Jeez! That is so completely different from my experience. Women were all over me. I never had to pick-up a woman
when I had my hair.
When I was 15 my dad would get upset about the family phone ringing constantly. He would get very annoyed about it. My
parents went to the local phone store to get phone lines installed in every room in the house, including even the 2 bathrooms.
At first, we only had two phones - one in my parent's room and one in the kitchen. But about midway
through my 15th year many chicks started calling and calling and calling. My parents got tired of having to walk to one of the
two phones all day and night so they put phones in every room. It cost quite a bit of money to install all the new phone
lines, and they had a big phone bill each month. There were about 10 phones in that house. My dad used to gripe about the
phone constantly ringing and the expense of installing all of the phone lines and paying for all those phones each month
but my mom would brag about how popular I was.
I can't lie to you - I can not possibly relate to your situation. I'm sorry but I can't. Many, many chicks passed through my life
and I wasn't even trying. It could have been even more if I had tried. I was constantly, and I mean constantly, having to come
up with excuses not to get together with one woman or another. Many, many more chicks that I did not get involved with tried
to pick-up on me. I invented excuses not to get involved with them so I could keep from hurting their feelings. Some of those
I didn't get involved with were unattractive but many of them were attractive. There were reasons why I rejected the attractive
ones. I declined way WAY more women than they declined me. I was only rejected a handful of times but I politely said "no"
many, many more times than that.