Tinder 10/10 Male Experiment


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I wouldn't think so.

I wouldn't either. There are many different cultures on earth and in those cultures people don't have sex before marriage for religious reasons. Unfortunately and especially in the case with women, they get left on the shelves and remain virgins. Obviously in western cultures, this is much less common but still can happen.

Then there could be other reasons people remaining as virgins; the person could be gay in denial, could be asexual, therefore find sex unappealing (apparently 1% of population), could be suffering from long-term depression or anxiety problems, or could simply be extremely unattractive, perhaps deformed.

In some cultures with huge populations therefore a substantial percentage of the world population, women that don't remain virgins would be considered as ''losers'' and ''prostitutes.'' Not very fair either but shows you how damaging this kind of thinking is, when humanity has the nerve to start deciding who are are losers and who are not. We need to be sympathetic to others,, not judgmental.'


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Fred, you are stating behavior as if it is simple, and conclusively determined solely by evolutionary bio. It's just not true, especially with women. there are many, many different ways a child can be raised. there are an infinite variety of friendships that can be formed as the child grows up and just as many different societal experiences and scenarios. This is especially true at a young age, where in high school and college a person is exposed to an infinite variety of behaviors. Throughout time, greater and greater has become the impact of this on ultimately determining the mind set of a person in a romantic relationship. How can one think that this does not shape someones sexual behavior? We have all seen, first hand, the immense force environment can play in women's decisions towards sex. Biology only plays a certain role, especially within women, IMO. I have one friend that refuses to sleep with men until after some time, simply because she was once raped. I have another female friend that sleeps with new dudes every weekend, and I know with certainty, this behavior is due to the physical insecurities she developed throughout high school. We drink together and she constantly brings up how flawed her physical traits are. I dated one girl that would not sleep with me until marriage. To her, it was based on principles her father instilled in her.

I don't completely agree or disagree with any of you. I simply believe determining the behavior of a gender as a whole just cannot be done with accuracy. The mind is a powerful, powerful thing. Men with sex drives just as powerful as yours and mine, go months, years without physical relationships. I have not had sex now in over four months. I have a very high libido (f*ck you finasteride). I have had opportunities, but all the women that want to, are those that also want to date. I don't want to date. Therefor, I refuse sex for my own mental well being. I just think people need to believe more in the concept of individualism, and not stereotypes. It's better to believe in the power of the mind, love and sincerity, then the irrational thought that us humans, with a highly evolved brain, are only subject to our biological drive.


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People are bashing Fred because he's saying mysogynistic things lol.

Of course he's saying mysogynistic things! His girlfriend who he loved and wanted to spend the rest of his life with aborted his baby and is getting back in touch with her NW1 ex. The woman he gave up mysogyny for, gave up cheating, prostitutes, affairs and Tinder.

Everyone talks like this for a little while after they get their hearts broken. Let's support the guy.


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People are bashing Fred because he's saying mysogynistic things lol.

Of course he's saying mysogynistic things! His girlfriend who he loved and wanted to spend the rest of his life with aborted his baby and is getting back in touch with her NW1 ex. The woman he gave up mysogyny for, gave up cheating, prostitutes, affairs and Tinder.

Everyone talks like this for a little while after they get their hearts broken. Let's support the guy.

I don't think we are trashing him. He stated his views on relationships and we stated ours. If a person's views on women change that drastically after a bad relationship, then either there is something seriously off with them, or their views were like that to begin with. It's all good. We all know Fred really has a mushy, soft heart!!

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In full disclosure - I never intended to offend you Fred.


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I don't think we are trashing him. He stated his views on relationships and we stated ours. If a person's views on women change that drastically after a bad relationship, then either there is something seriously off with them, or their views were like that to begin with. It's all good. We all know Fred really has a mushy, soft heart!!

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In full disclosure - I never intended to offend you Fred.

We are regulars on a hairloss forum. There is something mentally wrong with everyone on here. A bit of compassion wouldn't be too much would it?


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We are regulars on a hairloss forum. There is something mentally wrong with everyone on here. A bit of compassion wouldn't be too much would it?

Fred knows I like him. I told him he had a mushy, smooshy heart and when he was going through that with his gf, of course I supported him. It's all good :D


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You just made my day! That's so true.

Seriously, I would never date a women in her forties who was a virgin. I would think something
is seriously wrong with her, at that age.

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Didn't mean you. I meant h.i.. Don't know why he's so damn judgemental.

It's o.k. K9. I will just hunt you down, scalp you with a rusty roofing knife and dance around you wearing your hair as a wig. xoxox ;)

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ohhhh... I don't know if you were in on it, but you should be. Sometimes ID walker and myself make sick jokes. You jut have to follow it with something loving and it makes it acceptable. haha ;)


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I agree. We should be showing our support, not trashing him. Why do people have to get so judgemental

Really. If his answers piss you off, get a skin thickener. Get over it! Move on.


I almost feel slightly bad bringing this up because I instantly PM'ed Fred and to be fair to him, he did own up to his response being insensitive, on the other hand that was by PM and not on the forum, where no doubt he'd have scrambled some excuse or probably a diverting argument, but meh, he did own up to it. Anyway I don't feel bad enough to not bring it up because he did respond terribly to that kid.

I think that reply demonstrates that not only is he attempting to let go of his own depression by venting (which in itself is a debatable way of coping- but some of you are promoting egging him on to resolve his issues this way), but he actively doesn't give a **** if he negatively impacts even the weakest of people on here. This doesn't enter his mind, he doesn't give a ****, he'll gladly continue peddling bull**** in his non-stop attempt at making others feel awful.

Going through Fred's posting history should be like Guantanamo torture, you'll never trust another human being again, or want to, you won't even trust yourself, and for whatever reason, he likes spreading his message so insistently.

I see that as really harmful, you'll notice the amount of views per replies we get on this forum, we have a LOT of people out there reading this crap and probably a lot of fans of Fred, who won't ever reply, but like the self-deprecation, because it's easier to get down about something than find a solution.

It does piss me off reading his crackpot "experiences" and his wiki-stub "research", but I have thick enough skin to stop caring about this on a personal level. However it pisses me off too much that he gets away with influencing others to be as depressed as he is. I have definitely made a dent in the past in some of his "arguments" when I constantly call him out on things he's said previously that contradicts itself, and either he has to own up to it with his tail between his legs or ignore it (which is usually what happens). In this way at least he's more guarded and responsible when it comes to his next barrage of depression inducing posts.

I'm not supporting a guy who is hell-bent on making other people feel hopeless about humanity, but knock yourself out.


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Every time you put incredible significance on the fact you went bald young just further proves that your views have nothing to do with the reality of being bald, it's all about your experience of how you felt going bald so young. If you were speaking "the truth" about baldness then every 30 or 40 year old bald guy would feel the same, but no, you insist that they won't understand because they didn't go through it like you did.

UncomfortableMan and CaptainForehead don't go around making it their personal agenda to ensure everyone realises we're all 100% ****ed by humanity, they humbly give their experience of their depression and how they feel baldness has ruined their lives, I have no problem with them. Don't lump them in with what you do, which isn't just convincing people how it ruined your life, but how it will ruin everyone's, and even that's not enough, even if you have a full head of hair you'll still have a cheating wife, etc.

I bet if there's a 10/10 model who starts posting on here you'll have to start thinking about ways that his life is ruined too. The 10/10 model is the last thing you can use to compare everyone to in your attempts at making us all feel ****ty, but you'd probably find a way of thinking of ways his life sucks as well.


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lmao... i skimmed through this entire thread, and it appears to be one rational guy (mr fred belgium) arguing with and getting attacked by a bunch of imbeciles who prefer to believe in fairy tales than the real world, even as adults, and some sl*t from paris.

fred, why even waste your time trying to explain this to these people? its obvious they dont want your help, so screw them.

p.s... i saw u negged me fred, calling my claims "bs".. I'm pretty confident that minoxidil. does in fact age your face due to changes in collagen as well as pge2 and pgd2. that guy with the retarded looking version of goofy in his avi. negged me too when i was posting here... my feelings are hurt =(

People are "negging" you because you sound like a total reject. "Some sl*t from Paris"?? Get lost douche. She is a kind person that goes out of her way to try and help people. We get it bro, you hate women. Generally, people that hate women are just small minded brats that can't get any. Why are you attacking people you don't even know? Please retreat back down to your mommas basement and jack off to the animations on your x-box and stay out of adult conversation. hahaha :punk:

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I mean, JESUS!! Am I the only one hear that believes you can lock down an attractive, awesome faithful woman without her wanting to destroy your soul?? I have done it many times. What is with everyone?


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People are "negging" you because you sound like a total reject. "Some sl*t from Paris"?? Get lost douche. She is a kind person that goes out of her way to try and help people. We get it bro, you hate women. Generally, people that hate women are just small minded brats that can't get any. Why are you attacking people you don't even know? Please retreat back down to your mommas basement and jack off to the animations on your x-box and stay out of adult conversation. hahaha :punk:

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I mean, JESUS!! Am I the only one hear that believes you can lock down an attractive, awesome faithful woman without her wanting to destroy your soul?? I have done it many times. What is with everyone?

There are many lovely women out there and they're usually physically less attractive. The more attractive a woman is, the more her options grow and in that situation it's difficult for her to not allow it to get to her head. That's just the reality of the situation. Not saying all physically beautiful women are cheaters or nasty or whatever, simply they have higher calibre men chasing them - super handsome or decent looking but successful etc, just generally more options. In this situation they become more arrogant, have to be a bit bitchy to get rid of the high number of men that are not in their league. That's all there is to it. It's not complicated really.


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I mean, JESUS!! Am I the only one hear that believes you can lock down an attractive, awesome faithful woman without her wanting to destroy your soul?? I have done it many times. What is with everyone?
In honesty though buck it might be relative to region.


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I mean, JESUS!! Am I the only one hear that believes you can lock down an attractive, awesome faithful woman without her wanting to destroy your soul?? I have done it many times. What is with everyone?

You're one sick whip-slinging, kinkyass muddered****er, I didn't know you had it in you Buckyporn boy.



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lol, not really sure about a couple of your points.

1.) i dont know her, but i believe (and i could be wrong so if i am plz let me know) she told fred that his partner count isn't that high so he must not know everything about women and their sexuality... he has slept with over 20 people.. i take this to mean that she has slept with more people than fred, therefore, by my definition at least (and most people i know), she would be identified as a "sl*t". it wasn't an attack, rather just a way of describing someone. no reason to be all uppity and upset, buckthorn.

I believe that people like buckthorn have overly optimistic view of women but you called parisienne a sl*t even though you don't know her. You come across as a judgemental moron. Have you been rejected by a lot of women? That may explain your anger with them. Just because parisenne said that freds partner count, which is 21, isn't very high, it doesn't mean that she herself has slept with more than 21 men. What she could be referring to is that 21 is not a high enough number to make generalizations about billions of women on the planet. Is that really so hard to understand? Even IF she has slept with more than 21 men, that doesn't give you a right to insult her by calling her a sl*t. How about you mind your own business instead of going around and passing derogatory comments on others sex life?


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sounds like you are a little bitter too, kiddo. maybe your a girl who slept with a lot of men and now dont want others throwing words like sl*t around? or maybe, since your regimen is "none", you are nw0 or nw1, look good, and have never had issues attracting women so you have no idea what some , or rather most, men face today.

in regards to my own sexual experience, since you asked me if i have been rejected a lot, i am a virgin, and make no mistake about identifying why. never technically been rejected since i haven't asked any girls out, but that makes no difference.

but let me answer your question how you would like me to:

oh boy oh boy, I'm so sorry for judging other people. let the girl be empowered and suck 30 c****, go girl power! i just need to be a real go getter and optimistic, then ill sweep that girl off her feet and get to marry her after she ****ed 30 guys. those men werent as good as me, thats why they wouldnt marry her! white knight powers activate, *sound effects play* , go go gatchet of being a cuck!

lol idk man, im kind of ****ing around at this point and lost trail of the joke. hope u got at least a couple chuckles from it though. at the end of the day, agree with most points fred made in the thread and disagree with most others. also, dont tell me to mind my own business about others sex lives when you yourself ask me if i was rejected by lots of women. everyone in this life will judge you on everything.. from your job, to your shoes, to how many c**** have been inside you or how many vaginas you have been inside. welcome to earth , enjoy your stay.

If you want to have a serious discussion and not look like an idiot, I suggest you stop making assumptions. You said the following:

"sounds like you are a little bitter too, kiddo."

You assumed I am a kid which I am not. You also foolishly assumed that parisienne has slept with more than 21 men just because said that "21 isn't a very high number". There is no evidence that parisenne slept with that many men. When she said that 21 isn't very high she could have meant that its not a big enough number to make generalizations about all women on earth. You jump to these baseless assumptions and try to insult people just because you don't agree to their views. You are nothing but an intolerant idiot. Also, how about instead of using words such as "kid" and "white knight", you actually try to respond to the argument I raised in my previous post. And try not to ramble like you did in your last post. In case you are foolish enough to miss my argument, let me reinstate it:

"There is no evidence that parisenne slept with that many men. When she said that 21 isn't very high she could have meant that its not a big enough number to make generalizations about all women on earth."

Now tell me. How does parisenne statement indicates that she slept with more than 21 men?


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I believe that people like buckthorn have overly optimistic view of women but you called parisienne a sl*t even though you don't know her. You come across as a judgemental moron. Have you been rejected by a lot of women? That may explain your anger with them. Just because parisenne said that freds partner count, which is 21, isn't very high, it doesn't mean that she herself has slept with more than 21 men. What she could be referring to is that 21 is not a high enough number to make generalizations about billions of women on the planet. Is that really so hard to understand? Even IF she has slept with more than 21 men, that doesn't give you a right to insult her by calling her a sl*t. How about you mind your own business instead of going around and passing derogatory comments on others sex life?

This post is right on, except for the highlighted point. The only perception I have of people, which I have thoroughly emphasized, is that you need to judge on an individual basis, rather than an entire sex. SadVegeta, you shouldn't righteously judge members of this forum that positively contribute to it. One sentence spoken by Parisienne does not determine her lifestyle. I know it's not my job to defend her, but I will defend any forum member, male or female, if I feel they are good hearted people and come under wrongful attack. And don't get all pc on us now, try to justify your answer and put the word sl*t in quotes.


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lol, not really sure about a couple of your points.

1.) i dont know her, but i believe (and i could be wrong so if i am plz let me know) she told fred that his partner count isn't that high so he must not know everything about women and their sexuality... he has slept with over 20 people.. i take this to mean that she has slept with more people than fred, therefore, by my definition at least (and most people i know), she would be identified as a "sl*t". it wasn't an attack, rather just a way of describing someone. no reason to be all uppity and upset, buckthorn.

2.) you seem to make some assumptions about me that are , shall we say, less than ideal , lol. and right after telling me off for "attacking people" and igivng me more negs? nice. i would venture to guess that these remarks about my x box and basement are meant to highlight my supposedly low standing in things like social, socioeconomic, and maybe even education sectors. with all due respect, i would venture to guess that i beat you in all 3 of those points.

3.) in regards to your update.. you probably simply look good and are unwilling to admit to others and to yourself that your success with women comes from something you were simply born with rather than something you worked towards. its always a tough pill to swallow when you have to look into the eyes of your significant other or perhaps the mother of your children and know that it was not your personality, your charm, your charisma that won her over.. it was simply some ratios of your face, or a strong jaw, or good eyes. or.... hair.

by all means, neg me all you want instead of seriously discussing these things in the open, then calling me weak for attacking people, which i dont believe i did, when you proceed to privately neg me. also, my advice, and take it with a grain of salt since you think it is coming from a "total reject" who "jacks off to the animations on his x box" (lol at this one btw, it was good), you shouldnt take things so seriously all the time. it would be a shame to see a proud grown man such as yourself pop a vessel over some virgin teenager who supposedly resides in mommas basement.

O.k.. while I still don't necessarily like you yet, haha... I will give you this one. The reputation comments are there for a reason, and you pissed me off, so in addition to publicly telling you so, I added a reputation comment. Also, perhaps my looks drew women in, however, no good, respectable woman stays with a man solely based on looks. If the man is a loser, she will eventually leave him. I don't like putting people down, or making "enemies", especially because we are all here for the same reason. Just tell Parisienne you're sorry, and that she is a perfect, pure beautiful woman and I will give you a positive reputation mark. hahaha :p


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Buck, lol.... u sound like a white knight-cuck.

Man, that sounds so weak dude! u are asking this guy to apologize to some random E-chick, who most likely doesn't give two ****s.


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Parisienne I don't think has ever referred to how many men she's slept with. Where did she say that?

She's been a friend to me and has offered a wealth of information to these forums. I am grateful to have "met" her as well as some others on HairLossTalk.com. You are WAY out of line calling her a sl*t, and unless you can find where she alluded to the number of men she's slept with, I think you should rescind your comment.