Under 25 And Balding, What Cures Are You Looking Forward To?

Christian Miller

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Hey, Miguel, I was just wondering the same thing. I have a lot of pretty diverse hair on my arms that is straight and can get quite long. Great similarity to what's on my head. Have transplant surgeons used arm hair? Anyone?
U r kidding right?
You want your armpit hair transplanted onto your scalp?
U serious?

Christian Miller

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Yeah, without beard, they all look like dickheads, just different sizes and colors. Another f*****g similarity.
Does he look like a dickhead?


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So far the only thing that you can maybe say for sure is that it should be at least as good as the Dhurat study otherwise Follica hasn't given out any teasers. One of the photos was impressive with the jet black hair but some of the others while you can definitely see regrowth its not a full looking head of hair. They may have perfected the art and know a better method who knows like I said we have no info except like basically the name Follica Rain and now the patents which everyone has seen.
Never underestimate the art of a comb over and its ability to deceive others.

That Guy

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ThatGuy keeps saying that Follica will bring you back to SLIGHT diffusion that only a seasoned Norwood spotter would suss out, though. I'm not sure if that's been shown thru evidence or not however. The problem is - which spurred my initial post - is he seems to get annoyed by requests for assurance or proof of Follica's claims.

I feel that ThatGuy is early in his hair loss process and going through the stages of grief. Possibly vascilating between denial and anger. There's a subtext that he's different, that he's not like the rest of us, he doesn't really NEED to be here, cause he's not balding like rest of us. That's how it sometimes comes across anyway. That said his posts are really informative. I hope he continues to post until we get some more concrete news about upcoming, effective treatments. Until then, "one of us, one of us!"

There is absolutely zero reason why the treatment shouldn't be able to provide the same kinds of results as professional microneedling studies and successful DIY guys. It's the same technology only Follica's should be more precise, as per the patents and the fact that it will be done by dermatologists. That's all the proof one needs.

So follica is supposed to bring back to like 25 grafts per cm^2, am I reading that correctly? That's really low. A decent transplant dense packing will be around 50 per cm^2, and that's just for the illusion of density

There is no proof of this "claim". I've seen it on forums, I've seen it on blogs, but I've not seen the actual source. I'm starting to doubt it was ever said, tbh. Also, see above.


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I've been on hairloss forums since 2010. And then the word was, don't do FUE, revolutionary stuff is just around the corner - 2014 or 2015 at most and we'll have histogen, replicel, follica and whatnot. Now it's the same story all over, just the years have changed. I'm honestly not sure we'll have anything new by 2020 (which was a distant future back in 2010). So Big 3 + FUE seems to be the best deal still.
This is just a plain logical fallacy. With this way of thinking, then you'll never believe anything will work until it's already out.... So seriously, why read any research related threads at all? Sounds like you're probably just bitter because you've been burned once before so you personally don't want to get your hopes up.

And Tsuji/RIKEN wasn't around making any promises back then, even though this has been on their radar for some time now. Check out this YouTube video from 2012 of Tsuji's team already having successfully created bioengineered follicles in mice:

Even in that video they stated they hoped to bring this to humans "within the decade" and they've stayed true to that timeline since. The main thing I wanted to point out was how absurd your comment was about there not bein anything for the next 20 years. It's a seemingly emotionally driven statement with absolutely no evidential basis and it has no place here.


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More promises.

The what? I will be 30 by 2020. Great, all my twenties are gone through coping over something that isn't guaranteed. Add on an additional year, because growth doesn't happen over night. (31-32)

Waiting for a cure is for those with shitty donors and high norwoods.

Plugs > coping


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I feel like people forget or just don't want to believe that Tsuji's right around the corner as early as 2020. Follica (and all other treatments that are close to commercialization) absolutely pale in comparison. My plan is Tsuji in 2020, period.
Maybe a hair transplant now, Shiseido next year for mantaining and Tsuji hopefully for all eternity!


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This is just a plain logical fallacy. With this way of thinking, then you'll never believe anything will work until it's already out.... So seriously, why read any research related threads at all? Sounds like you're probably just bitter because you've been burned once before so you personally don't want to get your hopes up.

And Tsuji/RIKEN wasn't around making any promises back then, even though this has been on their radar for some time now. Check out this YouTube video from 2012 of Tsuji's team already having successfully created bioengineered follicles in mice:

Even in that video they stated they hoped to bring this to humans "within the decade" and they've stayed true to that timeline since. The main thing I wanted to point out was how absurd your comment was about there not bein anything for the next 20 years. It's a seemingly emotionally driven statement with absolutely no evidential basis and it has no place here.

Eh, there is always a "but this is different because of x" story with the next big thing in fighting hair loss. At first I was euphoric about this but it sounds like science fiction to me now. Not to mention there is gonna be a period of at least couple of years of that technique becoming widely available and at acceptable prices, even if it works.

And how exactly can those companies provide estimations and timelines? You either have the treatment sorted out and only need to fix the formalities or you dont, in which case you have no idea if you ll ever get the product to the market. Those dates and years only serve for getting attention from public or investors, or to satisfy curious reporters.

Obviously there is some progress in r&d over the years, but people are f*****g tired of reading about dozens of "revolutionary breakthroughs" every week, and cures that are "just around the corner" since the 90-s. That Tsuji`s 2020 commercialization date will in 6 months turn into "final trials should start in Q3 2020". By 2019 they will be talking about 2025 as the magical year.

And those experiments on mice don`t mean sh*t. Has there ever been a failed experiment of any sort done on mice or rats?


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Eh, there is always a "but this is different because of x" story with the next big thing in fighting hair loss. At first I was euphoric about this but it sounds like science fiction to me now. Not to mention there is gonna be a period of at least couple of years of that technique becoming widely available and at acceptable prices, even if it works.

And how exactly can those companies provide estimations and timelines? You either have the treatment sorted out and only need to fix the formalities or you dont, in which case you have no idea if you ll ever get the product to the market. Those dates and years only serve for getting attention from public or investors, or to satisfy curious reporters.

Obviously there is some progress in r&d over the years, but people are f*****g tired of reading about dozens of "revolutionary breakthroughs" every week, and cures that are "just around the corner" since the 90-s. That Tsuji`s 2020 commercialization date will in 6 months turn into "final trials should start in Q3 2020". By 2019 they will be talking about 2025 as the magical year.

And those experiments on mice don`t mean sh*t. Has there ever been a failed experiment of any sort done on mice or rats?
The sheer stupidity of this post does not even warrant a response. Someone who thinks stem cell research is science fiction.... lmfao.. how can I even argue with someone like that? You do realize we can clone entire sheep right? So maybe we do live in a science fiction movie after all...

And Jesus Christ, I posted the video ONLY to show that they have been researching for YEARS! And to show that even though they thought they were onto the cure, they didn't go around screaming it to the whole world announcing that it would be available in a few years. They were conservative in the way they presented their research to the media, even though it was so groundbreaking. That isn't always so common as you know... That was in 2012 and their research has come such a long way since then to the point where in 2016, they announced planned commercialization in 2020. For how unprecedented their research is, they're absolutely flying under the radar. You don't see them flaunting their progress on social media like so many other companies do. They are not some startup that is just trying to paint a nice rosy picture to get funding. They have plenty of funding and they don't need to mess with all that media bullshit because they're just focused on their research.

Also you have no f*****g clue how much it's gonna cost and like any big purchase, you could set up a payment plan, start saving up for years, etc. if you want something bad enough, there are so many things you could do to make it financially feasible, especially when we are talking years in advance.


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The sheer stupidity of this post does not even warrant a response. Someone who thinks stem cell research is science fiction.... lmfao.. how can I even argue with someone like that? You do realize we can clone entire sheep right? So maybe we do live in a science fiction movie after all...

And Jesus Christ, I posted the video ONLY to show that they have been researching for YEARS! And to show that even though they thought they were onto the cure, they didn't go around screaming it to the whole world announcing that it would be available in a few years. They were conservative in the way they presented their research to the media, even though it was so groundbreaking. That isn't always so common as you know... That was in 2012 and their research has come such a long way since then to the point where in 2016, they announced planned commercialization in 2020. For how unprecedented their research is, they're absolutely flying under the radar. You don't see them flaunting their progress on social media like so many other companies do. They are not some startup that is just trying to paint a nice rosy picture to get funding. They have plenty of funding and they don't need to mess with all that media bullshit because they're just focused on their research.

Also you have no f*****g clue how much it's gonna cost and like any big purchase, you could set up a payment plan, start saving up for years, etc. if you want something bad enough, there are so many things you could do to make it financially feasible, especially when we are talking years in advance.

It wasnt some personal attack on you, I just added to your post. The point is that at this moment (and in the next 5 years minimum) its as real as your full head of thick hair with NW0 hairline. At the end of the day, bald(ing) people are still obssessing over their hair, regardless of how many "this may lead to a cure" articles they ve read.

Don`t get me wrong, I am all for jumping on the hype train and hoping for a better treatment, as everyone else. Its just that from time to time you feel stupid for getting your hopes up while browsing through the news, just to realise it always comes with the "in a couple of years from now" prefix and that you are still analyzing your density and counting lost hair every day.


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It wasnt some personal attack on you, I just added to your post. The point is that at this moment (and in the next 5 years minimum) its as real as your full head of thick hair with NW0 hairline. At the end of the day, bald(ing) people are still obssessing over their hair, regardless of how many "this may lead to a cure" articles they ve read.

Don`t get me wrong, I am all for jumping on the hype train and hoping for a better treatment, as everyone else. Its just that from time to time you feel stupid for getting your hopes up while browsing through the news, just to realise it always comes with the "in a couple of years from now" prefix and that you are still analyzing your density and counting lost hair every day.
I understand completely and I agree with you. Really hoping this stuff pans out for the both of us.


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They've been researching antidepressants for many decades and we still don't have anything better than worthless crap that is not much better than placebo.


More than 9 out of 10 antidepressant developments utterly fail ...

Big Pharma also has plenty of funding, still they don't manage to find a cure for depression.

The first few years it's going to be patented, so it will be outrageously expensive. It will be the cure for $$$ millionaires. the rich folks...
You can't compare antidepressants to hair loss research, it's completely different. And I'm not just saying that "oh because this random company has been researching for so long, they're gonna make it." Most companies fail in the hairloss space too. I'm not saying I believe in most companies either.... I'm saying I believe in one.

You have absolutely no basis for saying that the cure is "for $$$ millionaires". That's such a ridiculous statement. You talk as if you're gonna have to show up with this huge briefcase of cash to receive the treatment. Are $50K cars strictly for millionaires? No... because people choose financing options and pay by the month to make it possible. Obviously it will be much more expensive than the average hair transplant, but your claims are just not reasonable and based on nothing but your own hog wash. If someone wants something bad enough, they can find a way to make it happen through financing, saving for several years, etc.