Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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Are you all identifying as cisgender males, or are you somewhere else on the spectrum?

Not wanting to offend anyone in the slightest, just when I read through here from time to time it seems that you may not be which would explain why you are so prepared to pursue such aggressive regimens.

Personally I would not be prepared to pursue anything that produces feminising effects so just wondering if this stuff you are talking about is out of the question for someone in my position if I was to choose to do go down this path, or should I stop looking through this thread and focus on peppermint oil and LLLT?
Peppermint oil and LLLT won't do a sh*t if you have aggressive hair loss. If you're Norwood 1.5/2 who is very slowly receding then might want to stay on those, else start off with Big3.


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Peppermint oil and LLLT won't do a sh*t if you have aggressive hair loss. If you're Norwood 1.5/2 who is very slowly receding then might want to stay on those, else start off with Big3.

Yeah, I know. The peppermint oil/ LLLT comment was more of a meme than anything, lol.

I'm using clascoterone at the moment and tried finasteride before that but it did nothing.

I would be keen to try something more hardcore that gave good results if it meant there were no longstanding side effects in the event the more 'gentler' things I'm planning don't work.

As long as the erection quality came back post usage.

I also read something about inherently feminising treatments causing something like feminised skin(?).

I've found that clascoterone has stopped my hair loss seemingly entirely, so if I could take something harder for a period which regrew any loss and then go back to clascoterone for maintaining that would be very appealing.

I wonder if using stronger anti-androgens does something to the receptors which would thereafter make weaker ones impotent. That would obviously obviate that plan from being an option.

Anyway, I don't want to take up your time by doing Q&A.

I will do my own digging, just wanted to know what type of characters were engaging in this thread.

Carry on.


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Hello, thought I'd post some pictures.

Here are my temples under some precariously hard to get lighting, you can see all the fuzzies where my hairline in general used to be. Still shedding an insane amount, haven't really noticed them getting any bigger either.




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Are you all identifying as cisgender males, or are you somewhere else on the spectrum?

Not wanting to offend anyone in the slightest, just when I read through here from time to time it seems that you may not be which would explain why you are so prepared to pursue such aggressive regimens.

Personally I would not be prepared to pursue anything that produces feminising effects so just wondering if this stuff you are talking about is out of the question for someone in my position if I was to choose to do go down this path, or should I stop looking through this thread and focus on peppermint oil and LLLT?

I'm non-binary, I value my feminine traits over my masculine ones, especially for aesthetics. So does my boyfriend. That's why I'm pretty happy to do this. Personally, I'd never recommend it to anyone other than a trans person, it will definitely feminize you.


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Yeah, I know. The peppermint oil/ LLLT comment was more of a meme than anything, lol.

I'm using clascoterone at the moment and tried finasteride before that but it did nothing.

I would be keen to try something more hardcore that gave good results if it meant there were no longstanding side effects in the event the more 'gentler' things I'm planning don't work.

As long as the erection quality came back post usage.

I also read something about inherently feminising treatments causing something like feminised skin(?).

I've found that clascoterone has stopped my hair loss seemingly entirely, so if I could take something harder for a period which regrew any loss and then go back to clascoterone for maintaining that would be very appealing.

I wonder if using stronger anti-androgens does something to the receptors which would thereafter make weaker ones impotent. That would obviously obviate that plan from being an option.

Anyway, I don't want to take up your time by doing Q&A.

I will do my own digging, just wanted to know what type of characters were engaging in this thread.

Carry on.
Spironolactone seems to have relative weak AA activity among used AAs here. Also has great regrowth results under its arsenal.
Re your approach, a guy named jgray did this and was successful. After being here for some months now and reading years of experiences, I've come to realise that you can tinker with Anti-androgens but you will regret if you did 5mg finasteride/2.5mg Duta and go back to sth weaker. So keep this in mind.

Yup, Spironolactone would provide slight feminization by itself. I have the best skin I've ever had. Exactly 0 acne.


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I'm non-binary, I value my feminine traits over my masculine ones, especially for aesthetics. So does my boyfriend. That's why I'm pretty happy to do this. Personally, I'd never recommend it to anyone other than a trans person, it will definitely feminize you.
No Anti-androgen, not even Bicalutamide or Cypro can feminize anyone much without Estrogen.


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It increases estrogen because it increases testosterone. I've yet to see a study that concluded that it has direct estrogenic effects.
Moreover Cypro reduces both that would make the taker extremely weak.


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It increases estrogen because it increases testosterone. I've yet to see a study that concluded that it has direct estrogenic effects.

It increases T and E due to an increase in LH. It will lead to de-masculinisation, not direct feminising effects such as fat redistribution.


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It increases T and E due to an increase in LH. It will lead to de-masculinisation, not direct feminising effects such as fat redistribution.
What would be de-masculinisation when bone density, voice, facial looks, fat redistribution won't happen? Boobs, nopes... any AA would do that.


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hate to break it to you, but I dont think 6 avodart capsules is safe or necessary

I think this is not enough. but enough for me. do you read the forum? why then is the biggest authority of this bridgeburn intake taking 10 capsules of dutasteride per day? it is 5 mg. why don't you tell him that this is a lot? I think if he does, he knows how to and why. and I take 2.5 mg every other day.


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I think this is not enough. but enough for me. do you read the forum? why then is the biggest authority of this bridgeburn intake taking 10 capsules of dutasteride per day? it is 5 mg. why don't you tell him that this is a lot? I think if he does, he knows how to and why. and I take 2.5 mg every other day.

He does not take 10 capsules dutarestide, he takes 1 capsule 0.5mg ed


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I think this is not enough. but enough for me. do you read the forum? why then is the biggest authority of this bridgeburn intake taking 10 capsules of dutasteride per day? it is 5 mg. why don't you tell him that this is a lot? I think if he does, he knows how to and why. and I take 2.5 mg every other day.
Just show us before and after pics or you're just lying here to garner attention.


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Are you all identifying as cisgender males, or are you somewhere else on the spectrum?

Not wanting to offend anyone in the slightest, just when I read through here from time to time it seems that you may not be which would explain why you are so prepared to pursue such aggressive regimens.

I would say I am a cis gendered male but with a heavily androgynous appearance, even before I considered these medications my facial features tended to be a mix of more feminine and subtler masculine traits. But overall I still present like 90% as a male, I guess that’s what you mean by on a spectrum? :’)


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It increases estrogen because it increases testosterone. I've yet to see a study that concluded that it has direct estrogenic effects.
it has direct estrogenic effects because the testosterone it increases is blocked and the estrogen it increases is unblocked


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Does spironolactone eliminate testosterone or just reduce it? If it's just a reduction then spironolactone/dutasteride could be a good combo for males because it leaves test in the body to be converted to estrogen, I see this as a good thing at least for my goals, I want better hair/skin. I'm not too scared of gyno because I didn't get it while running dutasteride and 500mg+ per week of testosterone without an AI which gave me a huge increase in estrogen and no gyno.