I'm done


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I wrote what I wrote and I meant what I wrote. There are probably much more ppl who have seriously contemplated suicide but are too afraid to commit one than there are those who have actually done it. That tells it all. I don't know why is it so hard to understand that it's actually pretty damn hard to take your life? I could probably never do that, no matter how deep my problems might be. There is ALWAYS a chance that things turn for the better, and that's what keeps people hanging on. Not to mention the chance of failing and having to live the rest of your life as a vegetable or crippled in some way. Saying that suicide is easy is beyond me... is it an American mentality or something?


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maranatha said:
ghg said:
Suicide is definitely the hard way out, not the easy way. Anyone who is thinking about killing themselves has gone through a lot in their minds, that's for sure.

WHAT? Suicide hard, come on, you didn't really just post that did you? It's hard to get up and deal with everyday problems, face people when you'd rather look diffrently, live when you'd rather die. Suicide is a COP-OUT, people can't find the strenth to go on living, so the toss off, what a crock they play on themselves. Yea it sucks to lose you hair, but that should not be your end-all, be-all reason for exsisting

You think its easy to commit suicide?
If it was the worlds population would be alot smaller, many people have thought about it at some point in their life.
Self preservation is the no 1 human instinct.
I dont think anyone ever killed themselves on a whim or found it easy to do.
Its obviously only when they really believe that they cant go on anymore.
But I think you can lose perspective on how bad things really are. I've known 2 co workers who hung themselves and although they were going through some bad sh*t at the time I still think it was never worth ending it all for.

"the dead know only one thing, it is better to be alive" : Joker - Full metal jacket. :hump: :mrgreen:


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Your doing the right thing talking to people about your problems. When i first noticed i was losing my hair i didnt take it too well either believe me. I too was in university 2 years ago and was looking up forums like this and obssessing over my hair. It took over my life and i became very depressed, its completelly normal. I cant tolerate finasteride and know your dissapointment in not being able to do anything about your hair. I was extremelly depressed until i started talking more openly to close ones and im now slowly getting better despite my hair getting worse. Im much less depressed than what i was previously. Do things to take your mind off things (go the gym, go clubbing, travel etc). Your just going through a real difficult period in your life and it will pass if you let it.


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CCS said:
ali777 said:
CCS said:
Ali, SAF did not say 10 years of youth. He said 10 years off the end of your life. That means your most frail years, when you hobbling around with arthritis. I'd do the trade, if I could have hair at age 12 onwards. But now that I'm 29 I don't know if I'd be as willing to trade it. The older you are when the trade is offered, the less you have to gain, but the loss is the same.

One of my uncles is pushing 80, and he's got Einstein hair. Now you are telling me, he's better off having full head of hair and being dead at 70???

Get a life!!!!!

Again, you deliborately change what was said since you don't have a rebutal for what was said.
CCS said:
Ali, SAF did not say 10 years of youth. He said 10 years off the end of your life. That means your most frail years, when you hobbling around with arthritis. I'd do the trade, if I could have hair at age 12 onwards. But now that I'm 29 I don't know if I'd be as willing to trade it. The older you are when the trade is offered, the less you have to gain, but the loss is the same.

Obviously now that he is 70, he is not better off dead. The HONEST interpretation of what I said would be that if he were bald when young, he'd be better off having hair all those years and dead now.

Dude... I've seen your pics, you are NOT bald. Get on with your life. For your own sake, you have to get on with your life.... Get a fat woman or something, just get your first experience out of the way, and then you can be more selective.

Besides, I strongly disagree with your argument here. Hair isn't as important as being healthy later in life. I'd rather have a few imperfections here and there than give away 10 years of my life. Despite all the crap in my life, I still value my life and I want to live the rest of it to the full....

This thread is supposed to be about 90kids. I feel sorry for him that all he sees in this forum are a few insecure guys. I don't want him to get the impression that life without hair is bound to end in depression. I have a few bald friends, I mean proper bald, and they are the the most promiscuous people I know. According to you, those people do not exist, bald people die alone and miserable.... You haven't got a clue, because you don't live in the real world.

You are grown up people (a few of you), and you keep playing the victim instead of being responsible adults.

Sure, losing hair is not a nice experience. We all handle it differently. We all go through a sad stage, but at the end of it we have to reach an ACCEPTANCE and move on.... You can't pretend to be the victim forever...


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ali777 said:
Besides, I strongly disagree with your argument here. Hair isn't as important as being healthy later in life.
Again you imply I said something else which you find easier to refute because you can't come up with a response to what I said. You are implying that I said I'd rather be unhealthy to the point I die 10 years younger, in exchange for hair. I did not say that. I said I'd rather have my same health, but with hair, and then mysteriously die 10 years younger. Only the last 10 years is suddenly cut off. No other defects or illnesses are added in earlier because of having hair. Can you acknowledge that or do you want to imply again that I meant something else? All you are doing by dodging me is telling 90kids that you don't have a rebuttal, and that I'm right.

This thread is supposed to be about 90kids. I feel sorry for him that all he sees in this forum are a few insecure guys. I don't want him to get the impression that life without hair is bound to end in depression. I have a few bald friends, I mean proper bald, and they are the the most promiscuous people I know. According to you, those people do not exist, bald people die alone and miserable.... You haven't got a clue, because you don't live in the real world.

That is why I'm giving him advice so he can get through this. Everyone else is telling him he just has psychological problems and should move on or take meds if necessary.


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CCS said:
Quantum Cat said:
why dermatch and not nano fibres?

He could do that too. Might even look better. I'm hoping he will post in soon so we know he is not dead.

Who cares if he is dead? The male population will attenuate thus providing me with a higher oppurtunity to mate.

uncomfortable man

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I would gladly give up the last ten years of bed wetting and such to have never have lost my hair in the first place. I would essentially be asking to go back in time, since we are already discussing improbables. I'm already 34, and although it would be great to be nw1 tomorrow, it wouldn't make up for the years of suffering I dealt with from going bald. If I ever get my hair back again, it probably won't happen until later in life when it won't make any difference anymore- :( such is my luck.


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How much body hair do you have? Do you have the ability to work overtime, when we are not in a recession? How curly is your body hair? I just don't think you got as little hope as you think you do. Yeah, if you want long hair that could be a problem. But I love my faded buzz cut.


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90kids, I bet you got more good times with women than I ever had. I thought I read in your post somewhere that women liked you before. I never had a positive experience with women in the past. Cuddled one, did some stuff with two, but I had to work hard for it. It really takes the fun out of it when you don't know when you can have it next.

uncomfortable man

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The op could be dead by now, but I have plenty of body hair- too much in fact. I'd say the thickest, densest area would be my chest and abs but tbh, I think the difference in texture is just too much. The only way I would be able to keep a buzz cut would be to have fue. Oh duh, who ever heard of strip bht - OUCH! This would cost me more money than the average hair transplant without being able to grow my hair out. But at least I can have full coverage and a hairline again with a buzzcut. I can still be happy with that. Question, it's bs when people say body hair takes on head hair characteristics once implanted in the scalp, right?


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I heard some where that body hair will grow a little longer on the head than on the body but i cant remember the source i read that on. It could be BS but this was over a year ago i had heard this.


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it makes me confusion body hair in the head.



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uncomfortable man said:
Question, it's bs when people say body hair takes on head hair characteristics once implanted in the scalp, right?

Right :hump:


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I varies from person to person, but some people's body hair does grow maybe 50% longer on the head. I would not count on it.

The main thing you got to consider is the curl. If they are thinner, that just means you need more of them. But curl is an issue. At worse you can buzz to 1/4 inch and look like that guy on prison break. I doubt women think he is bald with that NW1 of his.

I guess it is just a question of how much work it would be to save the money, how much that takes out of your life, and how much you think some 1 inch hair would improve your life in a NW1.

Don't use the thickest hair. Use the straightest hair. Yeah, the thickest is cheaper in that you fill in more with less, but what good is it if it looks like a bad wig? Part of the reason I went with my calf hair is my calf hair is the straightest on my body. And if there are any tiny scars, they won't be seen on my calves.

Just saying you have that option if you really want. My balding area is maybe 1/4 the size of yours, and I'm planning on $20,000 to get a perfect NW1 as dense as my sides. My calf hair is half the diameter of my head hair, so I figure I'll need 80 per cm2 in addition to the graphs I already have.


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I hope 90kids is not dead. He has so much to live for if he can just stay alive a few more years. Hell, there is a lot even now. Worst case he just does not get laid any time soon. I know he thinks that is the end of the world but it is not. Technology gets better every year.


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IBM said:
it makes me confusion body hair in the head.


Why do you keep posting pics of Aimar? Do you fancy him or something :gay: ?


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Then what would you do?


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amsch said:
s.a.f said:
Then what would you do?

I guess he'd enjoy life much more with such a full head of hair?

He doesn't have hairloss mate...