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There's a huge difference between getting a slap in the face and being broke up with because you lost your job.

Would real friends leave you because you're in a rut and staying at home all day?

On the other hand, long term, after a few slaps in the face, if you still make no attempt to get of the couch, then neither friend nor partner can be blamed for leaving your lazy ***.

I agree with you but also people who are unemployed for a LONG time their personality changes a bit especially if they are not really doing anything productive with this time and that can affect their relationships with both friends and a partner.

My brother in law was unemployed for 3 years, my sister stood by him, she paid the bills kind of was the first cracks in the foundation of their marriage eventually falling apart..he went back to work after that break but it was like that time period changed his personality quite a bit...I wish my sister HAD slapped him in the face (symbolically speaking not literally) to get off his *** and find something else but she didnt..and their dynamic just naturally changed and it never got 'right' again.


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If you were in my shoes, you'd just kill yourself. Being a 2-3/10 means you can't get any noteworthy results, no matter how hard you try and how much time, energy and money you spend trying. If you're genetic trash that can't be changed in any way. So don't speak about things and conditions you know nothing about. So I'll repeat the message: I. Can't. Improve. I simply can't. So spare me this useless bluepilled crap, thank you, it's not helping and it's just unnerving.

Was not my intention. Had no intention with the post really, other than speaking my mind about it, which I felt wouldn't upset you or shake your reality in any way. Anyway; it's your life and your choices...and I would respect those whichever they may be, man.

Noteworthy is the fact that, beauty of the mind is intact, and as long it stays that way...there will be matters worth living for. There's no such thing as genetic trash, or trash literally really, if you don't treat it as such - I think. The genetic pool is very important imo, and if we would become so homogenous that only 10 fo 10's existed, then I guess Steven Hawking and the likes of him would never have been born.


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A quick glance at his Facebook feed tells me he quite clearly is special needs. There's more to this than meets the eye, I'm at work atm but I'll get to the bottom of these shenanigans
I don't know him too well tbh but he seems fine - just a little awkward.

He has a degree and teaches, but I just checked out his feed and it does seem a bit off.


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Was not my intention. Had no intention with the post really, other than speaking my mind about it, which I felt wouldn't upset you or shake your reality in any way. Anyway; it's your life and your choices...and I would respect those whichever they may be, man.

Noteworthy is the fact that, beauty of the mind is intact, and as long it stays that way...there will be matters worth living for. There's no such thing as genetic trash, or trash literally really, if you don't treat it as such - I think. The genetic pool is very important imo, and if we would become so homogenous that only 10 fo 10's existed, then I guess Steven Hawking and the likes of him would never have been born.

Wow. Wow. Coming from a good-looking fullhead, that surely means a lot.


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That has to be temporary and you have to be able to show that you're actively trying to get out of this rut.

When I was unemployed, I moaned for about 3 months about the state of the economy, about the fact that I had little experience so that was why companies wouldn't hire me, about how life was unfair, etc.

Then, I broke down in tears, got up, and decided that I would take a brutally honest look at myself and do whatever it takes to correct my flaws, and the main one was: my Dutch wasn't good enough.

I would wake up at 8am, listen to Flemish cultural podcasts, watch Flemish movies, hell even listen to Flemish music as much as I could (while still enjoying my hobbies of course), I would go to roughly 15 hours of conversation tables every week, anything I could get my hands on to improve my proficiency. I started doing that every single day in January 2016. In February 2016, I had the interview with my consulting firm and in April 2016, I got my first job. I also got from 5 interviews a months to like 10 interviews a week right before I picked (yep) my employer.

That's one example, if you're not taking responsibility for yourself when you're in a rut, your partner and your friends should lose respect for you and maybe even distanciate themselves from you, because not only you're going to make yourself miserable, but also because you're going to end up hurting them too.

Case in point:

You have many good points in there imo, and everything's very close to, or how things work IRL. However, I also believe people are different and react to different kind of stimulus. Not everybody is of ''what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger''-mentality. You obviously are, and that's a great virtue to have. But to suggest something like ''survival of the fittest'', I don't support.

Different kind od support- or administrative centres for labour and welfare in countries exist for a reason - so that one can be helped in times of need. Of course, one must want to help oneself in order to achieve this, but not everyone is capable(smart) enough to acknowledge that ''I must be more profficient in Duth'' on their own without a little push.


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Wow. Wow. Coming from a good-looking fullhead, that surely means a lot.

That's an assumption, man. We all have our struggles, some more than others I will agree. Still, I believe in what I wrote. I mean you no harm with that or any other post.


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And did you witness him picking up hot women?
Nope. But he was with his GF.

In Vietnam we don't really need to be good with women - a lot of times women come over to you and chat.

Its not always to date though - they are just really friendly - even the guys do it.


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It took me 3 months to realize it too, and as I was beating myself up for losing so much time during the job hunting process, one very wise HR woman who had a lot of faith in me told me:

"You feel that this is a long time to figure things out? Most people take years before they come up with that realization."

I'm a methodical problem solver, when something isn't working properly for me, I'll gather the best science on it and come up with a plan to solve it.

I did the same with dating and went from 21 year old virgin to a guy that could juggle 4 different girlfriends in a few years.

One thing I didn't even mention above is that, during my job hunting, I wasn't in the best place psychologically, far from it, my girlfriend of one year and a half just had a surprise abortion and broke up with me out of the blue, yet that didn't stop me.

Same for the dating scene, I managed to sort this problem out while basically being bald in my early 20's.

So it's quite hard for me to read excuses from people that don't truly want to better their situation.

You have people like @Afro_Vacancy who are truly willing to put in the hours and the effort, and then you have people like @Xander94 and Baldhurts.

Unless you're really mentally deficient (IQ below 90) and you have a personality disorder, you have no excuse and I think that everyone is capable of improving their lives if they truly want to.

That's why I hate the idea of welfare for more than a few months, because you rob people of the incentive that they need to improve their situation.
Baldhurts put the hours in towards the end of his tenure here and actually started dating again.

I think he told a few people about it. Sunchyme said they talked a bit over pm.

He seemed to overcome a lot of his issues while he was here.


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You have many good points in there imo, and everything's very close to, or how things work IRL. However, I also believe people are different and react to different kind of stimulus. Not everybody is of ''what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger''-mentality. You obviously are, and that's a great virtue to have. But to suggest something like ''survival of the fittest'', I don't support.

Different kind od support- or administrative centres for labour and welfare in countries exist for a reason - so that one can be helped in times of need. Of course, one must want to help oneself in order to achieve this, but not everyone is capable(smart) enough to acknowledge that ''I must be more profficient in Duth'' on their own without a little push.

What is duth?


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It took me 3 months to realize it too, and as I was beating myself up for losing so much time during the job hunting process, one very wise HR woman who had a lot of faith in me told me:

"You feel that this is a long time to figure things out? Most people take years before they come up with that realization."

I'm a methodical problem solver, when something isn't working properly for me, I'll gather the best science on it and come up with a plan to solve it.

I did the same with dating and went from 21 year old virgin to a guy that could juggle 4 different girlfriends in a few years.

One thing I didn't even mention above is that, during my job hunting, I wasn't in the best place psychologically, far from it, my girlfriend of 1 year and a half just had a surprise abortion and broke up with me out of the blue, yet that didn't stop me.

Same for the dating scene, I managed to sort this problem out while basically being bald in my early 20's.

So it's quite hard for me to read excuses from people that don't truly want to better their situation.

You have people like @Afro_Vacancy who are truly willing to put in the hours and the effort, and then you have people like @Xander94 and Baldhurts.

Unless you're really mentally deficient (IQ below 90) and you have a personality disorder, you have no excuse and I think that everyone is capable of improving their lives if they truly want to.

That's why I hate the idea of welfare for more than a few months, because you rob people of the incentive that they need to improve their situation.

Been a lurker for a much longer period than being a poster here, so I know some things about your past, and I admire you for pulling through. Even if some things will never be the same again in many aspects of life after learning ''the hard way'', it's still possible to live a happy, fulfilled life afterwards the struggle.

I too aspire to be a rational, methodical problem solver because I believe that's a better alternative to coping. Not judging ofc. I'm sure the HR women wasn't far from the truth. I have witnessed this process first hand myself. Therefore, one important factor here's that not everyone possess the same capabilities. You've mentioned IQ, but that's not the only factor in the equation. Mentality, morale, support, environment, past experiences etc all have influence. This, and also I think maybe you overstimate people's ''survival instinct'' in general.

Having mentioned welfare, and knowing that you're against the abuse and manipulation of this system, I wholeheartedly agree with you there. Welfare is great ofc, but systemic and profound abuse of it should be heavily sanctioned, no matter what colour, background or religion.