Sup guys,
some years ago I had deleted my old account, hoping to never return cause I wanted to spend my time with more useful things than being on a hairloss forum.
Then, the recent dermarolling/needling/penning hype (re-)started and I decided to also give it a try. Had already rolled with a regular dermaroller (1.5 mm IIRC) back then. Now rolling with a dermapen. Gotta say it's much, much easier.
Anyway, not trying to be the party pooper, but I wanted to report my interim results, or rather lack thereof.
Been rolling (mostly quite heaviliy, i.e. drawing quite a bit of blood) for almost exactly two months now. I am keeping a precise log on when I needle (date and time) and how strongly. A few sessions I had to roll mildly because of important appointments the next day for which I would rather not be red around my hairline.
My log so far, omitting times cause I'm lazy and cause it was mostly at 11 pm. Heavy = drew blood, mild = only redness:
- 22.10.: heavy
- 03.11.: mild
- 10.11.: heavy
- 17.11.: mild
- 23.11.: heavy
- 01.12.: mild
- 08.12.: heavy
- 16.12: mild
- 21.12.: very heavy (2young2retire style)
minoxidil usage: once daily 1ml in the evening
Noteworthy limitations: I only roll in the front, as that is the only area affected (although it is a very big one by now). Hairline, a bit into the hair beyond, and underneath hairline. Basically my hairline plus 2 cm above/beyond and 2 cm below. I am wondering if there are synergistic effects when rolling the whole head instead of only affected areas? Might more growth factors be released then that also spill over or are summoned to the affected areas?
Hairloss situation: Norwoord 3.5A. Front is almost completely gone, temples almost meet on the top of my head, vertex still pretty much perfect (no visible loss)
Age: 29
Hairloss started at: 17
Now I know that 2 months is too early for any visible results to speak of, but the thing is that there is
literally no change. Nothing, nada, niente. No additional vellus hair, no additional terminal hair. Nothing. I am very strict in my regimen, both in terms of minoxidil and in terms of rolling. From my understanding there should be a gradual process: First some vellus, then later, maybe in the next cycle, something thicker, until later something hopefully terminal.
tl;dr: Two months in, no change at all, not even new vellus.
I have also been very dilligent in collecting other people's photos and analyzing their timestamps. Most people who posted photos seem to be getting visible results around the 4 month mark (though vellus much earlier).
Thus, I will continue rolling, even though there is no change whatsoever so far, until at least the 4 month mark. Won't give up until then. Maybe will even continue until the 6 months mark, but if until then there is not even new vellus hair, I will either give up or change my regimen to light daily rolling (like Sombody/Alex did), hoping that this will maybe show any effect at all.
What I wanted to do with this post:
- provide some data and another personal story
- show that, unfortunately, it is also possible with dilligent rolling not to have any effects after 2 months, not even new vellus
Will keep you updated.