We killed Bin Laden! f*** your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!


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Re: We killed Bin Laden! f*ck your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!

hairrific said:
You know if I woke up in the morning and found dirty RAT DROPPINGS on my counter top I would have the DNA tested so I could find AND KILL the exact RAT that sh*t on my counter top. I am just like you Aussie, I would ONLY want the exact RAT that did it not the ALL THE OTHER RATS in the house! Rats have rights too. But please, no need to post lots of PETA research documents Aussie.

There's one little fly in the ointment of your theory that getting rid of all the bad people in the world can be justified, regardless of their guilt in specific crimes: massive amounts of civilians get killed in the process.

The military has a hit list, in case of an attack where there is no proof of who did it or no smoking gun scenario. So if I was an terrorist organization or say Iran or north Korea for example I would be discouraging any attacks on the US so as not to have to take the punishment for something I did not do. Sort of like a mob scene where you don't know who threw the Molotov cocktails, so you arrest the whole mob. THIS IS TEXT BOOK STRATEGY. If your such a low life that you are hanging out with a mob that does that sort of thing, you know what, it serves you right if you get arrested or shot at. And stupid head Osama Bin Laden was just asking for it wasn't he.

OK so when you're about to launch a very costly and bloody war or two in order to capture or kill the people who were apparently responsible for committing the crime you are launching the war in response to, it's not necessary to actually provide any evidence of their involvement. As long as they have committed some other crime somewhere along the line or spent time in the company of criminals then that is sufficient. Is this the argument you are making? If it is then This is a very strange concept of justice. I have to tell you, I don't see it catching on in legal circles.

And if we are going to apply this concept universally (I imagine you wouldn't accept that) then that would make pretty much every US government in recent history fair game for assassination when you consider the company they've been keeping:







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Re: We killed Bin Laden! f*ck your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!



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Re: We killed Bin Laden! f*ck your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!

Aussie prior evidence is often times permissible in the court of law and such is the case with Osama..

Often times you have a jury deliberate and say we have no hard evidence here that he did it this time, but you know what, this guy has 5 priors and is a 2 time convicted child molester, and here he is back in court... "all we need is that son of a b**ch to give us one little smirk to find him guilty".

And like I said Osama bin Laden was the perfect *** hole, so what if we got the wrong guy. Next *** hole please step forward the seals are wanting to feed.


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Re: We killed Bin Laden! f*ck your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!

Aussie prior evidence is often times permissible in the court of law and such is the case with Osama..

Please tell me what the prior evidence was?


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Re: We killed Bin Laden! f*ck your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!


AQ is an idea, you cannot really kill it.

Who started AQ, well that is very hard to answer.

AQ's goal changes from member to member, faction to faction..........

Who do you pledge your allegiance to when you join AQ? Well most would probably say Allah.........................

Did Bin laden claim responsibility for numerous terrorist attacks including 9/11, claim is the operative word, do we have proof, not really!

Is he on tape talking about flying commercial planes into buildings, before 9/11, If you believe in tapes released after the events............

Was he planning future attacks, as the new intelligence from the raid demonstrated, well publish it then!

Why did the US kill him, presidential ratings??? I really don't know?

Did he deserve what he got from the US, I don't really know, you should have put him on trial..................the US had nothing to hide!

To the the arab/muslim members speaking in this thread do you think it's fair to say that you have a bias here towards fighters of Islam like Bin laden, do you consider him a martyr, arab/muslim lol! are they one and the same, Bin Ladens support was on a downward slope and then you go kill him, this did not help matters!!

Do you believe his actions were justified, do to US foreign policy, he went on tape talking crap after the event, what else did he do?

I notice that the Arab diaspora in Australia ^^^^ is once again vociferiously condemning Israel for defending itself against the terrorist-regime in Gaza. Well Gaza is a different story and what "terrorist-regime" are you talking about?

Of course, not one of them condemns Hezbollah's rocket attacks against Israeli civilians. Don't make me laugh, how many people have been killed by these primitive weapons! they are both as bad as each other, Israel just has better tech!!!

So, let me get this straight, you want the US to stop supporting Israel our long time ally, and stop going after terrorists in the middle east, and remove our embassies as well, otherwise you're saying we deserve terrorist atttacks?????????

Israel have nukes and lots of weapon tech, which the US has helped build. I think it is the USA's best interest to keep the whole area unstable. This is an economic issue and Israel is helping keep the whole region unstable.

For all the proof the US had in regards of Bin Laden, he really could have just been a front man or fall guy for AQ and AQ is just an idea, there are many factions of AQ.

Israel is a bit like that little dog that barks and snaps a lot. The US just need to stop supporting it and then it might learn to live with it's neighbours on it's own, this also goes for the other little countries in the region the US supports (cough, cough, oil)


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Re: We killed Bin Laden! f*ck your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!

finfighter said:
powersam said:
Do you really think that is a valid response?

The overwhelming bias that some members have on this forum makes any response pointless.

By the way I know why you guys are so biased....

Why? Assuming that I am biased of course, which I am not as anyone reading my posts objectively would see quite quickly.

Btw do you seriously think you are not biased?


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Re: We killed Bin Laden! f*ck your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!

:bravo: finfighter ! Some body call Saturday night live we have a script that is hilarious! :)

oni wrote:
Who do you pledge your allegiance to when you join AQ? Well most would probably say Allah..

finfighter wrote:
You may find it interesting that every new recruit of AQ must pledge his unchanging allegiance to Osama Bin Laden...tellling isn't it? Hmmm, I wonder who the founder of AQ is??????

oni wrote:
Did Bin laden claim responsibility for numerous terrorist attacks including 9/11, claim is the operative word, do we have proof, not really!

finfighter wrote:
Lol! Damn dude you have a very interesting way of reasoning. It's not like he founded a terrorist organization or anything, you should tell AQ that, it would be news to them!

Oh yeah we never landed on the moon either, we don't have enough actual proof, of that either!


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Re: We killed Bin Laden! f*ck your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!

oni said:
Aussie prior evidence is often times permissible in the court of law and such is the case with Osama..

Please tell me what the prior evidence was?

The 1998 U.S. Embassy bombings were a series of attacks that occurred on August 7, 1998, in which hundreds of people were killed in simultaneous truck bomb explosions at the United States embassies in the major East African cities of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania and Nairobi, Kenya. The attacks were linked to local members of the Egyptian Islamic Jihad, brought Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri to the attention of the US public for the first time, and resulted in the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation placing bin Laden on its Ten Most Wanted list.

So if Osama was Innocent why did he run??? Maybe cause those captured for the bombings fingered Osama.

Here is an analogy for you:

ONI, if you walk up to your car and see scratches and key marks all over it, and I am standing there with a big smile on my face saying "you deserved it, ALLAH approves of it", do you really have any proof I keyed your car????
Of coarse you don't have any proof. But YOU SURE AS HELL BETTER PUNCH ME IN THE FACE REAL GOOD BECAUSE I DESERVE IT, GUILTY OR NOT IS NOT THE POINT, GET IT! I disrespected you when you were down.

You can always pick me off the ground after punching me and ask me if I did it, who did it, etc. Please punch me if I do that I deserve it seriously.


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Re: We killed Bin Laden! f*ck your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!

finfighter said:
Was he planning future attacks, as the new intelligence from the raid demonstrated?

I've already posted an article saying why that claim is untrue, I'll post it again as you appear to have missed it:

On Friday, government officials anonymously claimed that "a rushed examination" of the "trove" of documents and computer files taken from the bin Laden home prove -- contrary to the widely held view that he "had been relegated to an inspirational figure with little role in current and future Qaeda operations" -- that in fact "the chief of Al Qaeda played a direct role for years in plotting terror attacks." Specifically, the Government possesses "a handwritten notebook from February 2010 that discusses tampering with tracks to derail a train on a bridge," and that led "Obama administration officials on Thursday to issue a warning that Al Qaeda last year had considered attacks on American railroads." That, in turn, led to headlines around the country like this one, from The Chicago Sun-Times:

The reality, as The New York Times noted deep in its article, was that "the information was both dated and vague," and the official called it merely "aspirational," acknowledging that "there was no evidence the discussion of rail attacks had moved beyond the conceptual stage" In other words, these documents contain little more than a vague expression on the part of Al Qaeda to target railroads in major American cities ("focused on striking Washington, New York, Los Angeles and Chicago," said the Sun-Times): hardly a surprise and -- despite the scary headlines -- hardly constituting any sort of substantial, tangible threat.
http://www.salon.com/news/opinion/glenn ... index.html

I notice that the Arab diaspora in Australia ^^^^ is once again vociferiously condemning Israel for defending itself against the terrorist-regime in Gaza.

I think you'll find I condemned wars of aggression Israel launched to illegally expand it's borders. Your perception of Israel as a country that only resorts to force in defense of itself is inaccurate. Every war (with the exception of one) that Israel has been in has been initiated by Israel, this has even been documented by Israeli scholars.

Of course, not one of them condemns Hezbollah's rocket attacks against Israeli civilians. They also stop just short of justifing AQ's actions towards the US, by citing the US's foreign policy[/b]

Again, it's not a question of justifying anything. It's about cause and effect.

So, let me get this straight, you want the US to stop supporting Israel our long time ally, and stop going after terrorists in the middle east, and remove our embassies as well, otherwise you're saying we deserve terrorist atttacks?????????

That is obviously a very silly characterization of the arguments I've been making. I'll try and make it as simple for you as I possibly can in the hope you might understand a little better:

The terrorists who wish ill will towards the United States are people who are seriously pissed off with the foreign policy of America and it's allies. This includes stationing troops on the Arabian peninsula, supporting Arab tyrannies and helping the Israelis to steal more land which by law belongs to the Palestinians.

If seeing how the muslim world reacts to these policies and the security nightmare it creates for the US is not a good enough reason to stop persueing these policies, then the fact that they are both immoral and illegal by your own standards should be (unless you are going to argue that providing weapons to a regime like the Saudi Royal family or helping another country steal somebody's land can be morally justified. Are you prepared to argue that?)


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Re: We killed Bin Laden! f*ck your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!

finfighter said:
Of course, not one of them condemns Hezbollah's rocket attacks against Israeli civilians. They also stop just short of justifing AQ's actions towards the US, by citing the US's foreign policy

Powersam said:
What you've got to understand is I am 100% against any and every action that causes innocent death.

That includes terrorist bombing done by AQ AND cluster/carpet bombing done by the west.

It includes Hamas rocket attacks AND Israeli military strikes.

It includes Hussein's murderous rule AND the US trade embargos which starved so many people.


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Re: We killed Bin Laden! f*ck your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!

to all you pacifists out there, if you are against bombing and killing "innocents people" whats your awesome alternative solution? mm..? Aussie? Cassin? powersam?


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Re: We killed Bin Laden! f*ck your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!

Ori83 said:
to all you pacifists out there, if you are against bombing and killing "innocents people" whats your awesome alternative solution? mm..? Aussie? Cassin? powersam?

Simple...as I have stated many times...

stay the hell out of the middle east. Let them rise or fall on their own.

Let their own people decided on what level of violence they will accept from various groups.

Take war money and invest in alternative energy resources and figure something out to where we never have to deal with the middle east. That place will always be at war with somebody so don't even bother.

optimus prime

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Re: We killed Bin Laden! f*ck your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!

Cassin said:
Ori83 said:
to all you pacifists out there, if you are against bombing and killing "innocents people" whats your awesome alternative solution? mm..? Aussie? Cassin? powersam?

Simple...as I have stated many times...

stay the hell out of the middle east. Let them rise or fall on their own.

Let their own people decided on what level of violence they will accept from various groups.

Take war money and invest in alternative energy resources and figure something out to where we never have to deal with the middle east. That place will always be at war with somebody so don't even bother.

Except your country depends on the middle east. Without the middle east your country would not function. So you need to make sure it does not fall.

Sure you could replace oil, but how many years will that take? 20? You could get oil from other sources, but without middle east oil the oil prices will go sky high. Food would become too expensive, medication, travel, etc would all become out of control in terms of cost. You would be sent back 50 years or more.


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Re: We killed Bin Laden! f*ck your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!

OptimisPrime....we'll buy from whoever is standing to sell to us.

I'm mainly meaning a hands off political and military idea.

Nonsolution is perfect so IMO the best option is to let their people solve their own problems.


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Re: We killed Bin Laden! f*ck your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!

Ori83 said:
to all you pacifists out there, if you are against bombing and killing "innocents people" whats your awesome alternative solution? mm..? Aussie? Cassin? powersam?

I definitely wouldn't call myself a pacifist. My solution, as I think I have stated before in this thread, is one America has just utilized to great effect and something their armed and intelligence services are eminently qualified for and capable of.

Surgically precise intelligence driven strikes. Capture/kill those responsible for terrorist acts, not them and many thousands of innocent people around them.


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Re: We killed Bin Laden! f*ck your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!

I don't think the intended target matters so much to the families of the innocent dead. Muslim families whos relatives got caught in the crossfire are hurting just as much as the families of the victims of 9/11.

Your covert strike teams could have taken care of AQ piece by piece very effectively.

Fark you could have even put $1 billion dollar bounties on all middle to senior level leaders and let Middle eastern and international mercenaries take care of them for you.

Both options would have been way way cheaper for you guys, and would have had close to zero collateral damage.


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Re: We killed Bin Laden! f*ck your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!

About 20 miles from where I live there is a part of town that is like a bad part of town, people are poor, jobless, allot of drugs sellers, crime and gangs and such. You could in a way compare it to some areas of Afghanistan and such. Yes there be bullets flying here also man. :)

So the local government tried to help. They poured millions of tax payer money into the area to rehabilitate in entire region and its people. Now here is the best part of all, you ready? They put a POLICE STATION right in the middle of the whole area. Sort of like George Bush basing operations into the middle of hell Iraq and Afghanistan you know if you will forgive the analogy.

The outcome is:

All the people and aussieavordarts types protested because they thought they were targeted by the armed forces and can't do illegal activities. Now my FRIEND hangs his laundry in the front yard still but now uses the fancy thousand dollar decorative street lights along the new side walks. The kids took the wheels of the fancy trash cans the city gave them, the new billion dollar school is not teaching any better than a old wooden school house did in the 1800's. The drugs and prostitutes just went to another area where the armed forces are not located. :)

This proves the government tries to be fair and means well, giving, asking nothing much in return, so don't blame the government here, it is the peoples fault and you can't change stupid.


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Re: We killed Bin Laden! f*ck your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!

finfighter said:
Yeah, no sh*t it's an opinion! I call BS, nice try though I have already posted an article that directly contradicts this. But I'm sure it's not the only source of propaganda that you have against us evil infidels!

He quoted directly from the article. THAT is not opinion.

Also the raid uncovered a wealth of information, and electronic data mainly on thumb drives, as well as video taped addresses and Bin Laden's personal diaries, that made it very clear that he was even more of an operational leader than previously assumed, and that he was indeed planning more attacks! And are we going to publicly reveal all of the invaluable information, from the raid., right off the bat, hell no, we need to use the element of surprise on our enemies, we don't want them to know every bit of data we have on them, get it?

So were we justified in assinating his ***? Hell yeah!

If you want to keep believing that then go ahead. It certainly looks as if reasoned argument is not going to change your opinion.

Wow, so the evil jew (sic) has been doing this for ages huh?

I said Israel, not the 'evil jew'. It sounds like you may have been reading the protocols of zion,

What about all of those islamic/arab nations that call for the destruction of Israel?

Which ones are you referring to? List them, and provide evidence that these nations have called for such a thing.

you know what dude, if Israel was half as bad as them they would have already nuked their asses, so don't tell me about how the evil jews are the only aggressors, frankly that's just more propaganda!

Here's the relativity argument again. It doesn't matter how atrociously a country behaves, as long as their someone else doing something worse than them the it doesn't warrant discussion. You know, part of being an adult is getting past the whole 'but they do it too!' reasoning. Countries do not gain the moral high ground with this vacuous reasoning. They claim the moral high ground by adhering to a higher standard of ethics.

Let's be honest here, you are essentially saying, you did this, and this is what you get, you likened it earlier, to sticking your hand in a cage at the zoo. So in a big way you are justifying it!

I'm spelling out the ramifications of certain actions. I am not commenting on the morality of those ramifications one way or another. We've already been over this yet you cannot seem to understand it.

Well, the US will continue to punish an unjust cause, and we attack the effect, by doing operations like kiling Usama, and collecting data from his compound!

And you'll continue to ignore the policies your country engaged in which predate the Islamic militant movement against your country, it seems.

More about the evil jew!

Apparently Israel is one country in the world where criticism is simply not allowed, a country that is incapable of doing wrong no matter that reams of scholarship say.

Brainwashed much?

This whole time I have heard you criticize the evil jew, and the american infedel, yet you haven't one negative thing to say about the arabs?

Yes it's not as if I questioned our collective support of Arab tyrants and Islamic regimes across the ME in almost every post I've made.

You must be reading a different threat than the rest of us.

And you don't call yourself biased? What a joke! I get it, you are part of the Arab diaspora in Australia, and you are clearly very biased! You critcize everyone but your own people....

So apparently one has to be Arab in order to sympathize with people who have their democratic aspirations crushed by dictators and Islamic fundamentalists who OUR politicians call their friends.

You are only demonstrating your own ethno-centricity with those comments.


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Re: We killed Bin Laden! f*ck your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!

hairrific said:
About 20 miles from where I live there is a part of town that is like a bad part of town, people are poor, jobless, allot of drugs sellers, crime and gangs and such. You could in a way compare it to some areas of Afghanistan and such. Yes there be bullets flying here also man. :)

So the local government tried to help. They poured millions of tax payer money into the area to rehabilitate in entire region and its people. Now here is the best part of all, you ready? They put a POLICE STATION right in the middle of the whole area. Sort of like George Bush basing operations into the middle of hell Iraq and Afghanistan you know if you will forgive the analogy.

Was the town in question occupied by a foreign military who arrived without invite smashing half of the town to pieces in the process killing large numbers of civilians and forcing many people to live in tents, causing the residents to have no clean water, no running sewage and electricity only for 4hrs a day instead of the 24hrs they were used to? Had the town lived under a brutal government for decades which had been actively supported by the newly arrived military force?


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Re: We killed Bin Laden! f*ck your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!

aussieavodart said:
hairrific said:
About 20 miles from where I live there is a part of town that is like a bad part of town, people are poor, jobless, allot of drugs sellers, crime and gangs and such. You could in a way compare it to some areas of Afghanistan and such. Yes there be bullets flying here also man. :)

So the local government tried to help. They poured millions of tax payer money into the area to rehabilitate in entire region and its people. Now here is the best part of all, you ready? They put a POLICE STATION right in the middle of the whole area. Sort of like George Bush basing operations into the middle of hell Iraq and Afghanistan you know if you will forgive the analogy.

Was the town in question occupied by a foreign military who arrived without invite smashing half of the town to pieces in the process killing large numbers of civilians and forcing many people to live in tents, causing the residents to have no clean water, no running sewage and electricity only for 4hrs a day instead of the 24hrs they were used to? Had the town lived under a brutal government for decades which had been actively supported by the newly arrived military force?

YES aussieavodart it was. It is called gang war-fair. You know when the occupiers of a apartment building are so disrespectful of the local police force that they won't open the door when the police knock, then you know whoever is inside can't be all that good. Maybe all the eye witness accounts and bullet holes on the walls was a clue for the police? Oh thats right you need DNA proof before any government forces reacts right? Well for people like you the city put up 24/7 video monitoring on all the streets so you can have your proof of who is a violator. That kind of makes your job as a defence attorney difficult huh aussieavodart :)

By the way aussieavodart, you left out the part how the military force rebuilt the town better than before, schools, hospitals, street lights, jobs.

But you still don't understand that certain people are such low lifes that if you burn there DUNG hut down and give them a toilet instead of the street, they will still shoot at you and sh*t in the street???? That was the point I was making.

Aussieavodart, PLEASE don't support parents that take the future from their children by supporting gangs or Taliban activities. At least the children are given an opportunity and I am grateful for the help government has provided. My life is good, the opportunities are there. I am on the winning side, but there are many in the world that want to pull us down.