Disfigured Man Discovers Looks-matching: Big Think


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But you only acknowledge these things when pressed, always leaving out the fact you once believed in them. So at the time you were desperate, silly, whatever, but you don't own up to now unless absolutely pressed, you'll make every point on how stupid other people are while leaving out the empathy you should have for them, as you were once right in their shoes. It's really just about showing how smart you are you no longer believe in it.

I can only keep saying the same stuff over and over, hope it sticks in your head some day, but as much as you want me to believe in PUA, to show how smart you are and how stupid I am, I simply don't believe there's PUA tips and tricks that will make anyone a golden slayer. I believe the simple act of talking to women will improve how comfortable you are with making jokes and being who you are, and if you're appropriately good looking enough, that can turn you from "maybe f***" to "would f***".

Like I said before, women probably have a ton of theoretical "would fucks", too many that if they followed through with them all, they'd be banging 20 guys a year, instead of in a life time. They see guys who are points ahead of them on the attractive scale, 6/10's often chatted to by 7 or 8 guys, maybe even the odd Chad. Why aren't they banging them all? Surely if a guys 2 points ahead on the scale he should be a "would f***"? Well, it's not the case, something else is happening, you can be right that luck is a factor, but a guy who really grinds in there will manage to get rid of these elements of luck if he can keep her interested.

In her mind it's easier to just take her time and see what happens, that "would f***" could be waiting quite a while for his f*** if he hasn't got any determination to get it done.
Do you really think goodlooking western women bang 20 guys in their lifetime on average?


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This. There's much truth in the red pill, and this is perhaps its landmark: a girl chooses the moment she sees you. You can be a dick or a moron, it won't matter. Looks already saved you or condemned you before you've got a chance to speak.

I think you're streching it a little. A girl mostly chooses whether she will not be with you right away, but I don't think you can get away with absolutely everything (like being a total moron) and still bed her just because you look good in her book. So, imo girls filter out the average and below to begin with. Those who are left are given a chance. Of course, there will always be exceprions to the rule. Just my thoughts.


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I think you're streching it a little. A girl mostly chooses whether she will not be with you right away, but I don't think you can get away with absolutely everything (like being a total moron) and still bed her just because you look good in her book. So, imo girls filter out the average and below to begin with. Those who are left are given a chance. Of course, there will always be exceprions to the rule. Just my thoughts.


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As far as being "cheap" @WhitePolarBear when you twist sh*t cowardly after it's all said and done, it doesn't get any cheaper than this:

Yep, and @Rudiger is like "man, I was a bit boring and awkward! Girls will never tolerate that!"

More PUA 101 content please! Where can I buy your $9,99 ebook prefaced by @Rudiger ?

So expect anything back when you think you can just act like that, I'll continue being "cheap" and bringing up whatever I want if you act with zero respect.


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I was just speaking generally about this whole "reverse the genders" argument. Men don't want the same qualities in a woman.

I think we should all take a break by re-watching what is widely considered Mel Gibson's magnum opus: What Women Want. Arguably the best film of our generation.

You're kidding, right? Maybe it's because I was just a kid when I saw it, but it was just an ok movie.


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Do you really think goodlooking western women bang 20 guys in their lifetime on average?

With the exception of those who travel a lot, or go to live abroad to bang a load of dudes, 20 is still probably quite high.

Also I notice you write "goodlooking western women", as if they're the ones banging most guys? If anything average or even a bit below women are screwing the most, getting some casual validation for the Chad experience they'll never get full-time.

It's hard to say with "averages" as like 10% of women can bring that average way, way up, and sleep with 50-100 or even more, for sure, but if we're talking what numbers most girls hit, I think creeping into double figures is about right for the majority, yes.

But your question implies my naivety. What's the real answer then?


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tbh I'd rather be alone than be that guy who wakes up next to their partner and tell themselves they wanted more but couldn't get it.


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It doesn't matter. One of them will leave the marriage eventually. Most likely the woman.

This is why it's so important to keep our hair/looks for as long as possible. We will need them. Even into middle age.

If divorce rates are bad now then just imagine the world when we are 50.

Tbh, I'm actually happy that I'm wasn't born 20-30 years earlier and be in my 50s now. Why? Because, now we have already witnessed the first wave of damage that feminism has brought with it. Therefore we can make better choices and be prepared for future. To fulfill my dream, and live a not-inferior-life (without children), we now have options of surrogati. I would rather go to Ukraine and pay 35000 euros for my kid, rather than pay approximately the same amount in child support over 15 years for somebody else to raise my kid. In the calculations I haven't even involved the tax deductions of being a single dad. Imo Cristiano Ronaldo has made the most important choice in his life right. Even if I don't regard him as particulary intellectual. Today, surrogati may be the way to go for many guys. Of course, you gotta have the cash.


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I think you're streching it a little. A girl mostly chooses whether she will not be with you right away, but I don't think you can get away with absolutely everything (like being a total moron) and still bed her just because you look good in her book. So, imo girls filter out the average and below to begin with. Those who are left are given a chance. Of course, there will always be exceprions to the rule. Just my thoughts.

You're right, since I'm one of those who get completely ignored as potential partners sometimes I stretch it a little, but I'm never wrong or far from the truth either.


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You guys are over analyzing the way females choose their partners. It's like rich people looking at modern art, you think you are able to see the "artists" feelings and life experiences trough an old shoe in the middle of a white room. In reality it's just an old shoe.

Imagine this scenario: A girl you're extremely attracted to sits next to you at a bar and says hello. The conversation isn't really flowing and she get's shy and turns red. But, she is obviously into you. Would you care about the fact that she is shy? Of course you wouldn't.


No shy men are major turn off to me regardless of looks. no one is that good looking except MAYBE top tier of male perfection--which is not most men you see random in most places.

Shy men to me are turn off. And that top tier of men who are like 9 to 10 are not going to be 'shy' with women so its moot.


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Being shy is a problem only if you're not a sexual prospect for the girl.

Shyness + sexual attraction = OMG he's so cute! (been there, done that, because that's how I am 24/7)

Shyness - sexual attraction = OMG awkward, I'd never f*** that guy!

Yeah because if he oozed confidence and arrogance, you would have fucked them, sure, you can tell yourself that.

well then I am an exception because it's a major sexual turn off to me..I am not going to speak for all women because they may feel differently.

I may still generally like a shy guy as a person but I just like assertive men. Not assholes but shy is too like (i will walk all over this guy in two minutes).


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Ah to address the third part in bold first, you're way too naive man, maybe you're not the kind of man women will reveal their true number to, but, make no mistakes, the men they have the hots for, again, if all falls into place, they are definitely banging them all (if it sounds unrealistic, keep on reading).

And there are fewer of these around them than you think, haven't we established on this forum that pretty much all women have very high standards? 80% of men are ugly to them, so you can already remove 80% of the men within their age range.

My girlfriend has had two serious boyfriends, me, and a long-term boyfriend during high school, between him and I, she was single for 5 years (in the sens that she never introduced any of the guys she was f*****g to her family), as she told me, and any women would tell you, women have needs too, even though their sex drive doesn't come close to men's sex drive.

During those five years, she alternated looong periods (like a year) of celibacy and a few friends with benefits. To my question "why didn't you have sex with more guys?" She would as she always does honestly reply: "It's just hard to find a guy that you like and that's available."

But once they find one, you think they're not going to sleep with him out of moral principles or because they have to see if the guy is interesting enough? They don't give a f*** about that. My girlfriend and many girls before me have told me that they always knew that the guy was as interesting as a rock, but it didn't matter, they wanted to have sex, because they were attracted to him. That's all there is to it.

But the interesting guy, the funny guy, the boyfriend material guy, he'll be considered as a long-term prospect, and oh surprise, this is also what countless studies out there have shown:

- Unalterable physical traits matter for short-term mating (flings, one night stands), nothing else matters.
- Unalterable physical traits also matter for long-term mating, but so do personality, humor, charm, etc.

Anyway, to address the first bold part: I'll empathize with these people when they realize their mistakes and redeem themselves like I did.

My cousin is 24 now and he's been believing in conspiracy theories for almost 5 years now, I'm sorry, but he won't get my empathy.

And for the second bolded part: you are wrong and there is absolutely no hard evidence and no anecdotal evidence to support what you're saying there.

It's hard to find a guy you like and available? That is not hard at all, she could have gone to a nightclub/bar and found a good looking guy to f*** her in 10minutes, she could go on Tinder and it's even easier.

So the one example you've provided here has banged like what, 5 guys in 5 years? Are you sure you know what point you're proving here?

No doubt women have needs, no doubt they sometimes screw random guys, even the most shy women are capable of putting themselves out there like that here and there. But I've had these chats with women who've admitted banging over 100 guys, and plenty who say this usually doesn't happen, I'm like their 4th or some sh*t, who knows what to believe? They can tell you anything, they can say you're number 65 to make you feel worthless and statistically have a lot of competition as to who was her "best", they can say number 4 to make you feel special and she's "not normally like this".

I have one best female friend who I trust as much as anyone in my life, and she's an open book with me, and I believe she's slept with the 7 guys she's claimed to. Mainly because she's let me know pretty shortly after each one, including a few "shameful" ones, like randomly banging a guy on holiday while beside a pool in an open courtyard, middle of the day. Just got the horn and saw some random like 6/10 Turk who couldn't believe his luck.

She's pretty open about her friends as well and the stuff they got up to, other girls I've been with have told me all sorts and often I get the impression they're only giving me half the stories on their friends because of "girl code", but I really don't get this feeling with her. She knows I'm a fortress about this stuff (apart from on an anonymous HairLossTalk.com forum) and has been explicit with everything that's happened to her and her friends, this is just one set of experiences from one culture, but it definitely seems to add up.

A normal girl probably won't get past 20 and will have 3 or 4 long term relationships and quite a few random "shameful" stories, you seem to be thinking the rare girl who bangs 70 guys is the norm, or it's fair to bring the whole average up because of them.

If I'm being naive and women are lying to me, you didn't quite divulge what you've been told? Are you saying plenty of women, after you've slept with them, suddenly start telling you how many dudes they are banging?

Because this makes no sense in plenty of ways, for that to at least be common anyway. No way would a girl want to tell anyone that, never mind some new guy she fucked.


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It's hard to find a guy you like and available? That is not hard at all, she could have gone to a nightclub/bar and found a good looking guy to f*** her in 10minutes, she could go on Tinder and it's even easier.

So the one example you've provided here has banged like what, 5 guys in 5 years? Are you sure you know what point you're proving here?

No doubt women have needs, no doubt they sometimes screw random guys, even the most shy women are capable of putting themselves out there like that here and there. But I've had these chats with women who've admitted banging over 100 guys, and plenty who say this usually doesn't happen, I'm like their 4th or some sh*t, who knows what to believe? They can tell you anything, they can say you're number 65 to make you feel worthless and statistically have a lot of competition as to who was her "best", they can say number 4 to make you feel special and she's "not normally like this".

I have one best female friend who I trust as much as anyone in my life, and she's an open book with me, and I believe she's slept with the 7 guys she's claimed to. Mainly because she's let me know pretty shortly after each one, including a few "shameful" ones, like randomly banging a guy on holiday while beside a pool in an open courtyard, middle of the day. Just got the horn and saw some random like 6/10 Turk who couldn't believe his luck.

She's pretty open about her friends as well and the stuff they got up to, other girls I've been with have told me all sorts and often I get the impression they're only giving me half the stories on their friends because of "girl code", but I really don't get this feeling with her. She knows I'm a fortress about this stuff (apart from on an anonymous HairLossTalk.com forum) and has been explicit with everything that's happened to her and her friends, this is just one set of experiences from one culture, but it definitely seems to add up.

A normal girl probably won't get past 20 and will have 3 or 4 long term relationships and quite a few random "shameful" stories, you seem to be thinking the rare girl who bangs 70 guys is the norm, or it's fair to bring the whole average up because of them.

If I'm being naive and women are lying to me, you didn't quite divulge what you've been told? Are you saying plenty of women, after you've slept with them, suddenly start telling you how many dudes they are banging?

Because this makes no sense in plenty of ways, for that to at least be common anyway. No way would a girl want to tell anyone that, never mind some new guy she fucked.
You're old, right? Todays youth live in a completely different world from what you grew up in with social media and feminism. A 5/10 can make a tinder and have sex with Chad within a few hours, and there's no repercussion. In fact media now celebrates sluttiness with events such as this.


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She can but won't Patrick, ever heard of the definition of true power?

And these ugly fat feminists are certainly not representative of your average woman out there.

it doesn't matter if she can or not f*** a chad, his point still stands, a 5/10 will go on tinder, have sh*t ton of matches with horny guys that probably just want to f*** her and leave, but she will get delusional and think that if 20 guys are after her she must be a catch, so a 5/10 girl will suddenly start believing she is now 8/10, and due to that she will become picky and reject men who are equal to her in looks, and search for 8/10 men or higher.

that's basically what happens on social dating apps and that's why most men are screwed there. but this is our fault to be honest, if men weren't so sex-driven and willing to hit just about any girl just to fulfill their desire to f*** then this wouldn't happen. or at least happen must less.


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You're old, right? Todays youth live in a completely different world from what you grew up in with social media and feminism. A 5/10 can make a tinder and have sex with Chad within a few hours, and there's no repercussion. In fact media now celebrates sluttiness with events such as this.
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I'm 30 but understand the world around me. I still know younger people (friends younger siblings, work with them, cousins, even get female attention young as 20 but more regular from 22+, still quite young).

So how many are they banging then? It's pretty simple.

Fred I actually couldn't even read the rest of your post, your initial argument much like Bateman's is that they're banging huge amounts.

So then I actually made the point you're trying to make now, it's not hard to do she just chooses not to.

So if women are choosing not to, then how are they allegedly banging all these dudes you initially claimed they are? What did these women tell you about their numbers that I'm so naive about?
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I'm 30 but understand the world around me. I still know younger people (friends younger siblings, work with them, cousins even get female attention young as 20 but more regular from 22+, still quite young).

So how many are they banging then? It's pretty simple.

Fred I actually couldn't even read the rest of your post, your initial argument much like Bateman's is that they're banging huge amounts.

So then I actually made the point you're trying to make now, it's not hard to do she just chooses not to.

So if women are choosing not to, then how are they allegedly banging all these dudes you initially claimed they are? What did these women tell you about their numbers that I'm so naive about?


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Their number was never that high, most girl had had between 3 and 10 guy in their beds. Some of them had had 15 to 25 guys but they were rare, then there is the exception out of the 87 dates I had who had had 70+ men in her bed.


I don't know what you're making me say things I don't.

If girls are not banging more guy, it's simply because they're aren't many guys they're sexually interested about.

I know it's a hard pill to swallow for some, but that's just how it is, you don't to believe this, you believe that so many more girls around you are "maybe's" that you could turn into "yes" with the right amount of "awesomeness".

That's just not true. It's 1 or 0, and girl don't have a lot of sex because they're not meeting that many guys that are hot to them and that they would like to f***. Why overcomplicate?
there was a huge survey that was taken 1 year or 2 ago among many countries over the world about what is the average sex partners a person will have in their life time, the average number was 10.


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So your answer is 60+? Based on some chick which is practically a meme probably going around sluthate. You have not surprised me.

Like I said before there are women out there banging 100+ guys, I feel this is not the majority of women. Maybe this is naive of me as you seem to think, but I'd rather go with my experience.

Their number was never that high, most girl had had between 3 and 10 guy in their beds. Some of them had had 15 to 25 guys but they were rare, then there is the exception out of the 87 dates I had who had had 70+ men in her bed.


I don't know why you're making me say things I'm not saying.

If girls are not banging more guys, it's simply because they're aren't many guys they're sexually interested about.

I know it's a hard pill to swallow for some, but that's just how it is, you don't to believe this, you believe that so many more girls around you are "maybe's" that you could turn into "yes" with the right amount of "awesomeness".

That's just not true. It's 1 or 0, and girl don't have a lot of sex because they're not meeting that many guys that are hot to them and that they would like to f***. Why overcomplicate?

Ok ok ok, I thought you were initially calling me naive for estimates on how many men that women f***? It seemed like that.

It was naive over something and that I'm not sure of anymore. But you seemed to jump to this assumption I've never had similar conversations with women.

But uh, you were having conversations with women about how many men they fucked, on their first date with you? I just abou trust my best friend who's told me every detail of her sexual life for 15 years, you're taking women's words as gospel you've known for an hour (and considering its a date, clearly have reason to lie) and this makes me the naive one.



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So your answer is 60+? Based on some chick which is practically a meme probably going around sluthate. You have not surprised me.

Like I said before there are women out there banging 100+ guys, I feel this is not the majority of women. Maybe this is naive of me as you seem to think, but I'd rather go with my experience.

Ok ok ok, I thought you were initially calling me naive for estimates on how many men that women f***? It seemed like that.

It was naive over something and that I'm not sure of anymore. But you seemed to jump to this assumption I've never had similar conversations with women.

But uh, you were having conversations with women about how many men they fucked, on their first date with you? I just abou trust my best friend who's told me every detail of her sexual life for 15 years, you're taking women's words as gospel you've known for an hour (and considering its a date, clearly have reason to lie) and this makes me the naive one.

I can't ever convince you because I can't give you definite proof. Like your talks with you best girl friend, I can't think of that as proof one way or another either. All I'm saying is that you've lived in a completely different world in your late teens and twenties, in 2017 sluttiness is celebrated and women have easy access to the genetical top men also known as Chads. The guys girls are actually attracted to (bare in mind bottom 80% are unattractive to girls) have an easy time having sex with different girls every weekend, and have lay counts in the mid triple digits in the end of their 20s. Girls who are slim and non deformed all have lay counts you wouldn't even believe if they told you, the truth is they all lie about it or they don't want to say it. Multiply whatever they answer by 3 and you're getting closer.