What is the most effective way to lower Cholesterol?


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sublime said:
docj077 said:
sublime said:
docj077 said:
Felk said:
Start reading labels more often and shop at health food stores if you can help it.

You'll notice that every package of noodles you buy, every can of soup, every package of frozen vegetables or shrimp, and pretty much everything that you buy at a normal grocery store is going to be bad for you.

Now, I don't want you go out and buy organic stuff, but a lot of stuff from the grocery store is incredibly high in salt for preservation and even higher in fat and cholesterol.

Even the fruit from a grocery store really have no nutritional value other than sugar and fiber. They are kept in cold storage too long and all the valuable antioxidants decay.

If you need help with your cholesterol, then trying a statin for a while might be the right idea. There's always the possibility that you're one of the 1:125 people will a familial hypercholesterolemia and you just keep it well controlled. However, if you had such a disease, I'd expect your LDL and triglycerides to be a lot higher. You'd have to have such a mild form of the disease that it wouldn't even concern me.

My LDL is 120 and my HDL is 35 and I'm only 24. I eat a semi-vegan diet and take a lot of antioxidants. I exercise, as well. Sometimes, some of us just aren't as lucky when it comes to controlling our own physiology.

It sounds as if you are recommending organic stuff. If not food from grocery stores (i mean, not even supermarkets), then where, if not an organic grocery store?

"Health food stores" in Australia at least usually just means supplements the majority of the time. The organic fruit and vegetable places are the only alternative i can think of to buying food from a grocery store.

I just want the guy to be one of those people who actually watches the nutrition labels carefully. There is always an alternative at the grocery store. No fat, no cholesterol cream cheese, for instance, single handedly saves about half the cholesterol and fat you would have gotten with the normal stuff. The same goes for getting high fiber, low sugar cereals, breads, and noodles.

Plus, a person should always use vegetable broth or the above mentioned cream cheese as a base in their soups and buy soy chips or baked chips. Lowfat yogurts are a must and just make sure that you watch the fat, salt, cholesterol, and calories.

This is how I do things when I go to the grocery store and it suits me fine. It's a crappy way to shop, but at least it keeps me healthy.

With all of the low fat and diet products out there and we still have massive heart disease and are the fatest nation. I just don't believe in those things.

You should. The reason we have this problem is because no one pays attention to the labels. My dad has essential hypertension and he didn't even know how much sodium he was taking in with his diet until I pointed it out to him. He doesn't even eat fast food other than a pizza maybe once a month.

Sorry Doctor I just can't justify using anything processed and feel the whole industry has created a diseased america. I mean where are the cancer rates in foriegn countries like we have here? I am referring to childhood not adult.[/quote:4eb8c]

You must be referring to the leukemia and lymphoma rates? You're right, they are very high. A.L.L., in particular. It's also very clear that the westernization of any country with regards to diet has pretty much catastrophic effects. Just look at the gastric cancer rates in Japan.

However, when it comes to rare cancers of the GI tract and a few others, look no farther than India.


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what's going on in india?


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Oh man, just came back from the MD regarding my cholesterol. He thinks I would be wasting my time with antioxidants and that it is a familial or genetic issue here.

Total 245
HDL 42
LDL 180
Triglycerides 120
CRP perfect score
Homocysteine perfect score
BP 120/76

I told him about the fish oil pills having an adverse affect on my LDL b/c they were never higher than 145 and most of the time 132 and he said that may be true but he didnt think so. He wants me to have an updated nutritional consult and then report back in 2 months then possibly do an Ultra fast CT scan that the insurance doesnt cover to rule out any blockage. I did tell him that I wanted to get to the root of the matter and he said statins do that....as in antioxidants etc etc. He said there is no scientific proof that they will work and that dosages have never been established for herbs. vitamins, supplements etc. (Gee tell me something I dont know Doctor!) So I will refrain from the fish oil and see. I feel very defeated b/c I cannot be anymore franetic about my diet and exercise.



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expensive FDA studies are done on drugs that sell for a lot of money, not on supplements that are cheap and can't be patented. Much smaller studies do show they work, even if the optimal doses and statistics are not established.


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Speaking of supplements, Niacin has been used to treat high cholesterol for quite some time. Can't make a boatload of dough off of niacin, and there are no drug reps to comp the Doctor/staff dinner, gifts, and samples, so.......take some lipitor. I used the statins and they gave me muscle aches and inflammation something fierce, as well as liver pain. Yes, my liver actually hurt. Alot of these drugs can help the right people, but they can also hurt you. It seems to me, that doing alot of Cardio, and watcing what you eat can help. Also, some studies I have read say that the whole cholesterol thing is some what of a scam.


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If you want to lower your colestrol simply dont eat regular meals specially at lunch. Have you tried to lunch tomato with lemon? I bet not.


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47thin said:
Speaking of supplements, Niacin has been used to treat high cholesterol for quite some time. Can't make a boatload of dough off of niacin, and there are no drug reps to comp the Doctor/staff dinner, gifts, and samples, so.......take some lipitor. I used the statins and they gave me muscle aches and inflammation something fierce, as well as liver pain. Yes, my liver actually hurt. Alot of these drugs can help the right people, but they can also hurt you. It seems to me, that doing alot of Cardio, and watcing what you eat can help. Also, some studies I have read say that the whole cholesterol thing is some what of a scam.

Bolded = No. And this person we're talking about perhaps has familial hypercholesterolemia. There is nothing besides statins that he can do. Cardio and diet will likely have no effect on his LDL cholesterol if that is truly what he's diagnosed with in the end.


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Just so you know, i am alos one of those unlucky people who are slim, and exercise, and don't eat alot of fatty foods,and have HIGH cholseterol. I also worked with a gorgeous, fit female soccer player, that had high cholesterol. At the same time, the lipitor would have probably killed me much faster than the cholesterol. Now, I know T-nation isn't the greatest place for advice, but that is where I read the article, and it should still be in it's archives.


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47thin said:
Just so you know, i am alos one of those unlucky people who are slim, and exercise, and don't eat alot of fatty foods,and have HIGH cholseterol. I also worked with a gorgeous, fit female soccer player, that had high cholesterol. At the same time, the lipitor would have probably killed me much faster than the cholesterol. Now, I know T-nation isn't the greatest place for advice, but that is where I read the article, and it should still be in it's archives.

It's only a scam if a patient is using high cholesterol as their only reason for beginning a statin or other drug.

Doctors take high cholesterol, break it down into its individual components, analyze the individual concentrations of LDL and HDL (and triglycerides, as well), and use a whole list of other risk factors to determine a person's chances of developing heart disease or atherosclerosis in general. Family history, hypertension, diet, and exercise all play a huge role.

People can get along fine with high cholesterol. It's those with genetic tendencies towards pathological conditions that get slapped upside their head for not taking care of themselves.

There is a proven formula that works every time, so if a doctor says that you need to watch your cholesterol, then you better pay attention.

The medical profession is also pushing to lower the requirement for LDL down to 90 or lower. Especially, with a statin.



at least you have good BP bro.

My BP is regularly around 150 over 90 even when I am in fantastic shape.


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JayMan said:

at least you have good BP bro.

My BP is regularly around 150 over 90 even when I am in fantastic shape.


Thanks, maybe I have something to look foward to!
150/90? That should be regulated. It is pre hypertension. Does it run in the family? You're a young man, what 22?? The longer you have abnormal BP the more stress it puts on the vessels and it's ability to circulate back to the heart. I would seriously consider a checkup. I would nt want anything deleterious to happen down the road. 8)


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IBM said:
If you want to lower your colestrol simply dont eat regular meals specially at lunch. Have you tried to lunch tomato with lemon? I bet not.

Poor advise! Lunch is extremly important. What in the world are you saying in the above post?


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maybe he means you should have 7 snacks per day instead of 3 meals? My blood pressure is at most 120/80 and at least 100/60. Those are the numbers I've had in the paste. My resting heart rate once was 45 beats per minute. That was back when I did a lot of running and cycled much further. Now it is around 65.


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Well here's the latest in my saga:

I went to see another MD yesterday. She looked at my reports and said she would feel uncomfortable prescribing lipitor to me at this time and that I should have my blood work done over from another lab perhaps.
She also recommended Niacin. She also never heard of fish oil creating adverse effects but who says she was supposed to know. I go back in Feb for a recheck and she recommended advanced testing LIPO A etc. She was inpressed that my CRP and homocysteine was near perfect.

My original Doctor said we could do an ultra fast cardio cat scan to which is not FDA approved. I took this 5 yrs ago and had a perfect score. He also rec'd an updated nuitritional consult. He didnt puit much sock in the CRP and homocysteine markers...why I dont know and didnt rec any advanced testing.

Jeez could they differ anymore??


LookingGood! said:
JayMan said:

at least you have good BP bro.

My BP is regularly around 150 over 90 even when I am in fantastic shape.


Thanks, maybe I have something to look foward to!
150/90? That should be regulated. It is pre hypertension. Does it run in the family? You're a young man, what 22?? The longer you have abnormal BP the more stress it puts on the vessels and it's ability to circulate back to the heart. I would seriously consider a checkup. I would nt want anything deleterious to happen down the road. 8)

Yeah it runs in the family. My docs think it is genetic.


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JayMan said:
LookingGood! said:
JayMan said:

at least you have good BP bro.

My BP is regularly around 150 over 90 even when I am in fantastic shape.


Thanks, maybe I have something to look foward to!
150/90? That should be regulated. It is pre hypertension. Does it run in the family? You're a young man, what 22?? The longer you have abnormal BP the more stress it puts on the vessels and it's ability to circulate back to the heart. I would seriously consider a checkup. I would nt want anything deleterious to happen down the road. 8)

Yeah it runs in the family. My docs think it is genetic.

Well you can do a few things about it first. Look into foreskin and hawthorne supplement. Eat food with lots of calcium, cardio about 3-5 times a week. Stay AWAY from salt and salty foods. Drink lots of water too.


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Any thoughts on Niacin by Orthomolecular products? 1500mg a day.

3 pills at 500 mg each, time released niacin (non flush)

Orthomolecular products produces nutraceuticals for sale by MDs only. Never heard of them by my Doctor sells them.

Its been well documented that it supports healthy HDL levels in men

Also I am eating 6-7 small meals a day. Healthy snacks, keeping the blood sugar level stabile t/o the day. I am dropping inches but not losing weight. Starting to look ripped!!!!!! :shock: during Christmas season.....go figure!


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"Niacin No-Flush is inositol hexanicotinate, a form of the B vitamin niacin bound to the B-vitamin-like simple polyol inositol. Regular niacin causes unpleasant side-effects such as itchy, burning skin- the niacin “flushâ€￾. Standard niacin may also harm the liver. Inositol hexanicotinate delivers niacin to the bloodstream slowly, eliminating the niacin “flush,â€￾ and has not been associated with impaired liver health or other side effects of conventional or “slow-releaseâ€￾ niacin.*

That's what Niacin by Orthomolecular products is.


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I quit eating red meat and pork 10 tears ago. (I'l have a bit once a month or so)Cholesterol has been normal ever since.

Since then, I no longer need deodorants/anti-persperants!!! I ate an Arby's roast beef (man, was that good) and i got a case od the BO the next day!


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cutting Lipitor pills in 1/2 or taking it every other day???

Can lipitor lose its efficacy if cut in half? Will it the drug lose its integrity?

Can lipitor be taken every other day and still be effective? Does anyone do this?

