Ah to address the third part in bold first, you're way too naive man, maybe you're not the kind of man women will reveal their true number to, but, make no mistakes, the men they have the hots for, again, if all falls into place, they are definitely banging them all (if it sounds unrealistic, keep on reading).
And there are fewer of these around them than you think, haven't we established on this forum that pretty much all women have very high standards? 80% of men are ugly to them, so you can already remove 80% of the men within their age range.
My girlfriend has had two serious boyfriends, me, and a long-term boyfriend during high school, between him and I, she was single for 5 years (in the sens that she never introduced any of the guys she was f*****g to her family), as she told me, and any women would tell you, women have needs too, even though their sex drive doesn't come close to men's sex drive.
During those five years, she alternated looong periods (like a year) of celibacy and a few friends with benefits. To my question "why didn't you have sex with more guys?" She would as she always does honestly reply: "It's just hard to find a guy that you like and that's available."
But once they find one, you think they're not going to sleep with him out of moral principles or because they have to see if the guy is interesting enough? They don't give a f*** about that. My girlfriend and many girls before me have told me that they always knew that the guy was as interesting as a rock, but it didn't matter, they wanted to have sex, because they were attracted to him. That's all there is to it.
But the interesting guy, the funny guy, the boyfriend material guy, he'll be considered as a long-term prospect, and oh surprise, this is also what countless studies out there have shown:
- Unalterable physical traits matter for short-term mating (flings, one night stands), nothing else matters.
- Unalterable physical traits also matter for long-term mating, but so do personality, humor, charm, etc.
Anyway, to address the first bold part: I'll empathize with these people when they realize their mistakes and redeem themselves like I did.
My cousin is 24 now and he's been believing in conspiracy theories for almost 5 years now, I'm sorry, but he won't get my empathy.
And for the second bolded part: you are wrong and there is absolutely no hard evidence and no anecdotal evidence to support what you're saying there.