Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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You guys look stunning! Does bridgey have a Texan accent?

Also, does anyone know if hairs getting thicker towards the roots means anything at all? Most of the hairs I'm shedding have that, but I have no idea if it matters.

Nope he doesn't have a texas accent, also hair getting thicker towards the root is absolutely what you want to happen, that means whatever youre doing is working so keep going.


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A couple of mentally-ill incel trannies at the musuem:

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Hey guys, I just signed up to post this and hopefully receive some advice. I really appreciate what is happening in this thread regarding experimental regimens and it sucks to see how much hate you are all receiving. It should be obvious that a lot of these things could be harmful to you as a male and that you should do your own research, but it's communities like these that can help pave the way for an actual cure and a universally applicable treatment so I appreciate it.

I used steroids for awhile and lost some hair on the sides of my hairline. I would say im NW2-Nw2.5. I am currently using Dutasteride once a week and Finasteride every day. My testosterone levels are pretty low (80ng/dl) due to coming off cycle but those will eventually rebound (which i'm not scared of, my levels have always been naturally low as a male). What I am basically looking for is something I can add to my stack that will improve skin and hair but won't compromise my normal male reproductive stuff. I've always had naturally low test levels (around 330ng/dl) and had great skin and hair, but obviously once I get on steroids my hair deteriorated and my skin quality plummeted. Now that i've been off for a couple months my skin quality has increased and my hair a little bit, but I still want a tiny bit more feminization if possible without f*****g up my male reproductive organs lmao. Any advice?
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I still want a tiny bit more feminization if possible without f*****g up my male reproductive organs lmao. Any advice?
Unfortunately any drug that has feminizing effects potentially carries the risk of fertility issues. AAs like bica or spironolactone may be temporary and only while taking them, but if being able to remain fertile to have kids, etc is a concern then you might not want to risk it. Or if you do decide to, consider freezing some sperm.


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Unfortunately any drug that has feminizing effects potentially carries the risk of fertility issues. AAs like bica or spironolactone may be temporary and only while taking them, but if being able to remain fertile to have kids, etc is a concern then you might not want to risk it. Or if you do decide to, consider freezing some sperm.

So due to my past I did a lot of research on steroid induced hypogonadism/infertility and in one study I found that 100% of the men taking exogenous testosterone did recover fertility pretty fast naturally, and almost immediately with HCG, and those that did not opt for HCG and did not recover fast still recovered after about 6-12 months. I have not researched the effects exogenous estrogen would have but do not know why it would be any different. All this being said, I still knocked up a girl while on many steroids lmao but fertility is not a huge concern to me right now and I am sure that I could regain it with meds if I wanted.

Also, I would not be taking some of these feminizing drugs forever, just for a short period of time to get back to my youthful baseline and them I'm hoping that my low natural test levels + finasteride/dutasteride would be enough to sustain as hair loss is not all that prevalent in my family and my specific case is not all that dire. I was almost NW3 but recovered to NW2 with good density. I'm just curious what the best drug to take would be. Just from my initial research on here its looking like spironolactone could be it as i've seen another post here with a bodybuilder who had success with it.
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How come these drugs work when dutasteride did not? I thought DHT was the primary cause of hairloss? Does that mean testosterone can also cause it on it's own?
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How come these drugs work when dutasteride did not? I thought DHT was the primary cause of hairloss? Does that mean testosterone can also cause it on it's own?

Testosterone still has a binding affinity for the AR (albeit weaker than DHT) but there is usually way more testosterone in the body than there is DHT so in short yes testosterone can cause hair loss and other androgenic side effects such as oily skin and enlarged pores. So when people take dutasteride their DHT is pretty much 0 but testosterone levels usually increase to make up for the lack of DHT which then can cause even more androgenic side effects.


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@bridgeburn and @Itsnoahkennedy

Have you all had any issues with the frontal area, particularly the temples and/or the little island in the center most people develop after their temples recede not growing past a certain length? Mine seems to only want to grow a few inches, and the temples even less so. I'm seeing some progress after altering my own protocol but I am just curious if you all have run into this issue and what you did to solve it, if you did. Thanks.

Dunno if y'all are actually trans or just joking in your last few posts, I am sorry to say I could not find the time to go through 400 pages+ to find out lol but if you are hit me up if y'all ever wanna do a video for YouTube or something... I'm launching a channel here soon that's meant to be like trans girl teaches other trans girls makeup sort of thing but I also plan on talking about hair and skin care stuff etc etc so your input may be welcomed :p



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@bridgeburn and @Itsnoahkennedy

Have you all had any issues with the frontal area, particularly the temples and/or the little island in the center most people develop after their temples recede not growing past a certain length? Mine seems to only want to grow a few inches, and the temples even less so.

View attachment 126580

One of my temples thickened up a ton, the other much less so (but still slightly). But even so, the hairs like you mentioned have been somewhat stuck at a few inches of length.


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@bridgeburn and @Itsnoahkennedy

Have you all had any issues with the frontal area, particularly the temples and/or the little island in the center most people develop after their temples recede not growing past a certain length? Mine seems to only want to grow a few inches, and the temples even less so. I'm seeing some progress after altering my own protocol but I am just curious if you all have run into this issue and what you did to solve it, if you did. Thanks.

Dunno if y'all are actually trans or just joking in your last few posts, I am sorry to say I could not find the time to go through 400 pages+ to find out lol but if you are hit me up if y'all ever wanna do a video for YouTube or something... I'm launching a channel here soon that's meant to be like trans girl teaches other trans girls makeup sort of thing but I also plan on talking about hair and skin care stuff etc etc so your input may be welcomed :p

View attachment 126580

Yeah, before i even had noticeable hair loss my temples stopped growing past 1 inch when i was 16 years old and they never grew longer than 1 inch ever again.