Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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Its been confirmed by dermatologists that I have male pattern baldness. Unfortunately. It's just really aggressive, no hair loss on the back, they are strong. Losing on the top, around the ears-temples and the nape (retrograde hair loss).
When I first tried AA in 2009-2010 hairloss stopped and hair came back. I was idiot to stop for Dutasteride.

I feel so bad for doubting your validity... Your hair loss is definitely severe, in which stopping the medications might be your best option in the meanwhile. You should give your body a rest from these medications, and then use them again in the future.


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I feel so bad for doubting your validity... Your hair loss is definitely severe, in which stopping the medications might be your best option in the meanwhile. You should give your body a rest from these medications, and then use them again in the future.

If I stop ... I should stop for good ... I wanted to be more feminine, it doesn't work at all. It was not just about hair. But I don't want to start again and hope for nothing like I did.
For 2 years, almost everyday, even today, I was on transtimelines (reddit) hoping to get same results as some 'girls', never happened. Time to forget all of this and embrace my manhood (yeurk).


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If I stop ... I should stop for good ... I wanted to be more feminine, it doesn't work at all. It was not just about hair. But I don't want to start again and hope for nothing like I did.
For 2 years, almost everyday, even today, I was on transtimelines (reddit) hoping to get same results as some 'girls', never happened. Time to forget all of this and embrace my manhood (yeurk).
I feel you. Sorry you feel hopeless now. Have you ever had a scalp biopsy to rule out any form of scarring alopecia?


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Nope never. But I don't have scares, and when I took Lupron in 2009-2010 almost all my hair grow back.
Scarring alopecia doesn't generally produce visible scars. Just an all encompassing term for several forms of hair loss due to inflammation of the follicles. But the fact that lupron worked before is a bit confusing, unless having your endocrine system altered could have induced an autoimmune reaction like alopecia areata or lichen planopilaris. Do you get dandruff, redness, or anything like that?


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Scarring alopecia doesn't generally produce visible scars. Just an all encompassing term for several forms of hair loss due to inflammation of the follicles. But the fact that lupron worked before is a bit confusing, unless having your endocrine system altered could have induced an autoimmune reaction like alopecia areata or lichen planopilaris. Do you get dandruff, redness, or anything like that?

I have dandruff and sometimes redness and pimples (on the scalp)
It's definitively Androgenetic Alopecia, for years I wanted to believe it was something else ... like almost everyone ("its because of vit d, b12, iron deficiency, thyroid,... no it cant be Androgenetic Alopecia, noooo!!!").


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I have dandruff and sometimes redness and pimples (on the scalp)
It's definitively Androgenetic Alopecia, for years I wanted to believe it was something else ... like almost everyone ("its because of vit d, b12, iron deficiency, thyroid,... no it cant be Androgenetic Alopecia, noooo!!!").
Well the diseases I mentioned are worse than androgenic alopecia, since treatments are far less successful, so not sure if anyone would hope for that instead. But at the very least it might be worth getting a scalp biopsy for peace of mind either way.


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I have micronized progesterone and when I take it orally I don't feel any effect but when I take it sublingually I feel drowsy/relaxed and it feels really nice, because of this I want to take it every day but maybe it will be bad for hair? Taste like plastic mint chocolate.
ok, I'm gunna try it sublingually tonight and see if It feels different.


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from dutasteride, hair begins to fall out very strongly if you do not take breaks for 1-2 days. but this does not mean that everything is bad. they can fall out because new ones grow. look very carefully do you have a little new hair? they are hard to see but possible. if there is, everything is in order.
what is the dose of dutasteride?

0.5mg everyday dutasteride for 3 months.

Small hair all over temples, but still seems to be receding. Sorry for the bad photo, you can't see the small hairs but they're there. Just nothing getting bigger

Also now taking 25mg of cypro since last week, will probably upgrade to 50 at some point.



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Also I have a question for anyone who might know, progynova (estradioal valerate) is micronized right, so it can be taken sublingually if I'm correct? But would the efficiency be higher if I took it orally like it was intended?


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Do people here think it's a bad idea to use estradiol to change your appereance? with the hair benefits just an added extra? Im very unhappy with my appearance i don't know if slightly more feminine attributes would make me look better.

I'm not quite sure what you're getting at with this question. But the only changes you would see outside of hair growth is a bit more body fat in feminine places and breast growth, not much else tends to happen appearance-wise, unfortunately.


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I'm not quite sure what you're getting at with this question. But the only changes you would see outside of hair growth is a bit more body fat in feminine places and breast growth, not much else tends to happen appearance-wise, unfortunately.

Yeah nevermind it was a silly question lol Thanks for your reply though.


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I'm not quite sure what you're getting at with this question. But the only changes you would see outside of hair growth is a bit more body fat in feminine places and breast growth, not much else tends to happen appearance-wise, unfortunately.
Also kind of depends on age. Younger you are the more likely you'll experience additional feminizing effects, since bones might not be fully fused yet (typically happens in early to mid 20's). Not to mention, igf-1 levels are also significantly higher when you are younger.


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Also kind of depends on age. Younger you are the more likely you'll experience additional feminizing effects, since bones might not be fully fused yet (typically happens in early to mid 20's). Not to mention, igf-1 levels are also significantly higher when you are younger.

Sorry you're right I should have mentioned that, I kind of just assume most people here are older. :D

The hips thing could be true, but from what I've seen its never really guaranteed. So I suppose ymmv.


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Also I have a question for anyone who might know, progynova (estradioal valerate) is micronized right, so it can be taken sublingually if I'm correct? But would the efficiency be higher if I took it orally like it was intended?
you can take it sublingually and I believe it would be better than taking it orally. Taking it orally works for some but in others it reportedly screws up E1/E2 ratio and it also will reduce the amount IGF-1 secreted by the liver as its processed (which could, in theory, hinder breast growth)
However, the stregnth of Valerate taken sublingually is a bit less than the same amount of Hemihydrate taken sublingually.



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acne, if you have it, will also clear up. and your chest hair will fall out

I don't have acne or much chest hair so that's not an issue for me, would you say since starting your regimen that your attractiveness has increased since starting? I don't mean just your hair results but overall?

Sorry just looked at the first page and checked your pics, i definitely think your appearance has improved overall. Your skin and hair look great.
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