We killed Bin Laden! f*** your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!


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Re: We killed Bin Laden! f*ck your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!

Why you guys being so gay? Nothing wrong with the U.S... Best allied and neighbors ever. f*** all the haters. Middle-East is a shithole anways. This part of the world didn't evolved with the rest of us.. All they want and know is war. They totally have a different perspective about life than the rest of the Planet.. Who is to blame? They crossed the line with 9/11 and they deserved every 500lbs bombs dropped on them. We are really still gentle with them with the pussy rules of engagement that we have. How many American died to saved lives here? way too many. The story would be different if they would attacked China or Japan..Can we say nuke or Napalm?You guys have no f*****g clue How whack and uncontrolled this place is. Kabul, Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan.. We could have lived without them. All the Aussies hating on America.that is f*****g funny.. because everywhere I went so far I see contingent of Aussies doing the same sh*t as the American..killing the so called badguys.. Before my deployment I was in Yuma Arizona..traning with the Marines.. went downtown in uniform many times... Never had many people shaking my hand and thanking me about what I was doing.. They were really honest and proud.. and I am a f*****g Canadian. All the haters here blaming America on everything..why don't you guys join the Talibans then? :smack:


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Re: We killed Bin Laden! f*ck your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!

:bravo: squeegee.

Thanks for the reality check from ground zero.

We are slammed all around with aussieavodart DREAMERS at home and even more abroad all the time and they are far out SAFE AND SOUND in their warm ivory towers of denial where it is so easy to loose perspective and CRITICIZE the war on terror.

Stay safe and be smart and come back home to a land worth coming home to.


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Re: We killed Bin Laden! f*ck your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!

squeegee said:
Why you guys being so gay? Nothing wrong with the U.S... Best allied and neighbors ever. f*ck all the haters. Middle-East is a shithole anways. This part of the world didn't evolved with the rest of us.. All they want and know is war. They totally have a different perspective about life than the rest of the Planet.. Who is to blame? They crossed the line with 9/11 and they deserved every 500lbs bombs dropped on them. We are really still gentle with them with the pussy rules of engagement that we have. How many American died to saved lives here? way too many. The story would be different if they would attacked China or Japan..Can we say nuke or Napalm?You guys have no f****ing clue How whack and uncontrolled this place is. Kabul, Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan.. We could have lived without them. All the Aussies hating on America.that is f****ing funny.. because everywhere I went so far I see contingent of Aussies doing the same sh*t as the American..killing the so called badguys.. Before my deployment I was in Yuma Arizona..traning with the Marines.. went downtown in uniform many times... Never had many people shaking my hand and thanking me about what I was doing.. They were really honest and proud.. and I am a f****ing Canadian. All the haters here blaming America on everything..why don't you guys join the Talibans then? :smack:

yeah we're just going through the same themes over and over again here guys:

1. the muslims know nothing but violence (unlike the west which definetely didn't bring war to two countries or keep selling weapons to people like Mubarak who we knew was killing his people for doing things like protesting)

2. the war started on 9/11, even though the west had been at war in the middle east for decades prior

3. anytime we bomb someone it's always deserved and we're always righteous, in other words we are incapable of ever being wrong

I've presented arguments as to why I think these beliefs are utterly delusional but nobody has really bothered to try and answer them with decent counter arguments. The response has usually just been more vitriol and shouting with plenty of point number three being reiterated. I think certain minds might be too tightly closed for any progress to made here.

I can only conclude that Harrific, Finfighter and Squeegee have absolutely no qualms about the human death toll that has been inflicted since we began the 'war on terror', nor do they seem to have a problem with the lies our politicians have told in order to justify those wars or the massive bill they've racked up fighting them. It seems to be completely justifiable on the basis that We're Always Better No Matter What. Evidence, logic, reason, history -none of these things are capable of penetrating their deeply held beliefs of supremacy which allow them to dismiss any kind of atrocious behaviour I can drawn attention to.


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Re: We killed Bin Laden! f*ck your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!

Maybe your problem aussieavodart is that you don't realize we are at war.

Why would you think one can fight a war with no human death toll, HA! General aussieavodart ! So you say we should stop.

If only the those people you think are being mistreated by the USA were to follow the plight of the black man in america you would see that they are now free and proud and living a much better life in a great country that gave the black man (the USA gave)the opportunity of a peaceful political process (DR KING) to overcome all bondage. Blacks were shot, jailed, hung as slaves. But this is a great country that has the greatest laws of all and blacks used that great constitution NOT SUICIDE BOMBERS and NOT 911 type attacks to get their way, they used a peaceful political process. Why would you side with the plight of a suicide bombers or Palestinians when they bypass a peace process, you should be ashamed aussieavodart . If the black man would have done what they do a black man would not be President today. Go ahead aussieavodart keep whining and fighting BACK and see what you and yours get in return, hell is hell because one makes it that way. DA black ancestors know DAT. :)

optimus prime

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Re: We killed Bin Laden! f*ck your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!

hairrific said:
Maybe your problem aussieavodart is that you don't realize we are at war.

Why would you think one can fight a war with no human death toll, HA! General aussieavodart ! So you say we should stop.

If only the those people you think are being mistreated by the USA were to follow the plight of the black man in america you would see that they are now free and proud and living a much better life in a great country that gave the black man (the USA gave)the opportunity of a peaceful political process (DR KING) to overcome all bondage. Blacks were shot, jailed, hung as slaves. But this is a great country that has the greatest laws of all and blacks used that great constitution NOT SUICIDE BOMBERS and NOT 911 type attacks to get their way, they used a peaceful political process. Why would you side with the plight of a suicide bombers or Palestinians when they bypass a peace process, you should be ashamed aussieavodart . If the black man would have done what they do a black man would not be President today. Go ahead aussieavodart keep whining and fighting BACK and see what you and yours get in return, hell is hell because one makes it that way. DA black ancestors know DAT. :)

That is a good post! But one thing...you don't have a black president. You have a mixed race president. His mum is white, his dad is black. Why do people think he is a black man when he is clearly a mixed race man.


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Re: We killed Bin Laden! f*ck your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!

optimus prime said:
ause one makes it that way. DA black ancestors know DAT. :)

That is a good post! But one thing...you don't have a black president. You have a mixed race president. His mum is white, his dad is black. Why do people think he is a black man when he is clearly a mixed race man.[/quote]

A mixture of politically correct nonsense and the uniqueness of the situation.


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Re: We killed Bin Laden! f*ck your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!

hairrific said:
Maybe your problem aussieavodart is that you don't realize we are at war.

Why would you think one can fight a war with no human death toll, HA! General aussieavodart ! So you say we should stop.

If only the those people you think are being mistreated by the USA were to follow the plight of the black man in america you would see that they are now free and proud and living a much better life in a great country that gave the black man (the USA gave)the opportunity of a peaceful political process (DR KING) to overcome all bondage. Blacks were shot, jailed, hung as slaves. But this is a great country that has the greatest laws of all and blacks used that great constitution NOT SUICIDE BOMBERS and NOT 911 type attacks to get their way, they used a peaceful political process. Why would you side with the plight of a suicide bombers or Palestinians when they bypass a peace process, you should be ashamed aussieavodart . If the black man would have done what they do a black man would not be President today. Go ahead aussieavodart keep whining and fighting BACK and see what you and yours get in return, hell is hell because one makes it that way. DA black ancestors know DAT. :)

Civil war was the start of the path to black freedom and lots of people died for this cause, including lots of black people!

Some people would have considered The Black Panther Party a terrorist organisation.

This is not the same as the battle of ideologies going on today. On one hand we in the west, generally see the 9/11 attack as a massacre of innocents and on the other hand some people in the middle east may see it as retribution against people who have as much blood on their hands as the politicians that make the policies in the west.

Your average islamic fundamentalist does not see civilians and soldiers just active supporters of a democracy, to which we have a choice on who we put in power and therefore an equal responsibility for our government's policies and actions.

optimus prime

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Re: We killed Bin Laden! f*ck your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!

Cassin said:
optimus prime said:
ause one makes it that way. DA black ancestors know DAT. :)

That is a good post! But one thing...you don't have a black president. You have a mixed race president. His mum is white, his dad is black. Why do people think he is a black man when he is clearly a mixed race man.

A mixture of politically correct nonsense and the uniqueness of the situation.[/quote]

Agreed it is not really relevant to the topic. However not at all politically correct. Calling him a black man is 100% incorrect. You cannot call someone something they are not. He is mixed race. Simple.

I have an Asian girlfriend and if we have a child I don't want the child to be referred to Caucasian or Asian, but mixed race...which is exactly what it would be and exactly what Obama is.


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Re: We killed Bin Laden! f*ck your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!

hairrific said:
Maybe your problem aussieavodart is that you don't realize we are at war.

Why would you think one can fight a war with no human death toll, HA! General aussieavodart ! So you say we should stop.

First, many of things I mentioned including the Iraq sanctions which killed a million and a half children plus arming dictators like Mubarak happened before the war on terror was launched, so how does your rationale of 'these things happen in war' apply here?

Second, you are operating on the assumption that war was either necessary or an appropriate response to WTC attacks. No evidence of Saddam's or Bin Laden's involvement was produced by American law enforcement making the justification for both wars null and void. I've already posted adequate data showing how both of these wars have only increased Islamic radicalism. That should be enough

If only the those people you think are being mistreated by the USA were to follow the plight of the black man in america you would see that they are now free and proud and living a much better life in a great country that gave the black man (the USA gave)the opportunity of a peaceful political process (DR KING) to overcome all bondage. Blacks were shot, jailed, hung as slaves. But this is a great country that has the greatest laws of all and blacks used that great constitution NOT SUICIDE BOMBERS and NOT 911 type attacks to get their way, they used a peaceful political process. Why would you side with the plight of a suicide bombers or Palestinians when they bypass a peace process, you should be ashamed aussieavodart . If the black man would have done what they do a black man would not be President today. Go ahead aussieavodart keep whining and fighting BACK and see what you and yours get in return, hell is hell because one makes it that way. DA black ancestors know DAT. :)

Where did I say suicide bombing was a legitimate means of airing one's grievences?

It is of course, blindingly hypocritical of you to insist that people only use non-violent means to achieve their objectives when you refuse to denounce violence against civilians carried out by our countries and their proxies. You can't even bring yourself to admit they are crimes.

I'm not sure why you struggle to understand why anybody would have sympathy for Palestinians. If an American who is the victim of a terrorist attack is entitled to sympathy why isn't a Palestinian civilian who is deliberatly killed also entitled to sympathy?

As for your claim that Palestinians have bypassed the peace processes, that's simply untrue. The PLO adopted the two state solution in the 1980's, The arab peace initiative has existed for nearly 10 years. Hamas has offered to end the conflict at the 67 borders.The recent 'Palestine paper's' revealed that the Palestinians were willing to give up their claim to a number of holy sites as well as accomodating 70% of Israel's illegal settlers. Israel rejected the offer, as it has rejected every other offer of peace for decades and instead has continued to construct illegal settlements.

Israel on the other hand, rejected that offer just like countless others. It has consistently voted against the peace proposal which comes up at the UN each year, and has a government which campaigned on the promise to refuse the Palestinians the right to a state. It has opted to continue illegal settlement construction rather than end the conflict.


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Re: We killed Bin Laden! f*ck your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!

finfighter said:
aussieavodart said:
Second, you are operating on the assumption that war was either necessary or an appropriate response to WTC attacks. No evidence of Bin Laden's involvement was produced by American law enforcement making the justification for both wars null and void. I've already posted adequate data showing how both of these wars have increased Islamic radicalism.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Really?

Who do you think was behind the attacks?

Is it funny when the FBI says it?

Rex Tomb, Chief of Investigative Publicity for the FBI responded, “The reason why 9/11 is not mentioned on Osama bin Laden’s Most Wanted page is because the FBI has no hard evidence connecting bin Laden to 9/11.â€￾ Tomb continued, “Bin Laden has not been formally charged in connection to 9/11.â€￾ Asked to explain the process, Tomb responded, “The FBI gathers evidence. Once evidence is gathered, it is turned over to the Department of Justice. The Department of Justice then decides whether it has enough evidence to present to a federal grand jury. In the case of the 1998 United States Embassies being bombed, bin Laden has been formally indicted and charged by a grand jury. He has not been formally indicted and charged in connection with 9/11 because the FBI has no hard evidence connecting bin Laden to 9/11.â€￾


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Re: We killed Bin Laden! f*ck your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!

finfighter said:
Wow thanks again for your service man! It's great that their are people like you who are fighting for what's right! Hoora!

He's in Afghanistan as part of an effort to Propecia up an Islamic dicatorship which is just as bad, if not worse than the Taliban.

I thought you were opposed to radical Islam, so it's strange that you would regard it as 'doing what's right'.


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Re: We killed Bin Laden! f*ck your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!

finfighter said:
Were you not aware that the FBI has been hunting Bin Laden all along? Do you really believe that the FBI doesn't believe that Bin Laden was to blame?
He was wanted in connection with the East Africa bombings.

The FBI made a public statement that it has no evidence linking Bin Laden to the 9/11 attacks. It's that simple. What anybody 'believed' is irrelevant- legal cases aren't settled on beliefs.

Who do you think perpetrated the attacks?

We know who the hijackers were. As far as the organizers behind them I don't know and it seems neither do the FBI.


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Re: We killed Bin Laden! f*ck your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!

finfighter said:
aussieavodart said:
finfighter said:
Wow thanks again for your service man! It's great that their are people like you who are fighting for what's right! Hoora!

He's in Afghanistan as part of an effort to Propecia up an Islamic dicatorship which is just as bad, if not worse than the Taliban.

:crazy: :freak: :uglylol: :laugh: :laugh: Really.... just really?

Does that you mean you don't think the Karzai government is a dictatorship and a fundamentalist Islamic one at that?

]He's uprooting AQ, get it????????

It doesn't change the fact that our soldiers are propping up an Islamic dictatorship.


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Re: We killed Bin Laden! f*ck your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!

finfighter said:
Dude you and I might as well be from different planets...... :laugh:
Just forget it, Im done with this nonsense.

This is what happens when you f*ck with the US we start blowing sh*t up, and kick ***, we are strong, this is what we do, I know you wish that we would have not responded to being attacked, but we did! And recently we blew bin laden's head off and dumped his body in the sea, that's how we work over here, we kick *** and take names, hoora!I know you hate our support for Israel, well to bad it's not going to change....

When you can't deal with the arguments, just chant We Are The Greatest as loud as you can.



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Re: We killed Bin Laden! f*ck your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!

finfighter said:
I just can't deal with these conspiracy theories, bin laden didn't perpetrate 9/11 really? Who did?

All I did was quote what the FBI said, I'm not making any conspiracy theories up,

It's the Law Enforcement agencies that investigate the crimes and make the cases. If they say no cigar then what can we do? We have to go where the evidence is. The police and the military can't go around arresting and killing people purely on the basis of belief, unless we went to cause more problems.


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Re: We killed Bin Laden! f*ck your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!

finfighter said:
Yeah you're right, it's not like Osama Bin Laden, declared war on the US through his terrorist organization Al-Qeada or anything. It's not like he claimed responsibility for the 9/11 attacks or anything!

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I could claim responsibility for inventing the internet, does that mean you'll take it seriously too? If Bin Laden's claim was worth anything the first people who would have used it would have been the FBI. As it happened they didn't. Bin Laden also said he wasn't responsible. The video you are referring to has never been authenticated by an intelligence service. This is about the tenth time I have said this.

Assuming that Bin Laden's declaration of war means he is guilty of 9/11 is a huge leap. You're just filling in a massive blank. Are you of the opinion that mere belief of somebody's guilt is enough for the police to arrest someone? Or enough for a country to wage war against another country? That's a pretty long leash you are willing to allow your government and the judiciary.


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Re: We killed Bin Laden! f*ck your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!

You replied to:

aussieavodart said:
Does that you mean you don't think the Karzai government is a dictatorship and a fundamentalist Islamic one at that?

It doesn't change the fact that our soldiers are propping up an Islamic dictatorship.


finfighter said:
Dude you and I might as well be from different planets...... :laugh:
Just forget it, Im done with this nonsense.

This is what happens when you f*ck with the US we start blowing sh*t up, and kick ***, we are strong, this is what we do, I know you wish that we would have not responded to being attacked, but we did! And recently we blew bin laden's head off and dumped his body in the sea, that's how we work over here, we kick *** and take names, hoora!I know you hate our support for Israel, well to bad it's not going to change....

Do you really think that is a valid response?


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Re: We killed Bin Laden! f*ck your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!

Cassin said:
Aussie...I may have missed it...did you say who you think was responsible?

Please tell us Aussie.... :)

You know if I woke up in the morning and found dirty RAT DROPPINGS on my counter top I would have the DNA tested so I could find AND KILL the exact RAT that sh*t on my counter top. I am just like you Aussie, I would ONLY want the exact RAT that did it not the ALL THE OTHER RATS in the house! Rats have rights too. But please, no need to post lots of PETA research documents Aussie.

The military has a hit list, in case of an attack where there is no proof of who did it or no smoking gun scenario. So if I was an terrorist organization or say Iran or north Korea for example I would be discouraging any attacks on the US so as not to have to take the punishment for something I did not do. Sort of like a mob scene where you don't know who threw the Molotov cocktails, so you arrest the whole mob. THIS IS TEXT BOOK STRATEGY. If your such a low life that you are hanging out with a mob that does that sort of thing, you know what, it serves you right if you get arrested or shot at. And stupid head Osama Bin Laden was just asking for it wasn't he.


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Re: We killed Bin Laden! f*ck your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!

Cassin said:
Aussie...I may have missed it...did you say who you think was responsible?

Beyond the obvious involvement of the hijackers themselves I don't know, it's not something I've really looked into much apart from Bin Laden's alleged involvement.

It's highly likely that some of the organizers are still at large given that knowledge of AQ seems to be pretty limited:

Such operations are ordered through numerous cut-offs and conduits and if any of the hijackers had been captured alive, he certainly could not have gone beyond the curtain of Khalid Sheikh and Khalid has never pointed the finger at Osama. He claims sole responsibility. Most of the FBI and CIA knowledge of the functioning of Al Qaeda has come courtesy Jamal Al Fadl, a Sudanese who defected from Al Qaeda after embezzling $110,000, which he confessed before a court in the US. How much credence can be given to his testimony, is for the reader to judge

I wouldn't at all be surprised if the House of Saud was involved at the highest levels.