I've Had Enough...not Dealing With This Anymore


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Funny and sad how Robin Williams took his own advice... too bad though, he was amazing. Mrs. Doubtfire is one of my favourite comedies.

Also; suicide is the cowards way out.
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Hellouser, suicide is not the cowards way out.

Is someone who has ALS a coward for ending their life before they become an invalid?


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suicide is the cowards way out.

That's a pretty blunt statement. In another respect, one could say that living a horrible, life in pure unrepairable agony just for the sake of those around you is cowardly. I think it takes an immense amount of courage to end the only life you've ever known. For certain people it's neither right nor wrong, it's about the quality of their life. If I had 100% certainty that my life will always be the way it has been in the last couple of years (with MANY more issues than hair loss), I would end it right now. For people with chronic mental or physical illness that have NO remedy, let them end their misery. It's their life to do with what they chose.


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Good post F. I have been fairly open about it and mentioned it in other threads. Ironically these attempts happened long before I started losing my hair for real. I've never considered committing suicide over hair loss actually.

What was the reason for your suicide attempt? How old were you?

Hangin'on Hair

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Hellouser, suicide is not the cowards way out.

Is someone who has ALS a coward for ending their life before they become an

I'm against suicide. But this is the only justification I could give it. Yes. Doctor assisted suicide. If I woke up tomorrow and was diagnosed with ALS, then yes. As soon as my body starts to deteriorate
from that terrible disease, end it.
As for my hair falling out. Sorry, but no.


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Hellouser, suicide is not the cowards way out.

Is someone who has ALS a coward for ending their life before they become an invalid?

In the case of hair loss, it is. I'm all for euthanasia, but some things are pretty petty as to need suicide as a solution. If I were to wake up with ALS tomorrow without a cure or treatment in sight, I'd demand for someone to help me check out. I don't want to be a burden to my family or society.

Hair loss though?

Sure it sucks being dealt a pretty shitty hand in life, but it's not debilitating. You CAN still live a great life. Despite my own psychotic hatred and depression of my own situation with hair loss, I still actually enjoy life.


Then you must be careful with saying,'suicide is the cowards way out.'

What you are saying is that suicide for something such as how much hair you have is not a good enough reason which is something else entirely.


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Then you must be careful with saying,'suicide is the cowards way out.'

What you are saying is that suicide for something such as how much hair you have is not a good enough reason which is something else entirely.

But that is (or was) the subject at hand.

Yes, there are 'levels' of how bad someone has it to make suicide a viable option... but hair loss isnt one of them.


I agree but it can be a contributing factor. Say they are depressed, balding, not much money, little education, no friends - I can see how that person becomes suicidal.


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I agree but it can be a contributing factor. Say they are depressed, balding, not much money, little education, no friends - I can see how that person becomes suicidal.

Sure, if someone has other issues, perhaps (it'll depend) but money, education and friends can all be fixed but balding cant be. Also balding ALONE I can't accept as a reason to end your life.


I agree.

However, to play devils advocate, how about if someone bald were to say that the latent side effect of being bald were: no social life, love life, lack of career. Would it then be permissible to kill yourself?
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Hangin'on Hair

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I agree.

However, to play devils advocate, how about if someone bald were to say that the latent side effect of being bald were: no social life, love life, lack of career. Would it then be permissible to kill yourself?

For me, personally. No social life, love life or lack of career still wouldn't be a good enough reason.


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Good post F. I have been fairly open about it and mentioned it in other threads. Ironically these attempts happened long before I started losing my hair for real. I've never considered committing suicide over hair loss actually.

I'm not as much questioning his motives as I'm recalling my own feelings at that time and what I think I would have needed to hear at that at time. One time I posted a message very similar to bobster on a forum I was on. I got quite a bit of support actually, one woman even long-distance called me from another country to talk me out of it.

In retrospect it didn't do me much good; it was just a dramatic way of calling attention to myself and receiving much-needed validation through the outpouring of support. The high lasts for as long as the support comes and then the feelings return, in force.

When I actually got serious about it though.. Goddamn it put things into perspective being so close to doing it. The survival instinct is a powerful, powerful thing. In a weird way, I feel a certain respect for people who manage to kill themselves. It requires serious willpower.

OK, it's good that you clarified yourself in this post. Even though you say that the support that you got was temporary, it probably meant the world to you at the time. When I was suicidal, I know that if people who I didn't even know tried to talk me out of it, I'd really be touched. And if a woman showed enough compassion to phone me from another country to try to talk me out of it, I'd be indebted to that woman for life. When I was at the foot of that overpass, I had one friend who reached out to me to try to help me out as best he could. I'll never forget how he reached out to me and I've always tried to be there for him throughout the years. As I've stated before, lots of suicidal people do not want to die, they just want the pain to go away. It is not just as simple as black and white; like if you want to commit suicide then you'll simply do it. As you stated, the survival instinct is a very powerful thing and when a person comes face to face with a death, a final ending, it is extremely scary.

The main concern of this thread should be Bobster's well-being. None of us are qualified to judge whether his intentions are real or not; none of us are trained psychiatrists. I do believe that his feelings are indeed real, as plenty of people on here have had suicidal thoughts because of hair loss. Of all people, we should all know the devastation that hair loss can inflict upon a person's life. And we should all know that Bobster is really suffering tremendously because of it. We really should be offering him empathy and compassion (like plenty of posters did in the beginning) and not questioning his motives. And trivializing his feelings could make him reluctant to come back on here, which would be especially bad since this place could be of significant benefit to him, as it has been to many of us. We should really all welcome Bobster back into the fold here and not analyze his motives nor question his intentions.


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have had suicidal thoughts many times before

Its pretty normal to have lonely, depressive and empty emotions whike balding. Feelings of uncertainty, and value.

Suck it up. Wear a hat, sprinkle your toppik and move on. There is nothing we can do it about it. Self pity will get you no where. If you need a wig, get one.

There is no sympathy with this disease. Ride it out, and be a functioning drone like the rest of us.


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Suck it up. Wear a hat, sprinkle your toppik and move on.

Would you mind re-exploring your suicidal thoughts?

That's just a little joke, but you are seriously ridiculous. This "suck it up" attitude is stereotypically what people hate on here, and you've probably expressed this yourself, on top of that it's exactly what leads to suicide. "Put on a hat and move on!" What the f*** is actually wrong with you?

It's pretty clear that despite the gymcel bravado front you actually struggle with hair loss more than anyone, and you feel it's weak to admit it.

Sorry but having threatened and attempted suicide at several points in my life I would say this goes more into the category of a cry for attention than a serious portent of self-harm. The guy is still viewing the forums atm and has obviously not crossed over into the other side.

Bobster, don't waste your ammo in this fashion. If you truly wanted to die you would not have posted this thread. You would have sought out the most efficient manner in which to off yourself and done it long ago.

Round of applause for zircon, because nobody else is half thinking this!

What does this post achieve exactly? You've figured it out, you're so smart. If he comes back you can do a big "told ya so! He's not really dead LOL" post.

As I say, probably most people who genuinely replied sympathetically all realise this could be a meaningless thread, but you were the only one who felt it was necessary to throw the "cry for help" phrase at someone who could genuinely be in a dark place, and if a genuine suicide attempt does go wrong- what worse than to come back to accusations of "cry for help"? Are you ensuring he tries harder next time?

And the logic! Oh my god:

If you truly wanted to die you would not have posted this thread. You would have sought out the most efficient manner in which to off yourself and done it long ago

Normally you come to your conclusions with some reasoned thought zircon but these have to be 2 of the stupidest f*****g sentences I've ever read. The first one is pretty bad, I mean have you never heard of a suicide note? The 2nd one is unbelievable, you decided that he can't be committing suicide because if he did, it would have happened a long time ago? What the hell am I actually reading here? There's not even a start point into figuring out how you came so such a thought.

It just shows that you're completely guessing, like the rest of us you have no clue, but you're trying to show your intelligence that you can't be fooled by some guy on the internet when in reality everyone is thinking this is a possibility, and there's no point in questioning it. You have the option not to post in a thread, y'know? Do that next time, even people expressing a "cry for help" would not appreciate it being called that (unless in retrospect), and in some cases it will only spur them on to prove (to themselves this time) that they mean it.
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Suck it up. Wear a hat, sprinkle your toppik and move on. There is nothing we can do it about it. Self pity will get you no where. If you need a wig, get one.

There is no sympathy with this disease. Ride it out, and be a functioning drone like the rest of us.

Couldn't agree more, shook.

Outside of family and some close friends, people couldn't care less if any of us fall into the ******* Grand Canyon ... let alone care that we're losing hair.

And even the family and friends wouldn't grieve for that long.

Life goes on.

Only the strong survive... :cool:

No time to read h.l.'s mindless drivel, by the way ... gotta go watch some paint dry...


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Hair loss though?

Sure it sucks being dealt a pretty shitty hand in life, but it's not debilitating. You CAN still live a great life. Despite my own psychotic hatred and depression of my own situation with hair loss, I still actually enjoy life.

This. I didn't understand this for a long time, and for a moment there I thought I'd actually kill myself because of hair loss. That's how depressed I was. Now I realize that there are things to live for, and although life will never be the same (not in a positive way) I will survive (unless something kills me). Also, my grandfather passing this week learnt me how fragile life is. You've only got one life, there are no guarantees for the afterlife and quite frankly I don't think there is one - although I would love to believe it.