy in my opinion...like frat boys that never grew up..so the sex appeal goes way down..then i see them interact with women and they have no real game...AND the guy got a very hot woman to have sex with him...and i was like 'ill'--hes a total goof ball NOT sexy. LOL But that woman was hotter than me and he was okay in her book.

I think a lot of young men/women probably cant get passed the 'photos' of online dating..So maybe these personality flaws that 10 years ago would be a turn off are now accepted because 'looks good'. I cant say. I would need a time machine or something.

This is why i suggested Nose job---I don't really feel like proving or debating with wolf pack..it's going on too long i am trying NOT to get sucked into this site as much.
For the record a lot of character actors get nose jobs as well just to PHOTOGRAPH better.

It's not about how hot it's going to make a person its about how the eye when scanning photos looks for symmetry. Even in hiring someone. Now everything is photos first impression. Im not a scientist but i am sure you can find studies on this about symmetry and how the eye/brain reacts NOT just about attractiveness or sexual appeal.

But i am also not 'God' so I don't know i just gave my opinion.


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Yes body language, swagger it all is very important. But truthfully some women don't care if all about looks...not every one is the same..as you guys debate over women and what is attractive you don't all agree on everything either.

i was watching five minutes of this reality show about Montauk (near the Hamptons) on Bravo..and the two guys are supposed to be 'studs' or Slayers as your generations calls them....And yes good looking--until they open their mouths and they are so goofy in my opinion...like frat boys that never grew up..so the sex appeal goes way down..then i see them interact with women and they have no real game...AND the guy got a very hot woman to have sex with him...and i was like 'ill'--hes a total goof ball NOT sexy. LOL But that woman was hotter than me and he was okay in her book.

I think a lot of young men/women probably cant get passed the 'photos' of online dating..So maybe these personality flaws that 10 years ago would be a turn off are now accepted because 'looks good'. I cant say. I would need a time machine or something.

This is why i suggested Nose job---I don't really feel like proving or debating with wolf pack..it's going on too long i am trying NOT to get sucked into this site as much.
For the record a lot of character actors get nose jobs as well just to PHOTOGRAPH better.

It's not about how hot it's going to make a person its about how the eye when scanning photos looks for symmetry. Even in hiring someone. Now everything is photos first impression. Im not a scientist but i am sure you can find studies on this about symmetry and how the eye/brain reacts NOT just about attractiveness or sexual appeal.

But i am also not 'God' so I don't know i just gave my opinion.
Just curious hairblues, from a female point of view, how did you get "sucked into this site so much"? Are you on some all female forums too? Since you never had children, could it be maybe a yearning to give motherly advice to the younger male generation. These guys are like a younger brother or like a son I never had and I have that fatherly yearning or older brother yearning to help them out. Not only that but knowing there are people like shook that have the same thought process makes me feel welcome too.


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pics of lips (no homer)


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Just curious hairblues, from a female point of view, how did you get "sucked into this site so much"? Are you on some all female forums too? Since you never had children, could it be maybe a yearning to give motherly advice to the younger male generation. These guys are like a younger brother or like a son I never had and I have that fatherly yearning or older brother yearning to help them out. Not only that but knowing there are people like shook that have the same thought process makes me feel welcome too.

No i never did forums of any kind before...I hope not to ever again have to be on one lol

I never had the Mother gene so i don't think its that instinct. I'm just a caring person (ugh thats sound horrid) i have a lot of empathy even when I seem hard or cursing i have a lot of empathy for people..always been that way. I actually have to squash it down sometimes in real life. You cant be too empathetic all the time or you baby people.

I care about some of these guys and girls and want them to do well in life but i think those ones feel same way towards me. Other than Rick i don't think anyone has been a really horrible person.

Professionally I have mentored many people over the years--this even started in my 20s..i don't want to really explain but my professional life there is always a mentoring and dealing with people with a wide array of personalities. I am a people person..this withdrawing from people i have done past 8 months is not really normal for me. I kind of need mental interaction. My brain is hyper. This hair loss has really dominated my whole brain past year...In a way it was good because i HAD to finally deal with it.. i kept pushing it to the side because i knew when i finally took it on it was going to be all consuming do or die...about 80% of the time i am on the site I am reading about the science the research etc on the old threads...the communicating with the guys and girls here kept me sane and gave me some breaks to not overload my brain.

I feel like i have my Masters in Hair loss.


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No i never did forums of any kind before...I hope not to ever again have to be on one lol

I never had the Mother gene so i don't think its that instinct. I'm just a caring person (ugh thats sound horrid) i have a lot of empathy even when I seem hard or cursing i have a lot of empathy for people..always been that way. I actually have to squash it down sometimes in real life. You cant be too empathetic all the time or you baby people.

I care about some of these guys and girls and want them to do well in life but i think those ones feel same way towards me. Other than Rick i don't think anyone has been a really horrible person.

Professionally I have mentored many people over the years--this even started in my 20s..i don't want to really explain but my professional life there is always a mentoring and dealing with people with a wide array of personalities. I am a people person..this withdrawing from people i have done past 8 months is not really normal for me. I kind of need mental interaction. My brain is hyper. This hair loss has really dominated my whole brain past year...In a way it was good because i HAD to finally deal with it.. i kept pushing it to the side because i knew when i finally took it on it was going to be all consuming do or die...about 80% of the time i am on the site I am reading about the science the research etc on the old threads...the communicating with the guys and girls here kept me sane and gave me some breaks to not overload my brain.

I feel like i have my Masters in Hair loss.
Thank you for opening up about that. You and I have some things in common more than I realized. My biggest flaw is I am huge empath. I can actually feel people's depression, stress, anxiety when I am in their presence. If I hang around negative people too long, I feel their toxicity and start to feel just like them. Misery does love company. No doubt.

When I hear Dante's experiences with people, it makes me cringe. He does not deserve that. No one does. I don't even know him but I appreciate him because he tries to improve himself and his outlook. He does make exceptions(thanks Dante, it means alot to me). I have seen this forum help people mentally and emotionally and I am glad if I have some positive influence on any these guys. They are like family to me. That is what has sucked me into this place. I can see why Dante got sucked into this vortex too. This world we created is pretty darn safe for all of us. And I hope some day, some how maybe some of us can connect in person. It would be interesting to see how we all act "in person".


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I would be *very* surprised if Canada were different from the USA in that regard.

I'm from Canada. A lot of Canadians identify as "not American" but that's BS. They're very similar countries.
Canadians are a lot more liberal than Americans - they are more open to concepts such as gender equality, gun controls, and providing healthcare for all citizens. It may seem like a by the by comment but I think these social democratic notions trickle down into the people and it enables them to be more considerate and easy to be around.

I don't know if anyone else agrees but I think there is a general consensus that, as a whole, Canadians are more grounded and down to earth.


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Canadians are a lot more liberal than Americans - they are more open to concepts such as gender equality, gun controls, and providing healthcare for all citizens. It may seem like a by the by comment but I think these social democratic notions trickle down into the people and it enables them to be more considerate and easy to be around.

I don't know if anyone else agrees but I think there is a general consensus that, as a whole, Canadians are more grounded and down to earth.

both countries are so huge in territory i don't know if either one can be generalized.

I get what you mean though.

i personally don't know a ton of Canadians just in passing over the years mostly from work...they always seemed cordial and friendly.


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Canadians are a lot more liberal than Americans - they are more open to concepts such as gender equality, gun controls, and providing healthcare for all citizens. It may seem like a by the by comment but I think these social democratic notions trickle down into the people and it enables them to be more considerate and easy to be around.

I don't know if anyone else agrees but I think there is a general consensus that, as a whole, Canadians are more grounded and down to earth.
Johnson, are you really new to this forum or did you used to go by another screen name. I like your contributions already. You will definitely fit in well here.


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Imagine you finally found a gf went to a caffee for a lunch and group of these guys coming inside.

If any of those guys walked in while I was on a date with my girlfriend I would walk up to them and immediately offer her over.

Also, if I was dating a 8/10 and shook walked in I would immediately hand her over to him.

-shookwun approved


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If any of those guys walked in while I was on a date with my girlfriend I would walk up to them and immediately offer her over.

Also, if I was dating a 8/10 and shook walked in I would immediately hand her over to him.

-shookwun approved

only if he wears his black cap (trade mark)
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