Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.

John Difool

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I give up. There is no hope. Itchy scalp remains, same with hair loss ... There is no hope for me. I gained muscles, I'm more masculine. I have reflex hyperandrogenism, and there is nothing I can do about that. I could take stronger drugs - like Enza or Daro - but it will make things even worse.
I will let testosterone destroy what is left of me.
AA+E are not the perfect cure for everyone ... and I deeply regret it.

If you want Dutasteride (Avodart or Generic) and Bicalutamide or Cypro ... let me know.

Did you go to see a doctor and have you done blood tests?


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I give up. There is no hope. Itchy scalp remains, same with hair loss ... There is no hope for me. I gained muscles, I'm more masculine. I have reflex hyperandrogenism, and there is nothing I can do about that. I could take stronger drugs - like Enza or Daro - but it will make things even worse.
I will let testosterone destroy what is left of me.
AA+E are not the perfect cure for everyone ... and I deeply regret it.

If you want Dutasteride (Avodart or Generic) and Bicalutamide or Cypro ... let me know.
Have you considered any other hair loss causes? An allergy or perhaps scalp disorder like lichen planopilarus?


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Yep and I had (very bad) gyno surgery.
As a result of aa/e? Or separate. If from meds, then I would think it's not entirely reflex androgenicity, unless tolerance built up over time and your manliness fought back so to speak. Did you ever try bica? Considering it works differently from most other AA's.


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Yes I tried Bicalutamide.
Its entirely reflex hyperandrogenism, I have absolutely no doubt about that anymore.
Well sorry to hear that bud. I do know that in my case I have a sulfite allergy and if I consume any food with sulfites I get a severely itchy scalp with small pimples at the follicles with an hour or so. But everyone's different obviously so who knows why your endocrine system works the way it does. Perhaps after going off meds for a while your hormones, etc can possibly reset and maybe you can try one of the various aa methods again at that point.


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I tried for 3-4 months, didnt help.
I'm just going to give up, and let testosterone destroy me. There is nothing I can do, so I will just accept my fate. 2years and half of pain for nothing, for worse.
It's Post Finasteride Syndrome (androgen receptors over sensitive, and yeah it's real), and there is no cure for that yet.
Enjoy your hair and your feminine look.
Have you considered something like cortisone shots for the itchiness? If you can tame the inflammation you may experience some regrowth.


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Have you considered something like cortisone shots for the itchiness? If you can tame the inflammation you may experience some regrowth.

I tried topical cortisone and prednisolone with no success, and cyclosporine (immunosuppressors) and a lot of things, each time always at least 1 month.


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and your hair is not getting smaller. I counted. you have more than 100 hair in the photo. what mode?

My hair is very bad, especially at the back and front, I have thinning see-through all over. I've started shedding like this since starting dutasteride 3 months ago. Although only over a month on HRT. I think my hair has maybe gotten worse. If by December or January I don't notice anything I might just give up.

I still have velus hairs all over my head, going down to where my teenage hairline was, which keeps me hopeful that something might happen.


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I do know that in my case I have a sulfite allergy and if I consume any food with sulfites I get a severely itchy scalp with small pimples at the follicles with an hour or so.
you can't drink most wine? :( that sucks


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I tried topical cortisone and prednisolone with no success, and cyclosporine (immunosuppressors) and a lot of things, each time always at least 1 month.
try topical dexamethasone, why not


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Hair system is still an option. Lots of maintenance though.

Too boring, I really want to move on. And I would need something that covers the entire scalp (losing on top, around the ears and nape).


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How much you want for 1 box avodart including shipping? Do you sale injectable estradiol aswell? I buy it for sure.

30 euros for Avodart, 20 euros for generic Dutasteride +10/20 euros for shipping (depend how much and where you live).
I won't sale injectable because I used it, it's not sealed anymore. You can buy injectable estradiol from Lena, there ==> http://lena.kiev.ua/EV
I have Bicalutamide, but no the boxes (only drugs platelets). 20euros for 30 pills (?).
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I give up. There is no hope. Itchy scalp remains, same with hair loss ... There is no hope for me. I gained muscles, I'm more masculine. I have reflex hyperandrogenism, and there is nothing I can do about that. I could take stronger drugs - like Enza or Daro - but it will make things even worse.
I will let testosterone destroy what is left of me.
AA+E are not the perfect cure for everyone ... and I deeply regret it.

If you want Dutasteride (Avodart or Generic) and Bicalutamide or Cypro ... let me know.
Can you show us your body (not head)? Having muscles on AA+E is highly unlikely.