Foreigners Views on Americans


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Anthony83 said:
no, i don't think people are aware of it. some people are so unbelievably stupid and spoiled, it is disgusting. in my brief tenure living abroad, i can see the differences between the 2 continents already. I love America and cannot wait to get back, but we need to change as a country big time. energy, transportation, education all need major reforms or we are just going to be a bunch of fat and stupid people destroying the world.

how did it get so out of control?
Wow, your prediction came true! :stupid:

Well almost, I know there are some very intelligent human beings living in the US.

"Drill, baby, drill"... "Spill, baby, spill"... "Kill, baby, Kill".

BP... oh it means British Petroleum!!! Those EVIL British folk (whom you always see depicted in Hollywood movies). It's all THEIR fault! "Its largest division is BP America, which is the biggest producer of oil and gas in the United States and is headquartered in Houston, Texas."

The East Texas Oil Field is a large oil and gas field in east Texas. Covering 140,000 acres (570 km2) and parts of five counties, and having 30,340 historic and active oil wells, it is the largest oil field in the United States outside of Alaska, both in extent and in total volume of oil recovered since its discovery in 1930.

But who's actually consuming the oil? ... st-oil.htm

Iraq has raised the level of the oil reserves it claims to own by 24% in its first revision since Saddam Hussein fell from power.

The country has 143.1bn barrels of known and extractible oil, up from the 115bn barrels previously estimated.

If correct, the revision means that Iraq now has bigger oil reserves than its neighbour Iran.


Mmmmmmmm yummy!

Much love for humankind! Peace!



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Someone has a bone to pick.

I forgot, if the Government does something wrong then it is every American's fault.


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The sad reality is that if we live in the western world, we almost certainly exploit some less "powerful" countries or the environment.

Furthermore, reading this post, then you probably play a part in the exploitation; even if it's not directly.

I'm not proud of it, or particularly ashamed, it's just how things are. It was pure chance that I was born in wealthy country and into a relatively privileged family.

What I do feel ashamed of is that so many of us (myself included) often take our good fortune for granted and squander the amazing opportunities we have to lead meaningful lives.

There are people who risk their life just for a chance of the sort of lives we take for granted, and yet here we all are fretting about our transplants and hair-loss; funny old world.


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"Foreigners Views on Americans"

everyone loves to hate America but wish they were Americans themselves.

2 pov's

my countries (by my own expirience ) :
we love America since it supports Israel, its one of the greatest and richest nations in the world and every Israeli would love to live there for few years and come back... it seems as if Americans will buy everything with the right marketing and Israelis love to sell crap... nonetheless, Israel is the no1 country to deliver best intelligence and our greatest export metria is high-tech, other than Japan, America is and always will be Israel's no1 buyer for high-tech data/products/companies.

my owns :
what i dont like: i have a feel as if Americans grow very slow, their cognitive age lags decades behind their "real" age, you can meet a 40 yo american who lives with his mother and plays mmo-rpg and never leaves the nest, while people here are already married with kids and have their own house and careers by the their 30's.
i dont like about Americans is their unhealthy diet habits, it seems most American people do not appreciate their well being and eat unhealthy, another thing, i love Europeans since (from what i've seen) they take great care for the environment, im not sure Americans do.

I love Americans since they value the flag like no other, i've yet to see people proud of their nations like Americans do. ofc not everyone, but its a quality i learned to appreciate ( i used to hate my own country {and still not a huge fan of our government to say the least} i've learned to support my country just by looking at how Americans proud of theirs)
another thing, i think Americans are very friendly, appose to Europeans who are extremely rude and have some nasty welcoming habits (French wont help you in the street, Dutch are racists, Spanish are vulgar and UK people... well i like Brits so i have nothing bad to say about them.. oh, they do have the worse dental hygiene ever, its all generalizations ofc, just how it looks from the side, im perfectly aware that not everyone is like that so calm your flames please)


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Every country has its pros and cons.

Love or hate Americans, they will be the first to help your country out when it's needed. And I don't mean with the military...I mean with their money.


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Hey, if thats the attitude remove my post, i answered the title. :shakehead:


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Ori I don't think Cassin was talking about Israel solely, I think he meant any country.

Something I don't like about America (and others) is how the rich elite (who basically run the governments) treat people like animals, either farm (worker), zoo, or circus, albeit more intelligent ones who offer more to them than regular animals. Milking them for everything they've got and giving them as little as possible in return to keep them 'sweet'. They get the people to do their dirty work and sit back in their 'pure diamond mansions'. They pay as little tax as possible with their corporations. They manipulate the people as much as possible to keep control over them and create total illusions of things like a so called 'democracy'. Making it seem like as if the people have any control over what is happening to them. They give away as little as possible but keep AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. Anyone who gets in their way will be dealt with. The police and defence system is 'ultimately' there to protect them, and to protect their 'investments' (i.e. the people). The more money/wealth that is created (circulated) the vastly more wealthy and powerful they become (the elite who are right at the top of the pyramid). Businessmen and women who go from rags to riches (i.e. the American dream) are an illusion as 'ultimately' they just make the elite more and more powerful because they create more wealth and gain more control over the people.

They have a hugely unfair advantage over everyone else. Eventually they will own the whole world (if they don't already), the so called New World Order.


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How can I possibly like a country which refuses to adopt the metric system?

They're just being difficult for the sake of it.


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Wrong! Their only error is deviation from the Imperial system. Well, that and driving on the wrong side of the road....


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Cassin said:
Every country has its pros and cons.

Love or hate Americans, they will be the first to help your country out when it's needed. And I don't mean with the military...I mean with their money.

First of all, if I had a choice between Russia, the US, China, etc, I'd choose the US as a political ally every single time.

About the Americans helping with their money??? I find that comical in a sense.

I served in a NATO unit, and I know about the histroty of NATO, the Marshal Plan, etc. The Americans helped with "their" money and machinary, but in returned they controlled many aspects of the local industry.


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virtuality said:
Cassin said:
Every country has its pros and cons.

Love or hate Americans, they will be the first to help your country out when it's needed. And I don't mean with the military...I mean with their money.

First of all, if I had a choice between Russia, the US, China, etc, I'd choose the US as a political ally every single time.

About the Americans helping with their money??? I find that comical in a sense.

I served in a NATO unit, and I know about the histroty of NATO, the Marshal Plan, etc. The Americans helped with "their" money and machinary, but in returned they controlled many aspects of the local industry.

I understand that...but I was also factoring in private donations.

But to your point...if my government donates money to any government I expect them to oversee that it is used responsibly and I would think every citizen of every country would agree. You can't just dump a millions into a bank account and hope for the best.


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Cassin said:
I understand that...but I was also factoring in private donations.

But to your point...if my government donates money to any government I expect them to oversee that it is used responsibly and I would think every citizen of every country would agree. You can't just dump a millions into a bank account and hope for the best.

Not really, I don't agree :nono: . There is something called sovereignty, you can't come into my country and tell me what to do :firing: . It's called a donation for a reason. If you don't like the way I do business, don't make a donation, it's that simple. If you want to control the way I do business, call it a loan, credit, bail-out or whatever you want to call it but you can no longer call it a donation.

Besides, the ratio of the donations to the local economy is almost always a small amount. Let's say you earn $1000 and someone donates you $10, would you let him/her take control of your life because he gave you 10 bucks? Why would any citizen of any country agree to it :smack: ???

I know you believe you are doing something good and you mean well. But you have to realise that most of the "donations" are not what they seem :dunno: .


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if you guys want to hear the truth, here it is. Most of the world does despise america, mainly for uts foreign policy (which is because it is doing the zionists dirty work) the world is happy that america is going down the toilet, so am i. I would like to know more about how china would act once it is the only super power, that does worry me.


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niceguy said:
if you guys want to hear the truth, here it is. Most of the world does despise america, mainly for uts foreign policy (which is because it is doing the zionists dirty work) the world is happy that america is going down the toilet, so am i. I would like to know more about how china would act once it is the only super power, that does worry me.

Lets see

1. New user
2. Anti American post
3. Various misspellings

$5000 that your IP is from Australia and you're that same guy we've banned a few dozen times for stirring crap up by posting racist messages against those of the Jewish faith.

*does an IP check*

Country : Australia

Oh what a shock!

What a pathetic hateful life you lead. Must be horrible to be around you.


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Apart from one obnoxious loud Texan I had the misfortune to meet in Orlando (he didn't like British pop music) I think I like every American I've met and know :)

Only today I was weighing up the pros and cons of moving there.