Whatevr's Success Story - With Timeline


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Any idea id distilled water would be fine?

Distilled water is for sure fine. (I have no idea about chemistry though.)


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Just curious anyone in USA get this alfort F?


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Why not ? Are your customs over there that strict that things don't go under the radar ?

I don't know only what i have read here on site...
I tried to google it here and i don't see it for sale so i was just curious.
Im going to ask my Dr when i see him--hes hair transplant surgeon but treats medically also. He gave me topical spironolactone/estrodial alpha 17 think its called.
Im going to ask him about this as well and progesterone--which this i guess has in it.


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I don't know only what i have read here on site...
I tried to google it here and i don't see it for sale so i was just curious.
Im going to ask my Dr when i see him--hes hair transplant surgeon but treats medically also. He gave me topical spironolactone/estrodial alpha 17 think its called.
Im going to ask him about this as well and progesterone--which this i guess has in it.

Hello, Alpicort F hasn't progesterone in it, but there are other medicines with Estradiol and Progesterone.
As you want to ask your doctor, It's not necessary to tell about the different hormones.
But I would recommend to ask him also about minoxidil (because for woman not recommended), maybe you can cure it only with this and Iron reinforcement etc.


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You can test it (in another box) 5ml Alpicort F and 5 ml or 2 ml distilled water. If there isn't any layer (when they mix), then it's diluted.
And tell us the result :)

Thanks, I'll get some distilled water this week.


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But progesterone doesn't lower estrogen ? It's used to treat topically gynecomastia induced by high level of estrogen...

Hello, Yes it lowers Estrogen. Progesterone for men acts like Testosterone (if too low), but Estrogen comes from Testosterone (for men) that means Progesterone acts in the middle.

From your signature I see you tested a lot of things,how long did you take RU (I hear positive things, but no pictures)


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If someone is looking to buy a bottle of Alipicort F and don't want to wait the couple weeks(minimum) it takes to get approved and shipped--- I ended up getting two bottles from different companies accidentally(sort of).

It's from Goldpharma. I didn't think they actually had the product but they charged me ($62) and shipped it to me.

Let me know.


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Just an update. I have been using alpicort every other day since early november and my hair is more or less the same. I took pics and don't seem to see a difference. I am only on Rogaine foam twice a day and I usually apply the rogaine a couple hours before then apply 2 ML of alpicort all over my scalp.

I have noticed spikes of shedding. I will shed barely any hair for 2-3 days then Ill have a couple days of just shedding. I am assuming it has to do with the alpicort because prior to it I shed similar amounts daily.


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Just an update. I have been using alpicort every other day since early november and my hair is more or less the same. I took pics and don't seem to see a difference. I am only on Rogaine foam twice a day and I usually apply the rogaine a couple hours before then apply 2 ML of alpicort all over my scalp.

I have noticed spikes of shedding. I will shed barely any hair for 2-3 days then Ill have a couple days of just shedding. I am assuming it has to do with the alpicort because prior to it I shed similar amounts daily.
I'm in a similar situation, i'm thinking of using alpicort everyday.


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The hairs at the very front and corners of the hairline are a b**ch. (NW2 -> NW1 territory).
They are the most sensitive to androgen/estrogen balance, I can't get them with Alpicort.
Would need much higher doses. Or perhaps RU at the very front of the hairline would help them come around.
Basically it is difficult if not impossible to get to NW1 with Alpicort but I am maintaining a solid NW2 so far.

Your regrowth is a HUGE success!



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I'm thinking I'm gonna quit my Alpicort F trial. Selling my 2 bottles.

I been feeling like absolute sh*t lately. High blood pressure, ended up in the ER, was worried to leave the house the following days, tried to workout and haf to quit my w.o. cuz I felt my bp rising. I feel the pressure in my mid forehead and eye sockets, also the fatigue is driving me nuts. I quit everything for a few days. I also quit minoxdil for my beard.

I just now restarted on Propecia, Minoxidil foam (scalp only), Biotin 5mg, MSM 3-5g, probiotics, ramipril 2.5mg (blood lowering med)

That's all I take now. Prior to that, not only I use a shitload of minoxidil to cover scalp, I also used it for my beard, in high quantity. Also applied Alpicort F every other day. Drank 2-3ml of castor oil every day. Took 100mg doxycycline (antibiotics) for my acne. Used 1,3 DMAA (banned stimulant) pre-workout. Took modafinil 100-200mg whenever I needed the energy boost. Then I took a huge supplements list which consisted of multi vitamin, b-complex, iron, vitamin c, ginko biloba, fish oil, vitamin e, vitamin d, biotin, msm, zinc, magnesium, and few more which I can't remember off the top of my head.

Basically everything I took is because of my hair, and everything else I took is to combat the fatigue/lethargy side effect. f*** this mother f*****g disease. The days where I was a fullhead I just took a multi every now and then, that's it.


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I'm thinking I'm gonna quit my Alpicort F trial. Selling my 2 bottles.

I been feeling like absolute sh*t lately. High blood pressure, ended up in the ER, was worried to leave the house the following days, tried to workout and haf to quit my w.o. cuz I felt my bp rising. I feel the pressure in my mid forehead and eye sockets, also the fatigue is driving me nuts. I quit everything for a few days. I also quit minoxdil for my beard.

I just now restarted on Propecia, Minoxidil foam (scalp only), Biotin 5mg, MSM 3-5g, probiotics, ramipril 2.5mg (blood lowering med)

That's all I take now. Prior to that, not only I use a shitload of minoxidil to cover scalp, I also used it for my beard, in high quantity. Also applied Alpicort F every other day. Drank 2-3ml of castor oil every day. Took 100mg doxycycline (antibiotics) for my acne. Used 1,3 DMAA (banned stimulant) pre-workout. Took modafinil 100-200mg whenever I needed the energy boost. Then I took a huge supplements list which consisted of multi vitamin, b-complex, iron, vitamin c, ginko biloba, fish oil, vitamin e, vitamin d, biotin, msm, zinc, magnesium, and few more which I can't remember off the top of my head.

Basically everything I took is because of my hair, and everything else I took is to combat the fatigue/lethargy side effect. f*** this mother f*****g disease. The days where I was a fullhead I just took a multi every now and then, that's it.
I felt the pressure in my eye sockets too, now i'm fine. The thing is, this solution actually helps with my scalp inflamation, so far its the only thing that helped me with that. I think you re quitting too early, try reducing the dose to 2 times a week and see how it goes.


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I would like to sell my almost brand new alpicort f (1 bottle) as well. I kept all the packaging and manual(which is obviously useless though since its in Bulgarian).

PM me if you need it.


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I also get slowly sides from alpicort. Redness beween my mouth and my chin. Looked it up tonight. Known side of cortisol.
Was only two weeks on alpicort and hairloss has slowed down with ru, finasteride and stamping and I expect finasteride to start working even better in the coming months.

I will jump on low dose e2 gel and maybe progesterone in January.


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I haven't figured that out yet. The gel is called estrogel. It's always hard to give out an exact dosing. Also I have a estrogen deficiency, so whatever I do likely isn't good advice for anyone else.

A member on the German forum used two drops on his forehead, so maybe 0,005 ml. He grew boobs and hair. :cool:

So I will start with one drop, and up the dose after four weeks until I register the slightest side. In march I plan to get another hormone profile, to see where I am.
Once I get sides I would take some prog, to balance out the estrogen.

If you have a healthy hormone profile I strongly advise you to not take estrogel without progesterone.

Also I would maybe test alpicort before. The sides from cortisol are annoying, but a far cry of what estrogen can do (shrunk balls). So I think it's smart to see if you get sides from alpicort first.

All I want to do is to nuke dht and get to high testo and a healthy e2.


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I haven't figured that out yet. The gel is called estrogel. It's always hard to give out an exact dosing. Also I have a estrogen deficiency, so whatever I do likely isn't good advice for anyone else.

A member on the German forum used two drops on his forehead, so maybe 0,005 ml. He grew boobs and hair. :cool:

So I will start with one drop, and up the dose after four weeks until I register the slightest side. In march I plan to get another hormone profile, to see where I am.
Once I get sides I would take some prog, to balance out the estrogen.

If you have a healthy hormone profile I strongly advise you to not take estrogel without progesterone.

Also I would maybe test alpicort before. The sides from cortisol are annoying, but a far cry of what estrogen can do (shrunk balls). So I think it's smart to see if you get sides from alpicort first.

All I want to do is to nuke dht and get to high testo and a healthy e2.

How does progesterone help control estrogen side effects?

Also Alpicort has 0.00005g estradiol per dose and estrogel has 0.00075g estradiol per dose. 1 dose of estrogel has 15x the amount of estradiol in 1 dose of Alpicort, just for reference for anyone wondering. Might switch to the gel once my Alpicort runs out, more worried about the long-term use of prednisolone than the estradiol.